Topic: Continuation- Original Intent
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Wed 09/23/09 07:26 AM
Continuation- In this first indication of the "Original Intent" given
by the Godhead of all creation, there is agreement among the Heavenly
Cabinet to make man patterned after Their likeness. Man would be made
in the likeness of the ruling class of the Heavens. Man would bear
resemblance to the Royal Family of Heaven. Man would carry Their
authority so that man can enforce Their rule upon the earth. God formed earth as an expansive canvas and then set man as the grand artist to paint, sculpt and shape God's vision across that canvas.
In these two verses of Genesis chapter one, God spoke of His plan for
man and God spoke His plan to man. Verse 26 addresses His plan for man. Verse 28 is addressed to man and empowers man to fulfill that plan. The intent God had when He made man has not changed. What God
sets in motion does not change until it is fulfilled.
"I am the Lord God I change not" Malachi 3:6
"So the word that goes forth from My mouth does not return to Me empty or without carrying out My will and succeeding in what I sent
it to do." Isaiah 55:11
God finishes what He starts. "Declaring the end from the beginning,
and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My
counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure." (Isaiah 46:10)
What God begins does not change because of what anyone else does or
does not do. When one recognizes that God had a plan in play when He
created the earth and all therein, then one can see that man, earth and creation are but a part of something much bigger.
What God spoke of man (Genesis 1:26) and what God spoke to man
(Genesis 1:28) has not changed. God had an intent in play when He
made man, eearth, and all that creation encompasses. The plan or intent of God was much bigger than the man He made. When man failed,
the changeless God did not allow man's failure to affect or derail His plan. The Original Intent of God in and for creation remained in play. Man failed the plan, but Adam's failure did not change the plan, the purpose, the intent or the command of God.
"...and the scripture-the it is written word of God-cannot be broken,
annulled or set aside" John 10:35b
"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." Isaiah 40:8
What God intended for man and creation has never changed. What od spoke to man has never lost power or authority to produce. The offer to man, from the God of all creation, is still on the table for
"whosever will." The word spoken to man by God empowers man to "rule
in this life as kings." (Romans 5:17) The word of God to empower man
empowers him to take on the very nature of God, "that through these
promises of God, you might participate in the divine nature."
(2Peter 1:4) The passage, "If the ones to whom God's word addressed are called gods..." (John 10:35), has more power, presence and potential than many dare to believe.
In "Original Intent" an attempt is made to return to what God intended for man and creation, to what God has promised His man and
how to lay hold of what rightfully belongs to every born again child of God.
When the Body of Christ understands its job description then the
misconceptions that divide us will begin to fall away and we can lay
hold of our joint task and When we do not know whom it is He has made
us and called us to be, we attempt to find our identity in someone or
something else. Thus, religion has filled a void created by the lack of knowledge of God's plan. God had a higher call, a higher call, a
higher plan, and a higher plane for His man than the futility of human existence.
"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for
thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they were created." Revelation 4:11