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Topic: : Fox News is now the Opposition Party
Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:01 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Tue 10/13/09 06:09 PM

Doesn't the White House have more pressing issues than this?

While Americans are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would think they might want to find a way to honor their pledge to end the wars. Considering he hasn't honored many of the pledges he made to fool you into voting for him, maybe he could start now.

I realize he has only been in office 10 months, but I hardly rank the olympic fiasco, or taking on Fox News the most important issues facing the nation..


Protest that.. Not a media company doing the constitutional duty..
Oh please fox news was the biggest cheer leader for the Iraq war. They are the reasone half of america thought saddam was behind 911. Imagine if foxnews and Bill O'liely had been looking out for us... we wouldnt be bogged down and bankrupted by the Iraq war

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:03 PM
stumbled on this in my Youtube perusing, and it’s probably the best compilation I’ve seen that catalogs the numerous lies the Bush administration spewed in the lead up to the Iraq war, as well as the lies they spewed afterwards to deny the initial lies, and their unapologetic admissions that they lied after they couldn't lie anymore.

Anyone who believes the Bush administration’s claims about Iran needs to watch this and pay attention. Watch how certain Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, and Wolfowitz were about things that they were completely ***-backward wrong about. Watch how unapologetically they lie over and over again. Watch how they deny their lies. Watch Bush joke about the lies that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Then turn on the news TODAY to watch this cycle happening all over again with Iran. Do you really think the Bushies have become smarter, more incompetent, more honest, and more insightful since the Iraq war? They haven’t. They’ve gotten worse.

Why would anyone believe these lying ******** again?

I don’t want to see a compilation like this about a war with Iran. But if the US attacks Iran, that’s exactly what you’ll see. More Bushies lying. More Bushies claiming they couldn’t have known they were lying because they trusted the "best" intelligence. More Bushies lying about their lies. More people dead. Lots more.

But this video is not all gloom and doom. It ends with a great montage of Americans across the country telling the Bush administration (in no uncertain terms) that they haven’t forgiven them for lying us into this war, and they sure as hell won’t forget it.

I know I won’t until Cheney, Bush, Rice, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. are in jail. It enrages me to think that these treasonous, lying shitbags are walking around, visiting friends, eating snacks. They should be in jail. Now.
(Big props to PuppetGov for making this video)

Check out this U tube catching all of them with their lies that led to americas downfall.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:14 PM

Doesn't the White House have more pressing issues than this?

While Americans are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would think they might want to find a way to honor their pledge to end the wars. Considering he hasn't honored many of the pledges he made to fool you into voting for him, maybe he could start now.

I realize he has only been in office 10 months, but I hardly rank the olympic fiasco, or taking on Fox News the most important issues facing the nation..


Protest that.. Not a media company doing the constitutional duty..
Oh please fox news was the biggest cheer leader for the Iraq war. They are the reasone half of america thought saddam was behind 911. Imagine if foxnews and Bill O'liely had been looking out for us... we wouldnt be bogged down and bankrupted by the Iraq war

Well CNN has been guilty of appeasing the enemy blaming America.:angry:

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:15 PM
I prefer the cartoon channel myself laugh

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:19 PM

I prefer the cartoon channel myself laugh

laugh :thumbsup: rofl :thumbsup: laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:21 PM

Doesn't the White House have more pressing issues than this?

While Americans are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would think they might want to find a way to honor their pledge to end the wars. Considering he hasn't honored many of the pledges he made to fool you into voting for him, maybe he could start now.

I realize he has only been in office 10 months, but I hardly rank the olympic fiasco, or taking on Fox News the most important issues facing the nation..


Protest that.. Not a media company doing the constitutional duty..
Oh please fox news was the biggest cheer leader for the Iraq war. They are the reasone half of america thought saddam was behind 911. Imagine if foxnews and Bill O'liely had been looking out for us... we wouldnt be bogged down and bankrupted by the Iraq war

Well CNN has been guilty of appeasing the enemy blaming America.:angry:
I think they call that honest journalism.

