Topic: Support our troops regardless of our Govt. | |
But when the CIA prepared the first drafts of the NIE, Wolfowitz and
Feith, assisted by Scooter Libby in Vice President Cheney's office, began to browbeat the CIA analysts into supporting the neocon misinformation put out by Feith's office. To its shame, the CIA, charged with building consensus, failed to fully back its own analysts, and the neocon misinformation crept into the NIE.- oceans; this is your conjecture and even though brought before a grand jury was never proven. dont think it should be stated as fact when unproven. here is a fact regarding bio and chem weapons; Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says WASHINGTON, June 29, 2006 – The 500 munitions discovered throughout Iraq since 2003 and discussed in a National Ground Intelligence Center report meet the criteria of weapons of mass destruction, the center’s commander said here today. “These are chemical weapons as defined under the Chemical Weapons Convention, and yes … they do constitute weapons of mass destruction,” Army Col. John Chu told the House Armed Services Committee. The Chemical Weapons Convention is an arms control agreement which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. It was signed in 1993 and entered into force in 1997. The munitions found contain sarin and mustard gases, Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said. Sarin attacks the neurological system and is potentially lethal. and some more (nuclear); Following is the text of the DOE press statement: WASHINGTON, DC -- Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham announced today that the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of Defense (DOD) have completed a joint operation to secure and remove from Iraq radiological and nuclear materials that could potentially be used in a radiological dispersal device or diverted to support a nuclear weapons program. "This operation was a major achievement for the Bush Administration's goal to keep potentially dangerous nuclear materials out of the hands of terrorists," Secretary Abraham said. "It also puts this material out of reach for countries that may seek to develop their own nuclear weapons." Twenty experts from DOE's national laboratory complex packaged 1.77 metric tons of low-enriched uranium and roughly 1000 highly radioactive sources from the former Iraq nuclear research facility. The DOD airlifted the material to the United States on June 23 and provided security, coordination, planning, ground transportation, and funding for the mission. Due to safety and security issues surrounding the removed materials, the U.S., consistent with its authorities and relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, took possession of, and removed the materials to ensure the safety and security of the Iraqi people. DOE also repackaged less sensitive materials that will remain in Iraq. Radiological sources that continue to serve useful medical, agricultural or industrial purposes were not removed from Iraq. The low enriched uranium will be stored temporarily at a secure DOE facility and the radiological sources will initially be brought to a DOE laboratory for further characterization and disposition. The International Atomic Energy Agency was advised in advance of the U.S. intentions to remove the nuclear materials. Iraqi officials were briefed about the removal of the materials and sources prior to evacuation. The nuclear research complex, now under the responsibility of the Iraq Ministry of Science and Technology, was once a central institution for Iraq's nuclear weapons program before being dismantled in the early 1990s, following the first Gulf War. The complex was also the consolidation point for highly radioactive sources collected by the Department of Defense with assistance by employees of the Ministry of Science and Technology within Iraq over the last year. and here's some more; Chemical munitions found by Polish soldiers were being pursued by terrorists - MONIKA SCISLOWSKA, Associated Press Writer Friday, July 2, 2004 (07-02) 07:18 PDT WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- Terrorists may have been close to obtaining munitions containing the deadly nerve agent cyclosarin that Polish soldiers recovered last month in Iraq, the head of Poland's military intelligence said Friday. Polish troops had been searching for munitions as part of their regular mission in south-central Iraq when they were told by an informant in May that terrorists had made a bid to buy the chemical weapons, which date back to Saddam Hussein's war with Iran in the 1980s, Gen. Marek Dukaczewski told reporters in Warsaw. "We were mortified by the information that terrorists were looking for these warheads and offered $5,000 apiece," Dukaczewski