Topic: The Lone Ranger
whatssuup's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:47 PM
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent
all set up,both men fell sound asleep.

Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, Kimosabe,
Look toward sky; What do you see?

The Lone Ranger replies," I see millions of stars."

" What that tell you?" asked Tonto

The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says; " Astronomically speaking,
it tells me there are millions of galaxies." " Time wise, it appears to be approximately
a quarter past three in the morning." " Theologically, the Lord is all powerful,
and we are small and insignificant."
" Meteorologically, it seem we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What does
it tell you Tonto?"

" You dumber than buffalo dung. Someone stole tent "

Tall_Texan's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:52 PM
Tonto work for Kimosabe for 30 years...Tonto no longer have job because him find out what Kimosabe mean!

writer_gurl's photo
Fri 10/02/09 02:56 PM
Now I have that LOne Ranger song stuck in my head

no photo
Fri 10/02/09 03:04 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Tall_Texan's photo
Sat 10/03/09 12:54 AM

Now I have that LOne Ranger song stuck in my head

you're a bit young to relate, but when I was a kid, the common description of someone who was "cultured" was somebody who could listen to the William Tell Overture, and not think of The Lone Ranger. If that's true, the only culture I have is bacterial! :banana: