Topic: Original Intent Part 1d | |
The prayer of our Lord in John 17:20-24 will empower the believer who really lays hold of it.
Verse :20 He prays for everyone who believes the testimony of the Anointed Redeemer of God. Verse :21 He prays for all believers to be one in the Father's will, plan and purpose (Ephesians 4:13 addreses this unity). Verse :21 He prays that all of this will occur while the un- redeemed are observing it come to pass, thus before the end of time. Verse :22 The glory that God the Father gave to the Lord Jesus, He wants to be in believers in such manifestation that the world can see it. In that glory, the believers become one person in thought, will and purpose. Many people acting as one body, one flow. Verse :23 God living in the believer, making or causing them to become mature, perfect, fully god in human vessels-and He wants the unredeemed to see and witness it. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) Verse :24 He wants the unity of redeemed man to be so complete with Him that they become seated with Him and have the ability to behold Him in His glory while still in this realm. Paul did, John did, Stephen did, how many others have? I know not, but it is possible to see into the 4th dimension. The plan of God is seen in verses 26 and 28 of Genesis chapter one. God had a plan and purpose for His man and man was placed in the garden to do His will in that plan (Genesis 2:5). The charge for man was: * Man, you were made in Our Likeness. * Man, you are to have dominion over all creatures on earth, which are created lower than the level of man-fish,birds,cattle, every- thing that has movement on the earth. * Man, I am blessing (empowering to prosper) you to get the job done. * Be fruitful and multiply- work the seed reproduction plan I have put in play-for man and for all creation. * Fill the earth with what I planted in the garden-for man does not subdue man, but he does subdue creation. * Have Dominion- Kingly Rule- over all of creation that is below the level of man- who is a "living being". * (Genesis 2:7) Man is a "living being" not a human being. Man became a human (dirt-earth man) after the fall. Before the fall he was man, made alive with the life of God. He was a "living being". After the fall man was separated, cut off from the presence of God and the eternal life of God. What can we learn from the interaction between God the Father and the under-ruler Adam, whom He created and infused with is own life? What we see of how God and man worked and related together before the fall will allow us a fuller view of "OriginalIntent". Since God does not change, the plan He began is still the plan He is waiting for man to arise to fulfill (Romans 8:19). |