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Topic: Movie endings that you love.
no photo
Wed 10/28/09 06:07 PM
dark country

hes gotta relive his nightmare over and over again!!

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Thu 10/29/09 01:50 PM


Still banned in many countries for its unrivaled sadomasochistic themes.

"What's your girlfriend's name?" - SS Guard
"Marguerita." - SS Guard 2, as they waltz.


Sounds like my kinda movie!

Where do I get it?

Haha. Legally... I don't know.
There are torrents for it... but it's REALLY psychologically gratuitous. The director was murdered shortly after its release. Long story short it's a Marque de Sade novel set in 1940's Salo, Italy that examines the dissociation the SS had with their victims.

And, yeah... The Man Who Would Be King was absolutely brilliant and the ending was astonishing. So long since I even thought of that movie... glad you mentioned it, prisoner!

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:22 AM

Heat and Righteous Kill both had damned good endings as well

Pacino holding DeNiro's hand, after he shot him down, and then DeNiro's character saying, "I told you I wasn't going back"....classic ending. Two of the best right there.

I like the ending to The Bourne Ultimatum, when Nikki is watching the TV about the events in NYC, and then she realizes Bourne is still alive, and she gets that smile on her face. Priceless.

prisoner's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:28 AM
The ending of 'The Shootist',John Waynes final film. The combination of fact and fiction cement The Legend. be seeing you

egoodrich's photo
Fri 10/30/09 09:56 AM
the end of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly was excellent, absolutely loved it.

12 Monkeys was a hell of a mindfukk,loved that too

Palerider had the typical "badass saves the day then rides off" ending, who can say no to that?

Goofball73's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:04 PM
Showgirls had an awesome ending. What was it you ask? It was when the credits began to roll. Ahhhhhhh. Classic.

Holly4459's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:32 PM
there's a lot of them - but the ending credits to "Hitch" are my absolute favorite---the dancing at the wedding --love it!

I was recently at a wedding that looked just like that!! and everyone danced to the song like the one at the end of the movie!

"Now that We found love what are we gonna do with it?"

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