Topic: Conformity that is modernity.. huh.. | |
In 2009 the western male finds himself at the crossroads between chivalry and equality. He walks in a surreal land wherein he is expected to “be a real man,” suck it up, and work until he drops. Simultaneously, he must act as a psychological wet-nurse to his wife while morphing into the sensitive prince of her dreams. Today, an actualized man is one who oscillates between being a policeman that “protects and serves” and a guidance counselor who listens to his better half and allows her to “be all you can be.” Should a man defend or assert himself in reply to his detractors he is deemed characterologically unfit.
In the eyes of our elites, “manliness” should be synonymous with “submission.” But this is not how it should be. For tens of thousands of years, the complementary union between man and woman has allowed our species to reach the pinnacle of evolution yet now the sexes are estranged from one another. This is a heinous injustice. Women gave birth to men. In turn, we gave birth to civilization. Man and woman should be as one. Our greatness is inseparable. The new dispensation claims that our lengthy life-spans and ostentatious comforts came about in spite of the efforts of men. The truth is exactly the opposite. All around us are the totems of male achievement. The entire world—with its roads, buildings, places of worship, homes, medicines, appliances, and scholarship—was forged and crafted almost exclusively by male hands. However, as always, the truth is inconvenient and irrelevant. We are urged to ignore the reality of the past in the name of “sensitivity.” We must pretend that men, the direct sex, are nothing more than a primitive band of Neanderthal sex addicts who blight what would otherwise be an empathic, serene, and pink-hued utopia. Since the 1960s, radicals have laid siege to masculinity and pretended that the birth of every boy is the moment in which a potential Manson or proto-rapist has entered the world. Woe to the fellow who argues with societies’ cherished fallacies. Should one point out that all of the luminaries of antiquity, along with the greatest human to ever walk the earth (Jesus Christ), were men he will be tarred as a sexist, misogynist or some other combination of syllables ending with “ist.” In the words of psychologist Roy Baumeister, ours is a “Women are Wonderful” era. Dr. Baumeister, in light of the bias in favor of women in mind, entitled his 2007 address to the American Psychological Association as “Is There Anything Good About Men?” A searing question and one could reach the age of Methuselah before hearing a mainstream journalist or politician answer it in the affirmative. Man is a disease from which woman is the only cure. Males are told that the only route to salvation is feminization. We must parrot the traits, aspirations, affectations, and behaviors of the fair sex even though their moods are conspicuously less rosy than our own. Nowadays, in the information age, even a man’s method of labor is wrong. Working indefatigably towards a desired end is deemed antisocial. It’s too “task-oriented.” Instead, we must become “process-oriented” whereby talking, circuitous discussions that lead nowhere, and commiseration are elevated over productivity. How did the impossible become reality? The answer, in one word, is socialism. Creeping socialism is the status quo. Its nature allows the inefficient to triumph over the efficient at every encounter. Wherever bureaucracy exists, man is at a perpetual disadvantage. During these headless days of the Obama Administration, statist-socialism has been re-branded as “hope” and “change.” It is neither. Vapid platitudes aside, expansion of the state inevitably places us upon the road to serfdom. The socialist state is to corruption, poverty, suffering, and tyranny what the sun is to heat. At MND, we take issue with the conformity that is modernity. If everyone is doing it…count us out. We have internalized the words of Camille Paglia: “If women ruled the world, we’d still be living in grass huts.” Indeed! Here you will find proud men who defend their nation, their brothers, and their sex. We believe that to tell the truth is to automatically oppose evil, and to defend reason is the definition of being a man. All of us have emotions, but to resist their base sway and embrace logic instead is the essence of manliness. was founded in 2001 and remains a sanctuary for men. It is one of the few remaining places where a man can be a man without apology. We thank you for visiting, but encourage you to join us in our mission. Welcome brothers! Article here |
wahoo for masculinity! (flexes muscles)
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One step forward two steps back.. I thought we stopped getting all worked up about feminism for the most part.. Guess not. It's amazing what one can miss while paying attention to every day survival.
If the democrats are socialist then the republicans are communist. |
If the democrats are socialist then the republicans are communist. ![]() |
I agree with about half give or take what boo2 said the rest no.
If the democrats are socialist then the republicans are communist. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Robert Bly, Joseph Campbell.
Men, raised in a Fatherless household, Dad not in the house, are raised to be soft. It's sad they have never had male initiation and really have not much of an idea how to be men. |