Topic: Angels are Everywhere.
SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 03:53 PM
While shopping at the store today, I noticed an old gentleman pushing a
walker. He had his walker rigged in such a way that he could carry a
small stoole with him to use for when he got tired, he could simply sit
down anytime he felt the need.

I noticed him sitting in one of the isles and people would just pass him
by like he wasn't even he didn't exsist. Some, even seemed
irratated with him, because he was in their way. Being in no hurry
today, I took the time to ponder what I was wittnessing. It moved me,
and hurt me to think that we have so little value for the elderly in our

I wasn't sure if the gentleman was very cognitive...but I decided to go
over and speak to him anyway. I spoke, and much to my surprise this man
had all of his faculties. We proceed to talk for a half hour or more.
He told me stories of how he knew Randy Travis and how when his wife was
alive they would go to see him in Nashville and Randy would sing a song
to his wife. The conversation somehow turned to Alzheimers, which is
what my mother was diagnosed with three years ago and what his wife
succumbed to 10yrs prior. What he spoke of, helped me put certain
aspects of this senerio with my mother in place. It gave me insight,
and new perspective and hope to continue sharing a future with my mother
regardless of her affliction. Randy Travis was able to sing one last
song to his wife. "Forever and Ever Amen" I was blessed today, I met
angel. His name was Royal Cunningham...he is 89 years old and he is
alive and well, living here in Illinois. God Bless you my friend.


JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 04:00 PM
that is very touching you know angels are sent to us in/at the weirdest
places/times, but they are always sent to people who need them to help
them accept things that are unchangable.
sorry if spelling is off.....

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 05:54 PM
I believe that too Jade, I guess part of why I don't spend more time
with my mother is because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of the disease. Mr.
Cunningham, a total stranger, changed that for me today. The things he
said eased my fears. He also suggested many things I can do to enjoy
what time I may have left with my mom, and how in doing those things,
will mean even more to me when she's gone. The whole thing was very
surreal. It makes the situation "approachable" for me again. It's
amazing what we can experience in life, even during the most routine,
mundane daily things...if we are just open to the possiblities.


Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:23 PM
Heaven must be missin an angel. In fact I think there commin here in

Must be the Dunken Donuts coffee.

it's heavenly

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:30 PM
jane this guy has been to other chat pages and was very rude and it
bothers me when people can't just respect other peoples chats

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:37 PM
Hi Jade, I appreciate your concern, but it's just Recon, and he's
harmless really.

I'm out, work in the morning...Thanks for your posts Jade, hope to see
more of you in the forum!!

Recon, play nice in the sandbox!!


JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:40 PM
well ovivos i don't take kindly to rude commets. so i'm sorry if i
offend any one.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:49 PM
jane, recon you guys there

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:51 PM

Was I being rude?

can't please everyone I guess.

So Jade would you be happy if I left this site I suppose?

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 06:58 PM
no, like i said i'm sorry you don't give a very good first impersion,
but of course no one really ever does. oh i'm trying to reach someone so
if i don't responed right away it's because i'm checking other places.
okay so hang in for a sec. okay

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:11 PM
hey recon if you want to chat with me switch to anything and everything
JadeDragon out

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:11 PM
Sure. I just hanging too. As you can see I can be very patient. My
victums don't happen by all the time. So I have to be patient.LOL

no photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:21 PM

Ghost has a weird sense of humor. You will get used to it. I know I
would miss him if he was to disappear.

God does have a sense of timing. Nothing to soon or to late, just right
on time. I have seen simular things happen in my life. Thank him for his
blessings and answered and unanswered prayers.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:37 PM
hey me and recon are on the site anything and everything if you'd like
to join. because no one else seems to be checking this page so i hope to
chat to you over there.