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:21 PM

I prefer the cartoon channel myself laugh

laugh :thumbsup: rofl :thumbsup: laugh

laugh I do...then I take whatever news source I want to after that and think....what would sponge bob thinklaugh

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:26 PM

Doesn't the White House have more pressing issues than this?

While Americans are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would think they might want to find a way to honor their pledge to end the wars. Considering he hasn't honored many of the pledges he made to fool you into voting for him, maybe he could start now.

I realize he has only been in office 10 months, but I hardly rank the olympic fiasco, or taking on Fox News the most important issues facing the nation..


Protest that.. Not a media company doing the constitutional duty..
Oh please fox news was the biggest cheer leader for the Iraq war. They are the reasone half of america thought saddam was behind 911. Imagine if foxnews and Bill O'liely had been looking out for us... we wouldnt be bogged down and bankrupted by the Iraq war

Well CNN has been guilty of appeasing the enemy blaming America.:angry:
I think they call that honest journalism.

That surely is an opinion but I know that's not true.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:28 PM

I prefer the cartoon channel myself laugh

laugh :thumbsup: rofl :thumbsup: laugh

laugh I do...then I take whatever news source I want to after that and think....what would sponge bob thinklaugh

laugh laugh :laughing: :laughing:

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 10/13/09 06:29 PM

Doesn't the White House have more pressing issues than this?

While Americans are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would think they might want to find a way to honor their pledge to end the wars. Considering he hasn't honored many of the pledges he made to fool you into voting for him, maybe he could start now.

I realize he has only been in office 10 months, but I hardly rank the olympic fiasco, or taking on Fox News the most important issues facing the nation..


Protest that.. Not a media company doing the constitutional duty..
Oh please fox news was the biggest cheer leader for the Iraq war. They are the reasone half of america thought saddam was behind 911. Imagine if foxnews and Bill O'liely had been looking out for us... we wouldnt be bogged down and bankrupted by the Iraq war

Well CNN has been guilty of appeasing the enemy blaming America.:angry:
I think they call that honest journalism.

you are still the madman aren't ya laugh :tongue:

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 10/15/09 04:14 PM
Nah, it's not a GOP networkComments (27)
Buzz up!
Digg it
Yesterday on Fox - the business channel not the news channel, but not much difference - anchor Neil Cavuto wondered aloud, after noting the Dow's vault over 10,000, whether we were now seeing "the Bush recovery." Cavuto, to be fair, asked whether that wasn't "a bit of a stretch," but his guest, a man named Jim LaCamp, said (I'm sure purely coincidentally!) that it wasn't really a stretch at all.

You can watch the video on this site. The exchange starts at about 3:00 in.

Hey, why not the Reagan recovery? Isn't he really responsible for all good things at the end of the day? Why stop there? How about the Coolidge recovery? Silent Cal has gotten sort of a bad rap, don't you think? Yes. I herewith dub it the Coolidge recovery. So let it be written. So let it be done.

no photo
Thu 10/15/09 04:23 PM
Wow a shocker!! Neil Cavuto likes President Bush! Wow bestinshow, good job!!!slaphead

TJN's photo
Thu 10/15/09 04:31 PM

Wow a shocker!! Neil Cavuto likes President Bush! Wow bestinshow, good job!!!slaphead

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 10/15/09 04:45 PM

Wow a shocker!! Neil Cavuto likes President Bush! Wow bestinshow, good job!!!slaphead
I think you may have missed the point the real shocker was trying to give Bush the credit for the mild economic recovery. :wink:

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 10/15/09 05:15 PM
Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to Nazi Germany
Linguist and political activist Noam Chomsky criticizes right-wing media outlets, which he describes as delivering a message of paranoia and economic populism comparable to Nazis during the Weimar Republic. "There were people with real grievances," says Chomsky. "The Nazis gave them an answer."


World-renowned intellectual Noam Chomsky has been pushing change in language, politics and culture for decades. The controversial expert on modern language explains why "the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." - Commonwealth Club of California

Noam Chomsky, a professor of linguistics and philosophy at MIT, is the author of numerous books on U.S. foreign policy, including American Power and the New Mandarins, Political Economy of Human Rights (two volumes, written with Edward Herman), Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians, and Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World. His most recent books are Failed States and Perilous Power.

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