Topic: public airways?
scttrbrain's photo
Tue 05/29/07 09:43 PM
The federal government is on the verge of turning over a huge portion of
our public airwaves to companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast—who
will use them for private gain instead of the public good.

These newly available airwaves are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to
revolutionize Internet access—beaming high-speed Internet signals to
every park bench, coffee shop, workplace, and home in America at more
affordable prices than current Internet service. Phone and cable
companies don't want this competition to their Internet service—they'd
rather purchase the airwaves at auction and sit on them.1

In June, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will make a major
decision: Use the public airwaves for the public good, or turn them over
to big companies who will stifle competition, innovation, and the
wireless Internet revolution.
What do you think?

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 05/29/07 10:08 PM

i thought the thread said pubic hair waves


tiptoes out~~~~~~

Trizar's photo
Tue 05/29/07 10:12 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh tulip, you have me roflmao

Lakeman's photo
Tue 05/29/07 10:14 PM
Ithought I was gonna see some new airlines being formeed...slaps it in
reverse and splatters mud all over the keyboard!!

tantalizingtulip's photo
Tue 05/29/07 10:25 PM
hey honest mistake trizar ,didnt have my glasses on.....embarassed
embarassed embarassed

tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 05/30/07 02:31 PM

GaMail50's photo
Wed 05/30/07 03:43 PM
OP-I think it's typical, unfortunately.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 05/30/07 03:46 PM
I think some are going to make alot of money...

and some are going to have a hard time accessing any of these

services... sad affairs...

flowerforyou Hi Kat

tantalizingtulip's photo
Wed 05/30/07 04:44 PM