Topic: The Cave of Morashi'tar | |
Morashi’tar’s struggle to enter the surface continues…
Demons and magicians exchange powerful spells as knights and demon servants exchange clashes using odd spiked weapons against hardened steel swords. Blood spill the grounds covering the once peaceful fields that farmers use to plow on. Massive armies try to breach through the many flanks of human, dwarf and elfin resisters who have only small successes in each attempt. The war continues on its 3rd Era as slowly the dark servants find a way to enter the lands for the first time. The darkening clouds with occasional lightning show favor for evil as many lives continue to fall. A ripe and aged hardened faced man sits on his Pegasus in the background watches intently his men getting slaughtered by the stronger opponent. His scars across his face show the many victories he has won serving his king’s kingdom. His face changes slowly as he sees for the first time that his efforts are stalling. A rider on a swift horse approaches and salutes his commander. “You have sent for me my lord,” he says in a high pitched voice somewhat shakened at the scenery of battle that the hill presents to him for the first time. “Send messengers to warn our king that we need reinforcements immediately. Also send more messengers to warn neighboring towns to prepare for attacks. We will do whatever we can to give time for our king to assemble his men,” he orders in a slow defeated tone. “Yes my lord,” the messenger replies. He turns his horse immediately and rides down the hill to gather more messengers to carry out the orders. “My lord the high elvin magician’s are successful in keeping the ninth round of demons inside the cave, yet the dwarven warriors are retreating at the right bay of our flanks,” says a young man with blonde hair sitting on a horse. “Send in our last round of knights to strengthen the dwarven warrior’s position,” the lord replies. “I shall accompany them soon,” he finishes. The young knight looks at his lord for a moment in shock then urges his horse to descend down the hill to give out the orders. The day of reckoning has come where hope is the only option against such a magnificent force of evil. How many demon lords can there be he ponders, as he sees another group of demon riders on floating horses avoid spells from high elvin magicians. A triangular shaped portal appears a few feet away from the huge cave as grotesque demon riders on flamed red bulls enter the surface for the first time. Magic enshrouds them suddenly as two high elvin magicians battle the nearest demon rider. The lord unsheathes his glowing sword for the first time and raises it high into the sky. Knights below cheer as their lone paladin hero begins to chant a war message amongst his men. They soon join him singing at the top of their lungs. The time has come to fight a war the laughter ends as we push for more a gash a gush is nothing to feel a smash with rush is the way to deal let them come the beasts and burdens we shall win for the feasts for certain Battle is upon us! Battle is upon us! Rattle the fuss. Scatter the dust One fight, two fight lets us use our might Three fight, four fight and we will win the fight “Hooray! Hooray to Lord Denonimas!” cheers the men as their leader urges his pegasus to ride forward to enter battle. Lord Denonimas continues to sing at the tops of his voice the same war rhythm again gathering his last brigade of knights to fight an enemy that outnumbers his chances. The time has come to fight a war the laughter ends as we push for more a gash a gush is nothing to feel a smash with rush is the way to deal…………. His men continue to sing with him and charge with jousts pointing at their nearest gargoyles one of the many dark servants of the demon lords. ![]() |
Is this for a story or rpg your making/writing? |
Sweet.Is this for a story or rpg your making/writing?
It is both at the same time actually. It could be used for a starting adventure for gamers and it could be used as a chapter for a novel. However you wish. ![]() Thanks for the compliment ![]() |
Hehe. However i wish?
It's yours though? I got enough trouble working on my own project. =] You going to keep at it? Or was that just for fun? ..and no problem. =] I enjoyed it thus far. |
Oh yes always a big fantasy enthusiast. Always trying to write or draw fantasy. It is my hobby for a long time now.
![]() I let gamers use my work to campaign their adventures. I have no problem with that. What project are you working on? Is it also a fantasy theme? |
the game is soo much fun!! I play it too.
Well, I'm going to college to be a Game Designer..
