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Topic: Why are the Dem's anti-business?
Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/30/07 08:27 PM
Lately, Ive found myself in the Internet dependent zone. Somewhere in
the twilight Zone!!!laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Wed 05/30/07 08:30 PM
OK, I have the answer Zap.
The Dems don't hate business. They love to squeeze more in taxes anytime
they can. They come across as anti-business but the reverse is true.
laugh laugh

HangedMan's photo
Wed 05/30/07 08:39 PM
More specifically big buisness Zap.

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/31/07 04:36 PM
Fanta! You get the booby prize!laugh laugh laugh drinker
Hanged, at what point does business get classified as big? As much as I
struggle to grow my business, I would want to be wary of the point where
I become the evil big business! Should business be limited by the
government from growing? Should citizens be limited to an earnings
ceiling? Do you like to support ONLY small businesses? Ever heard of a
holding company? This is a market driven society. The first rule of
business is adapt or die. Where was I going with that? Oh hell, it's
6:30 here, time to get back to work. I won't work too hard though, I
don't want to get past that point where size DOES matter.sick huh

Trizar's photo
Thu 05/31/07 05:36 PM
Thank God for business owners... they supply the jobs

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 05/31/07 07:12 PM
Trizar, I have some really great employees. They aren't perfect which
obviously shows that they are following my example.laugh laugh
laugh A crew screwed up on a jobsite today and they had their tails
between their legs when I arrived so I took them all out for an ice
cream. It was really humid today. My experience has shown me that people
are more productive when they see that you care. I mean REALLY care.
They can sniff out a fake like a bloodhound.drinker

no photo
Fri 06/01/07 10:25 AM
OK I waited as requested. Now since everyone is done I'll answer too.

Democrats are not so much anti-business. They support some nice idealist
platforms that benefit workers and look towards the general good of the
populace, but in the process they extract a price on the business
environment. This is much like the union approach to labor deals.

I like that they take the long view towards workers rights and fair
wages. I do recognize that in some cases this may mean hardships for the
bottom line in the business ledger.

I think someone said that business has to adapt or go away. This
attitude is a problem when mixed with certain other ongoing practices in
the economy. More on this in another topic I'll post later.

One problem is the trade imbalance and the cost of materials. Another
problem is the cost of labor. Another is the strength of the dollar.
Another problem is the unfettered access to US markets (free trade
again) for outside companies and countries.

All these things combined make it difficult for businesses here. Many of
the things I listed as problems are Republican issues, so to say that
only dems are anti business is unfair.

I suspect that both dems and repubs are subject to the same lobbyist
pressures from international concerns as well as local concerns. To
think either group immune or aloof from such issues would be naive.

I suspect that The repubs may have a greater tilt towards the views of
the Fed than the Dems, and I suspect that the Dems are less informed
about the Fed and its actions, a little like a kite in a wind, but the
only thing I see to substantiate this impression is that the Dems pretty
much never discuss economic issues related to these matters.

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 06/01/07 11:49 AM
Philosophr, I stated that the Democrats are PRO business, just not for
the sake of business. I am at my office now and don't have time to
elaborate but would like to go into it a bit further this evening.
drinker drinker drinker

MikeMontana's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:02 PM
Left to its own devices, businesses would congregate all wealth into the
smallest possible concentration of persons. Nothing wrong with that.

However, on the path to that concentration of wealth comes the required
exploitation. Nothing wrong with that - so long as the parties are
knowingly agreeable to the exploitation. But, somehow corruption of
intent, failure to investigate, envy, greed and despair creep in and we
start to say "HEY! You shouldnt have EVERYTHING yourself", and start to
demand a "re-distribution" of that wealth. Nothing wrong with that
either - its a natural counter weight to the directive of a business.

That creates two masses that somehow need to find balance and co-exist.
There are oppurtunities and liabilities for playing either side.

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