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Topic: I am...
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Sat 10/10/09 05:27 PM

Girl you can find love in all kinds of places in so many different forms. Watch a woman give birth and you will see love in her eyes when she holds her child for the first time. Watch a vet nursing a wounded animal and you will see the love in his/her hands. Watch a guy wash and wax his classic car and see the love pouring out of his sweat glands. Love is all around you all the time. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that you went through. Men purify gold with fire, and I believe God purifies us in a simular way with trials and tribulations. You must have a truely pure heart, look around you and I'm sure you will find love.

Will you marry me?....laugh
Kidding, but that was beautiful.

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Sat 10/10/09 08:39 PM

I am being honest in the fact i have never seen love. Not even family love. Growing up abuse is what we saw. Drunks and violence. Excuse me but i dont think thats love. I feel my ability to love died with the death of my great grandmother. The one who cared most about me, yet didnt get to guide me to the path of true love. How can i feel love when i was conceived as the product of divorce? When the one "dad" in my life drifted away so far. My mom a distant shadow through the fog of hatred. I once thought love was real. Then i realized that love is false. If i find love. Maybe a light will shine bright for me.

Girl I'm sure if you look in a mirror you will see the love of your great grandmother in you. As you live, her love lives in you. Don't look to your parents, because whatever love they had (and they did have love-you are the result) got lost in the drugs and violence.

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Sat 10/10/09 08:44 PM
btw heathersaysgobucks,craftykitty, tammy, thanks but you all post really good posts too. If you wouldn't mind changing bucks to spurs then yes.

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Sat 10/10/09 08:59 PM

I truly believe that the best way to have/find love is by giving it away to others...

Open your heart to help others out who truly are in need...you mentioned abuse in your past...So why not find a domestic violence shelter or similar to volunteer some of your time. Through every hardship we endure in our life there is some good that comes from it...trust me.

It took me many years to really realize that, but it's so true.

Not just 'talking' here... my heart was shattered a few years ago when the man I love died in front of me after 22 months battling brain cancer. For a very long time I was numb, full of sadness and feeling we were cheated out of a wonderful lifetime together...

Then I remembered something he asked me to promise him...

He asked me 2 days before his death to promise him that I would continue to do volunteer work, to help those who are hurting in this world, to not allow my heart to shut-off or be guarded; but to share it...

He said, "Those who are good need to share that good, or all that remains is bad."

So I began volunteering again, and slowly but surely the sadness faded and hope and love returned within my heart.

Love, munchiebellic, is not something that can be put into words truly...not real love. It is something so strong that nothing at all can diminsh it's effect in your life. Please do not give up on having it in your life....because it's so worth believing in.

Give it away - and it comes back to you...in many ways.

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