Topic: Making Him Real By Living Real In Him
imrare's photo
Mon 10/05/09 07:55 AM
Chapter 1/Section 1
A car is invented for the intended purpose of conserving energy and
reducing pollution.

But, was it fully thought out to meet more than one arena of need?
Does it help one area while harming others?

How will it work at drive up windows for food service take out, or
bank teller drive up, or ATM drive up? Were these other uses addressed?

What happens when the driver is unable to roll down a window if pulled over by police?

How would one conduct a conversation with someone outside the auto?

What if the air condition fails?

What about a back seat area as legally mandated for small children's
car seats?

In similar consideration, we come to the church of today. Does it
fit one need while neglecting many others?

A well rounded vehicle, like a well thought out ministry cannot be
singular in purpose or performance.

Can a church structured primarily to win the lost, regain creation,
establish Kingdom and mature saints for all arenas of life and god-

God has a plan
Earth has needs
Believers have a purpose

Can all facilitate one another, or are they mutually exclusive?

John 2:1 (NAS) On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of
Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there;

A marriage party, a worldly event driven by and ministering to the

2:2 and both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the

Messiah and the learners are there, they were there for the party not
for the miracles, signs and wonders.

2:3 When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him,
"They have no wine."

A purely secular need, party punch, happy juice, booze, is needed. Flesh wants to be satisfied.

2:4 And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does that have to do
with us? My hour has not yet come."

Why are you involving me (the church), in what you (the world) are doing? The time of divine appointment to do miracles, signs and wonders was not yet come.

2:5 His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you
do it."

Messiah's mother opens the door for her answer. She puts demand on a
closed for business, door.

Mary has a desire-
De meaning-of
sire meaning-father

To want something or to desire something calls into play a source,
capable of meeting that de-sire.

Messiah has performed no great work or miracle yet.

Will His first miracle be salvation, healing, bondage breaking,
prophecy to the church, will it be a healing line or altar call? Will
it have eternal spiritual significance?

Or, will it meet a need, where the common man is at?

You know of this story. You know of its outcome. But the question must be addressed:
A. Is the first miracle of Messiah's earth walk, to be in and to
the church of the day, or out and in the streets? (miracle in
da hood)
B. Will this miracle fulfill a ministry function or a mere social
C. Was it conditioned on a committment to Christ or the ministry,
or was it freely given, no strings attached?

The staunchly religious mindset has difficulty believing God will work on any non spiritual need, or meet people at a secular level of
desire. Could it be that God's plan is bigger than just the church?

James 1:17 (KJV)Every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is
no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

"every good gift" - was party beverage a good gift? It did after all
come down from the Father, through the Son.

Will God grant desires that do not conform to His will plan and purpose?

Psalm 106:15 (KJV)And he gave them their request; but sent lean-
ness into their soul.

When Israel wanted a King and God did not want to give them one, did
they get their desire?

If the first miracle of Messiah was:
Out of time or divine order
Not within His ministry classification
Served no religious purpose
Ministered only to the flesh

Then we must ask:
Will God operate outside the confines of "ministry" settings?
Does God want to inject Himself into every day life?
Will the peace of God work in the marketplace?
Can signs and wonders be a part of every day business?

Whether we call it
Highways and Byways Ministry
Marketplace Evangelism
Taking it to the Streets
Being Real to Make Him Real
Revelant Christianity
Church Without Walls
Community Impact
Or a vast array of "tag lines" yet to be mentioned. The bottom line
is, Jesus was effective in non ministry settings,-are we?

Is it all about bringing the world to church, or could it be bringing
church to the world.

In section 2 we will address the question; do I have to choose
between ministry and business?