said. "An attack with such weapons would be hard to imagine. All of our activity was accelerated at appropriating these warheads." Dukaczewski refused to give any further details about the terrorists or the sellers of the munitions, saying only that his troops thwarted terrorists by purchasing the 17 rockets for a Soviet-era launcher and two mortar rounds containing the nerve agent for an undisclosed sum June 23. In May, a booby-trapped artillery shell apparently filled with the sarin nerve agent exploded alongside a Baghdad road but caused no serious injuries to the U.S. forces who discovered it. At the time, officials stopped short of claiming the munition was definite evidence of a large weapons stockpile in prewar Iraq or evidence of recent production by Saddam's regime. The warheads all contained cyclosarin, multinational force commander Polish Gen. Mieczyslaw Bieniek said. "Laboratory tests showed the presence in them of cyclosarin, a very toxic gas, five times stronger than sarin and five times more durable," Bieniek told Poland's TVN24 at the force's Camp Babylon headquarters. "If these warheads, which were still usable, were used on a military base like Camp Babylon, they would have caused unforeseeable damage." The tests were done by U.S. experts, who were conducting more. The munitions were found in a bunker in the Polish sector, but Polish officials refused to be more specific whats this even more? bill clintons speach justifying air strikes on iraq***** honorable mention as the primary reason for the strikes, uh oh- bio/chem weapons. Transcript: President Clinton explains Iraq strike CLINTON: Good evening. Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors. Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States, and indeed the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world. Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons. I want to explain why I have decided, with the unanimous recommendation of my national security team, to use force in Iraq; why we have acted now; and what we aim to accomplish. well you know theres a lot more stories and reports out there just like this.. just trying to spread the wealth, ha doc |
Army. Its a shame, but there is a mentality that will wear the rose
colored glasses no matter what. To some people you could stand in the hole left over from an Iranian bomb and they would tell you George Bush detonated it. People reading this thread will take that position. Have no doubt. How about this for supporting some American troops? Suppose every time an American soldier was killed with an IED with Iranian marks on it somebody plants a bomb on top of the nest of Mullahs in Iran. I think that killing is a little like theft, you steal somebody's life. So here is a little fundamentalism for you. Steal and you will have to pay back many times what you stole. So with a hundred soldiers killed in Iraq this month how about taking out 400 mullahs in Iran? The impunity they feel in their action has to stop. There has to be some payback. If there is no payback it will not stop. In the last year a thousand troops lost and no payback? How about 4,000 Mullahs in Iran? How far will you go to say its ok for Iran to interfere in Iraq and that it is Bush's fault that soldiers are being killed. Bush is not over there blowing up our soldiers. People will insist that Iran is absolutely innocent. People reading this thread will say so. They will say only negotiation will help and they will negotiate till hell freezes over. I think if you take out half their mullahs and most of their source of wealth they will negotiate more sincerely and they will not have the funds to foster terrorism in Iraq or other places. So long as they have the funds to spread the despotic influence they will do so. Better to crush Iran and then give it to China or Russia or France or Germany than to leave it in the hands of the greedy fools that have it now. The United States is not big enough to police the world. Having the military acting as a police force is in my opinion a mistake. You will have to have cooperation of others. Where is all this international good will that people think will prevail if there were no weapons? But the military is big enough to strike the dangerous trouble makers and stop them. American soldiers would be better off out of the streets of Baghdad and on the border of Iran leading the Iraqis across the border. I guess I'm not exactly a peacenik am I? I want peace, but I want an end to the insidious creeping forces funded by surreptitious governments to harm the US, its soldiers and its interests. I'm going to have a lot more respect for Bush if he gets some payback. And I won't care one iota whether someone else dislikes it. |
I tell ya they are calculating and dangerous.