So, as a side-project.. i've developed a story from when I was younger and did online text-based rp. Using that story, I've broadened it, and now am going to convert the story itself, into a game design... If that made any sense. =] |
the game is soo much fun!! I play it too. What game do we speak of? o.o |
the game is soo much fun!! I play it too. What game do we speak of? o.o (jumps in the middle of the convo) I luves me some RPGS. lol What kind of game is it ? I have lots of ideas...but none of the computer skills. lol |
(jumps in the middle of the convo) I luves me some RPGS. lol What kind of game is it ? I have lots of ideas...but none of the computer skills. lol ..mine or hers? Cuz idk bout hers.. |
(jumps in the middle of the convo) I luves me some RPGS. lol What kind of game is it ? I have lots of ideas...but none of the computer skills. lol ..mine or hers? Cuz idk bout hers.. Luls, I thought I had just quoted yours. Well, I guess thats case in point? |
Well, mine doesn't really exist yet..
it's just a story as of now.. But Redhead told me to ask Smiless about this game of hers.. So, in retrospect, that's what I was referring to.. ..but idk nada bout it. |
Fascinating. Game Designers really create some of the most detailed graphic games to enjoy. I am a big fan of Morrowwind, Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights 2, Diablo 3, The Witchhunter, and pretty much any other fantasy based pc game. It never gets old for me.
I think you will not only have a great career that can pay well, but you will also enjoy what you do. My hats off to you and never give up. Go all the way with it. If anything you could do commercials for tv or do some CG for movies. My game is old fashioned storytelling. I created a fantasy sword and sorcery game where you choose a race, class, and name. From there you adventure in a land full of imagination that includes dragons, goblins, and orcs. It is dungeon and dragons similiar but much easier. I have 26 players that joined last week and a few more are going to slowly hop on board. The game is played through email. It is called PbEM, which stands for play by email. I send pdf files with choices you have to make. Easy choices. That is it. Simple and easy game. lol My next game I am working on is with DC and Marvel comic superheroes. Each player can choose a superhero and they have to challenge other villians trying to survive until the end. The one with the highest points is the winner. Anyway keep up the good work and get that game designing degree! |
Sweet sounds awesome.
I got along way to go with the whole game design thing.. I'm only in computer classes and programing to start. :/ You ever do the rp they have in aol chat rooms in like the Arts and Entertainment section? That's what I used to do and loved doing for like.. 9 yrs I think? My story was derived from that experience.. If you're ever down for some reading.. I'd love some insight. =] Won't be offended if you decline tho, so no worries. =] |
Sweet sounds awesome. I got along way to go with the whole game design thing.. I'm only in computer classes and programing to start. :/ You ever do the rp they have in aol chat rooms in like the Arts and Entertainment section? That's what I used to do and loved doing for like.. 9 yrs I think? My story was derived from that experience.. If you're ever down for some reading.. I'd love some insight. =] Won't be offended if you decline tho, so no worries. =] I'd like to read! |
Edited by
Tue 10/13/09 12:09 AM
Sweet sounds awesome. I got along way to go with the whole game design thing.. I'm only in computer classes and programing to start. :/ You ever do the rp they have in aol chat rooms in like the Arts and Entertainment section? That's what I used to do and loved doing for like.. 9 yrs I think? My story was derived from that experience.. If you're ever down for some reading.. I'd love some insight. =] Won't be offended if you decline tho, so no worries. =] Sure I enjoy reading alot. I read novels all the time. I actually am behind in my reading! I have like 15 novels bought but not read yet. ![]() Send it to me and I will read it. Add me to your friends list so we can stay in touch. I am going to bed now. It is 3 AM! ![]() but yeah send it to me and I will read it tommorow for sure. ![]() The AOL chat gaming I never done, but I use to run a chat room with gaming 2 years ago. It had maps, dice roller, music, illustration to stare at, and alot of gaming we did. We played this game here at this site when it was called justsayhi and we reached up to 80 players! Don't ask how I did it. It was crazy times then and I was overwhelmed. That is why I go with the philosophy the simplier the better now. ![]() Well have a great morning and talk to you later. ![]() ![]() |
