Topic: Original Intent/ Part 1e | |
*(Genesis 2:11) God told Adam where the gold was and that it was good. God used gold in Heaven and man could use it in earth in like
fashion. He also queued Adam concerning precious stones. God made abundance and wealth for His man to use and enjoy. *God sets the boundaries of man's authority or access. As with the "first friuts", God retained control of something in creation for Himself and man was not to touch it (Genesis 2:17), very much like the tithe. The tree was off limits to man. *Adam was singular in the earth for some time before Eve came on the scene. We see this in Genesis 2:18-20. *Just as it would be with everything man would ever need, the answer to his need for a helpmeet was already inside him. God reached inside Adam and took what was Adam's to produce another Adam (Genesis 5:2 "and He called their name Adam"). We must learn to draw out of the well of salvation God placed in us. Everything we will ever need is already on deposit within us. God was teaching Adam a lesson in "the alreadies of God" for God had finished (omega) His plan before He began (alpha)it.In the 4th dimension everything is already done, in the 3rd dimension we have to break free from sense domination to embrace the "alreadies of God". Nothing was left out. Jesus was the Lamb slain in the 4th dimension before Adam fell in the 3rd dimension In fact, the Lamb created the man who would be the reason for his own sacrificial death (John 1:3). *Adam, in creative ability, named all the creatures on the earth- and whatever He named them God confirmed it as their name (Genesis 2: 19). Adam spoke forth the first prophecy in the scriptures. Joining in the nature of God, he called what was not yet as though it were. Adam named mother and father when there were as yet none in the earth. He spoke forth the will of God in marriage, which would represent the Bride being joined to the Groom, the return of man to God or the Church to Christ Jesus (Ephesians 5:14-32). *God came in the breeze (cool) of the day for His walk in the garden He had planted to commune with His man. On what level of supernatural ability did man have to live in order to walk with and communicate with the God of all creation? Until man committed treason he was clothed with the presence (aura) of, and the anointed presence of the God of all creation. When man broke the relationship he had enjoyed with God, he did so through failure to obey what God had said. Obedience and performance are always keys to receiving the flow and provision of God. When one is willing (to do) and obedient (to fulfill), they will eat (reap) the good of the land. When the seek first the government of God, which is His Kingdom, everything anyone could ever want or desire will be added to them. It all comes through fulfilling His will, His plan and His purpose, which brings about His govermental manifestation. When one is in full union with God, they are clothed with His presence. Jesus was, in reference to this, in John 17:22, the Glory- the abiding presence of God the Father. Adam willingly stepped out of it in the Garden of Eden; Jesus sacrificially stepped out of it in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39). The Blood of Redeemption has been shed to break the curse. We can walk back into that presence of andwith the Father God. *Man was able to bring joy to the Lord as long as man walked out his underrulership in the strength that the Father God had given him (Nehemiah 8:10) for the joy of Jehovah is realized in your strength (Joshua 1:5,6,7) I will be with you-be strong-be courageous-be will- ing and obedient. All compliance flows from complete reliance on "it is written". |