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Topic: dating worries me
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Wed 10/07/09 12:57 AM

21st century, myspace, facebook, texting, it doesn't matter anymore.
ya it does matter.....

I wanna be pursued.....if I dont have to pursue.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:13 AM
jill, please forgive as it does not apply to you at all, but every woman except for two who walked up to me and asked me for my number or offered sex for free at the earliest convenient available moment were complete coyotes. No, not cougars (I wish!) but coyotes. Very different.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:15 AM

any women askin me out is sexy!!!especially if she says she wants itflowerforyou

I don't even want to know what "it" is.....noway

My word. Been a long time, hasn't it?

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:19 AM

To be suprised by the approach of the opposite sex requesting a date is an indication that the approacher finds you attractive in some way and letting you know his or her feelings by comming on to you. Both sexes are equally turned on by positive compliments especially if the approacher looks favourable in your eyes. This also hold true in the bedroom when your significant other takes the lead and surprise you with alluring romantic gestures and out-of-character foreplays.
(use your imagination):banana: .

I once auditioned for the role of a character in a foreplay. I think it was the character "p", if I remember right. It was a long time ago, a Yuletide production in grade school. The casting director cast my resume out the window.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:21 AM
Edited by wux on Wed 10/07/09 01:22 AM

Life is too short to worry. Have a few dates, and if things don't work out, you don't have to disclose any information you do not wish to.

While this is very true, it's also very true that the less people know about you, the sooner they forget you after you die.

That's not necessarily a good thing, though if you're an atheist it does not matter in the long run anyway.

If you're a theist or believe in life after death, then it does not matter again at all.

But if you're a poet or a wanna-be poet who wants to have his poetry included in grade ten readers, then, and only then, it matters.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:24 AM

I like it when men approach me- as long as they're not ugly, old, disgusting or retarded.

Wait until I approach you! I am not retarded. And one out of four ain't bad.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:31 AM

I imagine there are a lot of guys, like me, who are shy and get very nervous thinking of approaching a woman. I don't know if it's a feeling of rejection or just don't know what to say. I'm in the entertainment business and I still have trouble coming up with an introduction that is worthy.

I, for one, love it when a woman approches me. It makes me feel appreciated and respected. As far as paying for a date, I feel it's my responsibility to pay even if she asked me out and offered to treat. It's just the way I was brought up.

In my case it's more a fear of dejection than of rejection.

Are you Scottish? Those folks are skittish around women.

I don't know if you are fishing for points how to think up an introduction when you approach a woman. I stopped approaching women after the judge put a restriction order on me (I cannot be closer than 250 feet to any woman, mule, cabbage or streetcar), but one thing that works is saying anything, then giving them a bright smile. 239 percent of communication is in non-verbal clues, and the woman you approach just at first will not be judging you at all on what you say, but only on how you say it. If your body smiles with an expectant self-assurance, you've got a positive chance of not beign slapped on the face. So to speak.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:33 AM
You guys had enough of me, yes? Go back to being relaxed, I'm going to shut up now. Rather reluctantly, but a man's got to do what a man's got to do to avoid getting lynched.

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 01:41 AM
Im sorry.....you havent quoted me yet....laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 10/07/09 03:36 AM

Do men like it more when a woman comes up to him and ask him for his number or date or should she wait for him to come to her first.

I just bury women under my stoop so I can keep them forever and ever...

no photo
Wed 10/07/09 08:32 AM

I like it when men approach me- as long as they're not ugly, old, disgusting or retarded.

Wait until I approach you! I am not retarded. And one out of four ain't bad.


wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 11:02 AM

Do men like it more when a woman comes up to him and ask him for his number or date or should she wait for him to come to her first.

I just bury women under my stoop so I can keep them forever and ever...

That is... stooping too low.

And, by the way, so was the uttering of this pun.

wux's photo
Wed 10/07/09 11:12 AM
Edited by wux on Wed 10/07/09 11:14 AM

Im sorry.....you havent quoted me yet....laugh

There are a number of things I am unsure of, that is the reason.

Number 1. I have no way of knowing if you're directly saying this to me, or to someone else in the thread. A little quote or some indication whom you aimed your remark to, would be great, in fact a tremendous help in trying to establish a dialogue. You'll be quoted more and more frequently and probably voted for office if you applied a gentle way of making people know you are talking to them, and not possibly to the next guy beside them.

2. I don't know if you're the only woman on the picture, or if you're any one or more of the guys on the picutre, or just like the Borg in StarTrek, you're everybody on the picture, and off it, too. Again, an information-exchange logistics problem.

3. I almost quoted you last night, but I decided against it -- you see, Norwegian is not my first language. Sorry.

CatsLoveMe's photo
Thu 10/08/09 02:47 AM

Do men like it more when a woman comes up to him and ask him for his number or date or should she wait for him to come to her first.

Okay this is the original question. Are you old fashioned? Then the guy asks. If you're late 20th early 21st century, then it really doesn't matter does it? You can play your games and say it is better to be pursued than the pursuer, but in the end you need to realize you are playing games. If someone is interested in you, give it a chance, don't play games, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. You gave it a chance.

LewisW123's photo
Thu 10/08/09 03:12 AM

Do men like it more when a woman comes up to him and ask him for his number or date or should she wait for him to come to her first.

This is interesting-
some people will say they think it's okay for women to do the asking-

but how do the older generation of men (40 and older) feel

about a woman asking them for a date?what

Thanks, Holly. Now I feel old.

I wouldn't think twice about a woman asking me for a date. (And yes, it HAS happened - unbelievable, eh?)

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:10 AM

Do men like it more when a woman comes up to him and ask him for his number or date or should she wait for him to come to her first.

I just bury women under my stoop so I can keep them forever and ever...


Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 10/08/09 09:16 AM
I'm old fashioned that way

I have always waited for the man to make the first move

Then when he does

I completely take over!!!!bigsmile

Englishrose2's photo
Thu 10/08/09 10:06 AM

I'm old fashioned that way

I have always waited for the man to make the first move

Then when he does

I completely take over!!!!bigsmile

Your not a black widow spider by any chance?laugh laugh Anna x

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