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Topic: OMG OMG Omg!!!!!!!!!
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Thu 10/15/09 08:08 PM

How about a silver bullet? That would solve all her problems and save us taxpayers a hell of a lot of money. I don't pity the woman one bit. What those babies went through is terrible.

What was going on in the boys mind as he lay dying in a garbage can? Was he looking for food in the garbage can because he was so hungry, fell in and too weak to climb out? Did he die before and she put him in there?

The sister, laying under the bed dying, did she see her twin suffer? This little baby now will have a hard time because of what this woman did. I won't call her a mother because a real mother wouldn't do that.

The thought of what those babies really went through sickens me to the point where I feel she should suffer the consequences to the fullest extent.

What's sad is if that was a man, how many would say he's a monster? Man or woman, anyone that does this are nothing but monsters.

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 08:37 PM
pela has a great point! No one would be talking rehab if it were a man that had done this!! What hypocrasy! what a terrible doub;e standard!! And to what end would need to be rehabilitated? So she could bear another child to torture?

no photo
Thu 10/15/09 08:52 PM

lock her up and throw away the damn key:angry: can you imagine what those babies went through? Oh gosh how horrible.

no.. no.. I positively disagree.. she shouldn't be locked away..

she should be dragged to the middle of the street, downtown, with all neighbors, familiy anf friends gathered and television cameras rolling, broadcast to every television in America, made to beg for her life and shot between the eyes.

and I am deadly serious..

hey not a bad idea, first make her ashamed of what she did, hell she probably doesn't have a conscience to feel guilty.

don't these bleeding hearts make you sick.ill what the hell do they propose they do with her. oh my gosh!

I makes me sick to my stomach what this woman did. I can't bare to think about what those kids must have been feeling.

But we are not savages in this country. We are no better than her if we do such disgusting things to her, even if deep inside we think it. And beleive me it already crossed my mind.

perhaps.. but country justice has its place.

as for getting her help, she's waived that privilege as far as I'm concerned..

I've heard many stories about country justice where I live now, and it's as sickening as this story. Many innocent people have died from country justice gone very wrong. Again we are supposed to be civilized in this country, I hope we never see a day when we revert to barbarian practices.

no photo
Thu 10/15/09 08:57 PM

pela has a great point! No one would be talking rehab if it were a man that had done this!! What hypocrasy! what a terrible doub;e standard!! And to what end would need to be rehabilitated? So she could bear another child to torture?


lulu24's photo
Thu 10/15/09 09:05 PM

pela has a great point! No one would be talking rehab if it were a man that had done this!! What hypocrasy! what a terrible doub;e standard!! And to what end would need to be rehabilitated? So she could bear another child to torture?

gender has nothing to do with it; i'd say the same if it were a guy.

this person is obviously sick, possibly mentally ill. people CAN change, especially with proper treatment.

i'm not willing to just throw people away.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/15/09 09:06 PM

lock her up and throw away the damn key:angry: can you imagine what those babies went through? Oh gosh how horrible.

no.. no.. I positively disagree.. she shouldn't be locked away..

she should be dragged to the middle of the street, downtown, with all neighbors, familiy anf friends gathered and television cameras rolling, broadcast to every television in America, made to beg for her life and shot between the eyes.

and I am deadly serious..

hey not a bad idea, first make her ashamed of what she did, hell she probably doesn't have a conscience to feel guilty.

don't these bleeding hearts make you sick.ill what the hell do they propose they do with her. oh my gosh!

I makes me sick to my stomach what this woman did. I can't bare to think about what those kids must have been feeling.

But we are not savages in this country. We are no better than her if we do such disgusting things to her, even if deep inside we think it. And beleive me it already crossed my mind.

I agree.

Here we go again with all the Christians forgetting that vengeance belongs to their god alone, not any human on this earth.

So all of them wishing death and such is a violation of their beliefs.

I would think that trying to get her lots of help would be more conducive to her and her family.

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