Topic: Original Intent/ Part 1g
imrare's photo
Wed 09/30/09 07:01 AM
Jesus is coming back for a triumphant, victorious Church. One that
overcomes the world's system, not one that is ruled over or in fear
of the world's systems. Son's of God who will perform the will of the
Fathe (Romans 8:14) and cause the will, plan and purpose of God, so
freely manifest in Heaven, to be manifest in the earth (Matthew 6:10)

We must walk in a greater level of authority, anointing and manifest glory than the Lord Jesus ever did. God's plan will prevail. His will, will be done. His purpose will be fulfilled and His true sons will rule in and over creation. The Lord Jesus did all that He did in His earth walk, strapped to the restraints of the Law. We are however, no longer under the Law, but are under grace which gives us the freedom the Lord Jesus was denied and from which He was restricted. (Romans 6:14-15, Romans 5:2) The Lord Jesus, our Anointed
Redeemer, work the works He accomplished under the Old Covenant and its limitatins. We have a New Covenant with better promises so we are free to move onto realms His Covenant would not allow (Hebrews 8:6).

For God so loved the cosmos (creation) that he gave His only begotten
Son, Who came to seek out and rescue that (not those) which was lost,
for the Anointed Redeemer paid the price not only for our sins but
also for or to redeem all of creation (John 3:16, Luke 19:10, 1 john
2:2). The word translated world in John 3:16 is literally the cosmos
or all of creation. Jesus came to redeem all of creation. The religi-
ous myth that He came for man or simply to save man from sin fails to take in the whole of God's plan. When man fell, the authority and dominion, which had been given to him, fell with him. God wants it
all back. Man surrendered it, man must restore it. The Original Intent of God must be and will be fulfilled. Will you be one who will
rise up?

God had a vision, an image, an intent in mind when He created His man
and set him over His creation. Adam allowed a competing word from a
source other than God the Creator to enter into his thought process. Jesus taught us to "take no thought saying" (Matthew 6:31) so that we
would not repeat Adam's failure. The Potter, God, had Adam on His design wheel, shaping him so that man could re-shape the earth. Satan
entered the garden (though Adam had the authority to keep him out) and began an attempt to frustrate the will of God and derail the
purpose of God by marring that shaping process. To do this, Satan
had to get Adam's permission. Satan used deception to cause Adam to defeat himself. Adam gave up what empowered him (the word from God)
to embrace what defeated him (a word contrary to the word of God).
The devil is powerless against any person who refuses his lies and rejects his schemes, which are always arrayed against the word God has already pronounced.

We must understand that from the conception of man, to the salvation
of man, to the rule of man it has always been the heart intent of God that man be in God-given authority and that divine authority be
exercised in the earth through His man. When we see and walk in this
empowerment, every lie, trick, scheme or argument brought by the devil is powerless before us, our Lord, and the word of His Covenant
He has deputized us to use.