Topic: Understanding God's Design for Man
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Tue 10/06/09 07:47 AM
Original Intent Part 2

Our God is changeless. His will in Heaven is also His will for earth.
We can have confidence that what our God has begun He will bring to
completion. He is the Author and He is the Finsher. Nothing about God
His will, His plan, nor His purpose will be left unfufilled. No word
of God will fall short of performance.

"In the same way, God, in His desire to show, with unmistakable plainess, to those to whom He made His promise, the unalterable nature of His purpose, guaranteed it by an oath." Hebrews 6:17

The direction God set in motion in creation must be and will be brought to its intended conclusion. His will, His plan, His purpose will come fully and victoriously to the conclusion or culmination
for which it was begun. God reassures us it will happen just as He said.

"Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken
it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it." Isaiah 46:10,11

"Yet He must remain in Heaven until the time all things are recovered,-when all things are put right-of which God has spoken
through the lips of His holy prophets since creation came into being.
Acts 3:21

One way or another, through Prophet or Prophetic example, God has let
us know the plan has not changed. The Original Intent of God in cre-
tion will be brought to fullness and completion. The Lord Jesus will
not return until every word is fulfilled. God will have a people who
will rise up to the commission given to the first man- Adam-and that
people will rule over creation in divine dominion. The Lord Jesus will return for a triumphant Church, a victorious Church, a holy nation. A triumphant-victorious Church is triumphant because they have been victorious over, have triumphed over and have come to
dominion over all that assailed them. Now is the time, now is the
season to rise up in power.

Adam was created of God to be the ruler of this new Kingdom God was
seeding into the earth. Adam was to grow and increase as the creation he was set over grew and increased, until they both came to the fullness of God's Original Intent.

Since Adam was set in place to rule and have dominion over creation, he was King of all God had made and placed under him. Adam was created to be King of all the creation, which was the 3rd dimension.
Walking in 4th dimension authority, Adam was to rule over this new
Kingdom of God, which we know as the 3rd dimension.

Though Adam fell from His purpose and position, the plan did not alter. We have been redeemed from the fall of man to become the Kings and Priests (Revelation 1:6) of the Kingdom of God. He has
given us the keys to His authority and power (Matthew 28:18, 16:19)
so that we can complete the work Adam failed to accomplish. We are to
rule and reign in life with Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 5:17).

Many Christians have difficulty in making sense of who they are in the plan of God. They have problems applying the truth of the word and its promises to their daily lives. They are hindered in finding
direction in their Christian walk and its relevance to their earth walk. Because they do not see Original Intent nor God's purpose for
their life, they are unable to fulfill it.

Why is this so? If one does not understand Original Intent they will
not have a clear picture of why they are here. They will not under-
stand their individual purpose or how they fit into God's eternal purpose. Not seeing, knowing or having revelation of the Original
Intent of God for the man He created, they fail to see the direction
their life should follow. We have a royal inheritance and legacy to

"And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and
let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man
in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female
created He them." Genesis 1:26,27

The Revelation of these verses makes it plai that man is made or created in the very image and likeness of God the Father. Man was
given dominion, rule, and authority over all of the creation God had
made. In the Original Intent of God, the man He created was given God's likeness, God's image, and God's dominion. No part of God's
plan or purposed has changed. He said it; it must be done. The rule of man over creation as God's delegated representative must occur. Sons of God must rise up as Romans 8:19 confirms.

"For the whole creation waits on tiptoes in ardent expectation to see
the glorious fulfillment of the Sons of God coming to their own"- to
Original Intent Romans 8:19

We must bare His likeness to carry His dominion. We must wals in His
image to execute His will. If we are not like Him we cannot carry His authority. We must be united with His Kingdom will (Matthew 6:10)
to exercise His KIngdom Dominion. It is not our will, but His will, His Original Intent, which must be done.

The Divine Nature available to man as addressed in 2 Peter 1:4 is
contingent on man coming into alignment with the "Kingdom of God"
2 Peter 1:2-and being united with Him in purpose or intent. To rule
with Him-Romans 5:17-we must be like Him. "As He is so are we in the creation" 1 John 4:17.

"Don't let the world system squeeze you into its mold, but let God
remold your mind which will bring about your transformation."
Romans 12:2

"Let every man submit himself to the government that is over him, for all authority comes from God." Romans 13:1