Topic: Original Intent/Part 1f
imrare's photo
Tue 09/29/09 08:31 PM
The plan of God cannot and will not be frustrated by the failure of man. The first of man, Adam, had fallen short of the purpose of God for man to rule in the earth as a King (Romans 5:17). But when man
fell, the very first prophetic utterance of God was a revelation that man would one day rise up to the Original Intent and rule in the
earth. If not in the first Adam, then it would be in and through the
second Adam (our Messiah, the Anointed Redeemer of God).

God decreed to Lucifer that he would not get away with what he had
done. In Genesis 3:14 the serpent is cursed. In Genesis 3:15 God puts war between the woman and the devil. Betwwen her offspring, or what would one day proceed from her seed ( the seed of the woman who was deceived, not of man who committed treason), will tread down,crush, destroy what proceeds out of the devil and the best the
devil can do is bruise the heel (the lowest extermity of the body
that Jesus is head over, Ephesians 1:22,23) of the body. This will
occur when, as in Isaiah 10:6 the Body of Christ tramples down the governments of the world's system and takes back the wealth of the earth (Isaiah 37:20, Revelation 11:15). Then, finally, when the Church rises up to carry out the Original Intent of God, we will see
the government of the earth being carried, born or at rest on His
shoulder (Isaiah 9:6)(the upper portion of His body, which is the
Church Worldwide).
The gates of hell (Matthew 16:18) shall not be able to withstand
the assault of the Body of Christ. Note, it is not called the gates "to" hell, but rather the gates "of" hell. The fortifications
of evil which seem to protect the world's systems will be trodden
underfoot by the Body of Christ as it walks in the redeemed author-
ity made possible for it in the ressurection triumph of the second Adam. The Anointed Redeemer of God won the battle for us. We must enforce His victory and demonstrate His triumph.
The body of the second Adam, the Church, having been redeemed from the fall of the first Adam, will rise up to do the will of God and to be the ruler and exert the rule God called for in His Original Intent.