Sweet sounds awesome. I got along way to go with the whole game design thing.. I'm only in computer classes and programing to start. :/ You ever do the rp they have in aol chat rooms in like the Arts and Entertainment section? That's what I used to do and loved doing for like.. 9 yrs I think? My story was derived from that experience.. If you're ever down for some reading.. I'd love some insight. =] Won't be offended if you decline tho, so no worries. =] I'd like to read! You sure? I'm not saying it's the awesomest in da world. I have no proof reader.. So, might be typos.. But if you want, I could really use some open, honest criticism. Just send me your email, and I'll ship it your way. “When Dreams Die” Chapter One: The Dreamers Prophecy An epic non-fiction story based in another time, in another world that revolves around mystery, suffering, and a never ending divine punishment that seems to have no end. An adopted orphan who, alongside his childhood friend, enters the final stages of becoming full-fledged knights but all the while the constant nightmares he sees every night start to be more vivid and real. On one beautiful morning in his hometown of Loriander, he has a strange vision in his dream and while heading into town he swears up and down he sees that same person. Meanwhile, a Shrine Maiden seeks permission to join the orphan’s detail in his upcoming graduation test. While a mysterious force of evil begins to surround an innocent farming village in the snowy northern territories. A convict after resolution, a desperate princess running from the law in pursuit of something, and all across the nation a wave of disease, disasters, and unexplainable prophecies are unfolding without explanation and without mercy; with everything revolving around a mysterious man in a black hood that no one seems to know the true identity of. The only thing that remains is a distant hope, a hero who doesn’t understand his dreams and a woman yet to uncover her own destiny while trying to decipher her past, and a convict who might just make the same mistake twice. Every city across the world has some form of shrine, temple or church, yet as they all call out to someone, you can only wonder how long it will take before they realize… there isn’t anyone listening anymore. That's the Advertising thingy my friend jotted down for me.. I kinda liked it, so kept it.. Still interest, just tell me where to send it. =] |
Sounds good. =]
I'll hit you up when ur on next.. So you can gimme an email addy or something. Ain't no way I'm trying to stuff it all into an email on here. It's like.. 60,000 words so far! Nope, ain't happening, lol. |
Sweet sounds awesome. I got along way to go with the whole game design thing.. I'm only in computer classes and programing to start. :/ You ever do the rp they have in aol chat rooms in like the Arts and Entertainment section? That's what I used to do and loved doing for like.. 9 yrs I think? My story was derived from that experience.. If you're ever down for some reading.. I'd love some insight. =] Won't be offended if you decline tho, so no worries. =] I'd like to read! You sure? I'm not saying it's the awesomest in da world. I have no proof reader.. So, might be typos.. But if you want, I could really use some open, honest criticism. Just send me your email, and I'll ship it your way. “When Dreams Die” Chapter One: The Dreamers Prophecy An epic non-fiction story based in another time, in another world that revolves around mystery, suffering, and a never ending divine punishment that seems to have no end. An adopted orphan who, alongside his childhood friend, enters the final stages of becoming full-fledged knights but all the while the constant nightmares he sees every night start to be more vivid and real. On one beautiful morning in his hometown of Loriander, he has a strange vision in his dream and while heading into town he swears up and down he sees that same person. Meanwhile, a Shrine Maiden seeks permission to join the orphan’s detail in his upcoming graduation test. While a mysterious force of evil begins to surround an innocent farming village in the snowy northern territories. A convict after resolution, a desperate princess running from the law in pursuit of something, and all across the nation a wave of disease, disasters, and unexplainable prophecies are unfolding without explanation and without mercy; with everything revolving around a mysterious man in a black hood that no one seems to know the true identity of. The only thing that remains is a distant hope, a hero who doesn’t understand his dreams and a woman yet to uncover her own destiny while trying to decipher her past, and a convict who might just make the same mistake twice. Every city across the world has some form of shrine, temple or church, yet as they all call out to someone, you can only wonder how long it will take before they realize… there isn’t anyone listening anymore. That's the Advertising thingy my friend jotted down for me.. I kinda liked it, so kept it.. Still interest, just tell me where to send it. =] Feel free to send it to "" God I need to make a new email. And I never use my work email. .lol |
I'm going to send it now. So, hopefully you don't go anywhere in the next few.. So I can make sure you got it. |