Pure Evil!!! Goodling: Gonzales Tried to Review Story Published: 5/23/07, 11:05 PM EDT By LAURIE KELLMAN WASHINGTON (AP) - A former Justice Department official told House investigators Wednesday that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales tried to review his version of the prosecutor firings with her at a time when lawmakers were homing in on conflicting accounts. Gonzales has testified he hasn't spoken with witnesses. "It made me a little uncomfortable," Monica Goodling, Gonzales' former White House liaison, said of her conversation with the attorney general just before she took a leave of absence in March. "I just did not know if it was appropriate for us to both be discussing our recollections of what had happened." In a daylong appearance before the Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee, Goodling, 33, also acknowledged crossing a legal line herself by considering the party affiliations of candidates for career prosecutor jobs - a violation of law. Over and over these things pop up to many times to be coincidental, and yet people (blind Sheep) continue to accept their lame ass excuses. If you and I know there are people reading this right now, believe this Administration is good for America or the World, then I feel there is no hope you ever will see the Evil. |
Fanta, That response had nothing to do with the topic as far as I can
tell. And by starting a new topic with a name that was almost the same you effectively hijacked the topic. Incredible. If you hate our government I expect you must have some reason, but I have a higher opinion of our government than that. Personally I don't want to hear it, but it is your right to speak. Give me a grade F for "plays well with others" but I just don't like the stack of people lining up to disrespect our country. I suggest the lot of you try living in Iran or Syria or Russia or China for a while. Many of you would like it quite a lot. Then you can complain about your hatred of the United States to your heart's content. Eventually somebody would throw you in jail for political dissension and nobody would have to listen to you again. With privileges come responsibilities. Some of you have no grasp of that notion and no appreciation for the good efforts of your own ancestors. Gratitude. |
I do not hate the United States.
I am concerned with where it is going. In a few years you may find that having a 'disenting' opinion will land you in jail here also. When that happens you might look back on these threads and wonder why you did not pay more attention to the 'disenters'. My ancestors fought to make us free. Looks like we may have to do it again to keep us free. |
I too am concerned about the direction the United States is going I
don't agree with all that is being done in the name of international security or the war on terror. I don't ordinarily mind people having opposing views. I do dislike irrational hateful invective towards our country and its leadership. It is disingenuous altogether to say that every step the Bush administration is doing or supporting is evil. Dissenters have their place, but let them have some integrity in their reasoning. not just reflexive hatred towards everything. Where did people learn such intolerance? Our country has some long term problems developing with the management of the economy. This is happening largely because of neglect on the part of legislators and the and clever manipulation of trade issues by concerned parties. These issues are overlooked while high visibility groups hound the administration with media overloading disinformation and anti-American bias. Too many things are not being considered at all, while lies, ignorance and hatred rule the day and the media. If you want ignorant to have the LOUDEST VOICE, that's ok, but I don't like it. |
You do try to have the loudest voice. I agree with that statement, for
sure. You just want someone who will agree with you, but unfortunately they are hard to find since you are a minority. It must be hell on the ego. I served this country fool, and I have a right to complain all I want. Did you serve, or do you just like to blow smoke. I dont hate our government, actually the complete opposite. Yhats why I dislike George Bush and his cronies. They give the whole country a bad name. Unlike you, I expect better from our leaders and believe we can do better than George Bush, and I am not satisfied. Sorry to bust your bubble but the majority of Americans feel the same way about the delusional fool. Maybe you should move to Russia or China!! Aye, Ill donate the first $5 toward your moving expenses!! |
of course it is possible; I am staunchly anti-war but still send cookies
to the troops around christmas. You don't have to like the quarterback to like the team...Remember that! :) |
No I'm not looking to have the loudest voice. I stay fairly quiet most
