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Topic: Judging Vs. First Impressions
krupa's photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:53 PM
It's all good guys.

Yeah good....Got some good advice on how to deal with razor burns but, I swear....that sherbet n cream popsicle was the best damned thing EVER!!!!!!! I gotta admit...once the itching really dorve me crazy...I just shaved it all again and it helped. Ya do what ya gotta do.....DON'T JUDGE ME...(boy, ain't THAT ironic!)

Sea baby. I ain't talking about the whole 9 yards...I was referring to at least putting SOME effort...at least for being out and about in public. I myself do tend to go a little over board....last time I ran into the gal who cuts my hair she was like "Damn!!!!! Where are you going to dressed like that?"

My answer...."Get dog food and do some grocery shopping"

She couldn't believe it..."I can't get my boyfriend to dress that nice for a date!"

Don't get me wrong...work is different and slobbing around the house is fine. I was talking about being out in a social setting....like grocery shopping. (you would be suprized how many dates I have gotten in the grocery store or Dollar General or even Wal-Mart)

no photo
Tue 10/06/09 06:57 PM
First impressions may not be everything, but they're important.

no photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:12 PM
I think impressions are made on many levels when you first..'see' someone.....
and many of those impressions...could be wrong...as could be when you make snap judgements... without getting to know that person...

and..eye contact..always the eye contact.

for myself...
I feel best..
when I feel I look my best...
wear those cute earrings while exercising....put that lip gloss on while reading that book...spray that oh so lovely perfume....you'll feel good of you and it will show to everyone else..

and always...smile...

smiling cos I think I went off topic...


metalwing's photo
Tue 10/06/09 07:32 PM
I gain information from first impressions but I am not quick to make judgments. Some of my first impressions have been completely wrong and some people I've met have "blossomed" given a little time and opportunity. Some people are just nervous at first and don't show much of their inner self. Some people lie and act in ways that one brief impression is all you need.

I have met women who made wrong judgments about me based on first impressions, especially if I was clowning around. After they got to know me they have said "You are nothing like I thought at first".

That's usually when they start throwing things.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:53 PM
We're so busy trying to impress that person on our 1st, second, or third date, that we keep wearing the mask, and not representing who we truly are. Be yourself, from the beginning, don't play games, be who you are from the beginning, and it won't hurt so much when you find out 6 months or 3 years from now, that you were never meant to be together.

southern_bee's photo
Tue 10/06/09 11:55 PM
i prefer to analyze people,watch them interact with people.

but then again i think when people make a snap judgment on somebody they could be missing out on the great love or greatest friend in the world.

NaciremaDream's photo
Wed 10/07/09 12:04 AM

i prefer to analyze people,watch them interact with people.

but then again i think when people make a snap judgment on somebody they could be missing out on the great love or greatest friend in the world.
Kudos.. Good point

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 10/07/09 12:04 AM

i prefer to analyze people,watch them interact with people.

but then again i think when people make a snap judgment on somebody they could be missing out on the great love or greatest friend in the world.

Wisdom. See, you get it, well said. When you act, fraud, misrepresent yourself, you are a part of the matrix. Don't let the machines win.

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:09 AM
The first impression only matters when there will be a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc impression. I do not go by 1st impressions too tricky.

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