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Topic: What made you join a dating site?
no photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:45 PM
LOL as long as you don't try to capture or kill me Jesse

heatherrae's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:46 PM
well, when i first joined this site i was very pregnant so i didnt go to
clubs and bars and stuff and was feeling super lonely. now i just stick
around for the compelling forums (cough) and to flirt like hell and make
lots of friends.

BonnyMiss's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:49 PM
I'm a risk taker and after being single for the last four years got
bored.......not lonely. I joined 4 dating sites on the same day, I've
left them all now except for this one. I live in the UK and meeting
someone form another country is not a barrier for me if it not a barrier
for the other person involved. As a teenager, I met and married my
ex-husband in 8 days.....2 days after that I left my country of birth
and settled in the UK,have been here ever since and now I think it's
time to move on to pastures new bigsmile

s1owhand's photo
Thu 05/31/07 05:02 PM
i thought it was an automated joke site run by alien droids at first -
later i found out it was organic

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