of the time but then I see some of the most absurd things said and I find it difficult to not respond. I may in fact be a minority, but as I am a thinking man I am an important minority. While the lemmings are a multitude, they are less important, Fanta. So if you want to trade fool comments save them for your own ilk or simply keep them to yourself. You happen to be in a different minority. A minority with a few rich guy loud-mouth do-gooders that want to level the playing field for the whole world by bringing down our country and destroying the best chance at peace and prosperity the world has to offer. As for me moving, I've traveled quite a lot and I know my way around. I'm comfy and snug here in the US. You are not a majority. You simply have a loud voice. I did not intent that specifically for you, but since the shoe fit I guess you just had to put it on. Oh well. You'll probably need that 5 bucks. You better hang on to it. Your comments are sometimes meaningful and I don't want to be in an ongoing shouting match here so lets just leave it at the fact that we disagree on patriotism and the best interests of our country. |
GEEEEZZZZZUUUZZZZZZZZ!!! I leave for a couple days and come back to a
posted war zone!! F*CK!! All this thread was about was showing support for our troops, past and present; a day of rememberance. I am just as politically opinionated as anyone else here, and I post my sentiment in like threads. Our govt. has definitely f*cked up in too many ways. We are definitely losing what it once meant to be "American". We DO need to fight to keep what our forefathers promised us in the constitution. Iraq wouldn't have been my top goal, of course. I don't agree with the Bush administration and their agendas. The politicians are creating long-term and extensive damage to our beautiful America. They are behaving as though they're on one really bad acid trip. They are displaying arrogance and lack of forethought. They are reckless with regard to the welfare of the American citizen. They are killing us softly, little by little. I agree the govt. is a f*cking mess. Politicans are some of the most unethical people you will ever meet. However, it is not they, themselves, being dispersed overseas to fight a disparaging battle "against terror"...(ahem)..... No the politicians sit safely at home in thier oversized homes, eating over-priced food and driving over-priced cars and clothing themselves in high- dollar fashion while they send our troops over to do their "bidding". There is no more "middleman". There is the rich, then there are the rest of us. We are in a sad state as Americans. We do need to take our power back. We need to fight for what is right. WE, American citizens, need to speak out against the injustices of our govt. We need to hold them accountable........but the Troops? They are brave, well-intentioned soldiers who deserve the support of the American people, 'cause they sure as hell are not getting it from the govt. who dictates there orders. We ordinary citizens must be there for them, because if we don't who the hell will? Bush? Cheney? Wahington in general? We owe it to our fellow citizens fighting on foreign soil. We owe them our support, whether it is protesting to bring them home and/or letting them know we acknowledge the sacrifices our govt. has imposed on them. So,hey, just be thankful to know we have them and that they are in a bad position, just like the rest of us....only we are not threatened by roadside IED's and suicide bombers. God bless our troops! .....and F*CK anyone who wants to argue my choice to support them......... |
well if soldiers wont lay down their guns and mutiny then all the women
should lay in their path give em flowers hugg them and dont let them go. |
Awwww....look! Someone left a numb-nutt on my front stoop......
thats right lily let god do all the bloody work its a shame you couldent
wrap ya self around a shiitt load a soilders so they would forget about fighten.i reckon with your looks you could keep ya whole fuken army amused. |
I've been catching up on the threads here and came across "Armydoc"'s
cut-and-paste regarding munitions found in Iraq. Yes, everybody knows that Saddam Hussein used gas in the Iraq-Iran war and on Halabja, etc., and everyone knows that Iraq had a nuclear research program. This is old and well-known news. The materials described in his pastes pertain to that period of time. The Administration's deceits concerend the assertions that Iraq possessed a CURRENT and on-going biochemicals and nuclear WMD program, and this is what served as the main pretext for invading Iraq. (Legally, it doesn't come close to providing sufficient reason to invade, but that is a different discussion.) The US army and CIA embarked on a massive search of Iraq once we occupied it. And they concluded that Iraq had no such weapons. Even Bush and Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice, Cheney and Wolfowitz, Tenet and Hadley, have now all conceded that the assertions were flat-out wrong. But not "Armydoc"! |
I support the troops regardless of the gov't. But then I don't despise
the Bush and his tactics. I think the troops are not getting enough support, in my opinion. |
my g.f. is in the army and has been to the middle east and i am so proud
of her. our soldiers are willing to lay down their lives and fight and do their duty because it IS their duty and are able to lay their feelings aside for a time about how they personally feel about the war because they are serving their country. our soldiers are wonderful and they are not over there doing what they do because they are having a fantastic time. lets give them the support they need and deserve regardless of how we feel about this illegal war. |
Amuse an Army with my looks....awwww, Karzi....such flattery. You are
quite the sweet talker. You have a mind like a steel trap, darlin'.....think you had probably apply a little WD40..... |