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Topic: Utterly Fascinating!!
no photo
Fri 09/11/09 02:53 PM
Howdy All! Joined this site on a dare a few days ago...been browsing site/forums since and have found some unbelievable posts. Should be an interesting ride!

Mayhem_J's photo
Fri 09/11/09 02:56 PM
Yeah...its ok, we all know it wasnt on a dare. But if thats what you want us to think, then so be it.


Jess642's photo
Fri 09/11/09 02:56 PM
Strap yourself down, hold onto your hat, and assume the crash position...

leave the ego at the door...don't mention being a 'nice guy'...wipe your feet....

and may the force be with you!



Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 09/11/09 02:57 PM


chickayoshi's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:00 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world wide web of dating/finding friends. Hope you find what you are looking for.

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:01 PM

Strap yourself down, hold onto your hat, and assume the crash position...

leave the ego at the door...don't mention being a 'nice guy'...wipe your feet....

and may the force be with you!



You forgot: Beware the monkeys...they fling poo! scared

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:01 PM
Welcome 2 the Nut House:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

writer_gurl's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:02 PM
waving Welcomewaving

Buckle up, sweetie, it's gonna be a bumpy ride:banana: drinker :banana:

itry's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:02 PM
drinker WooHooodrinker Welcomeglasses

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:06 PM

seamac's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:07 PM
Did you win the dare and if so, what did you win besides finding all this craziness!! Have fun, this is a good place for it!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:07 PM

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:08 PM
hello and Welcome!!!flowerforyou

SitkaRains's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:11 PM

Howdy All! Joined this site on a dare a few days ago...been browsing site/forums since and have found some unbelievable posts. Should be an interesting ride!

First of all welcome to Mingles2. You are right there is some great and interesting posters out here.

Interesting ride to say the least.

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:13 PM
Hello and welcome :smile:

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:17 PM
Welcome aboard the crazy train. Please be seated and use your seat belt.

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:20 PM

Aw cynicisms…must be difficult (or easy depending on how you look at it, I guess) to be so jaded and judgmental. Not to mention basically calling someone you know NOTHING about a liar. Perhaps the lack of manners has to do with immaturity or upbringing. Either way, kiddo, you’re not in my league!

But, a HUGE thank you to all who are gracious and welcoming!! And yes, I won the bet and the race is on!

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:22 PM


Aw cynicisms…must be difficult (or easy depending on how you look at it, I guess) to be so jaded and judgmental. Not to mention basically calling someone you know NOTHING about a liar. Perhaps the lack of manners has to do with immaturity or upbringing. Either way, kiddo, you’re not in my league!

But, a HUGE thank you to all who are gracious and welcoming!! And yes, I won the bet and the race is on!

I am so liking this woman's style....laugh

<---------------***sits over here and swoons*** smitten :wink:

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:22 PM

Welcome aboard the crazy train. Please be seated and use your seat belt.

Mayhem_J's photo
Fri 09/11/09 03:47 PM


Aw cynicisms…must be difficult (or easy depending on how you look at it, I guess) to be so jaded and judgmental. Not to mention basically calling someone you know NOTHING about a liar. Perhaps the lack of manners has to do with immaturity or upbringing. Either way, kiddo, you’re not in my league!

But, a HUGE thank you to all who are gracious and welcoming!! And yes, I won the bet and the race is on!

My fault...I forgot that not everyone can take a light hearted joke. I should have mentioned that I was only joking. So I do apologize. But in no way in my post did I insult you. So maybe you are the one that lacking manners.

Also, I'm not quite sure what you mean by saying that I'm not in your league. Please do explain.

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