Topic: Death is sad
DeathsTreaty's photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:09 PM
A loss made final..

What do I do..

What should I have done..

Do I wait till they are back..

How do I get them back..

Such a Finalization as Death..

Is that a Fear..

Or something greater..

Do I make a Change..

Do it myself..

Start with myself..

no photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:12 PM
Remember what you did right.
Remember the good times.

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:12 PM
death is the closing of one door and the opening of another...
it is sad for those of us left behind brokenheart

DeathsTreaty's photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:18 PM
How might move on if it seems to follow so close and almost mock in a disgusting way?

SandFTW's photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:24 PM
im sure it'll be less of a concern to ya once ya get there, cheer up buddy.smokin


Ted14621's photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:26 PM

How might move on if it seems to follow so close and almost mock in a disgusting way?

Well don't bother to move on... It's always there somewhere...
So what? Maybe me, maybe you
Just keep on chooglin!

no photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:32 PM
those who've found their way mock.

no photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:36 PM

those who've found their way mock.

Naw, I am still parting the curtains of the future.

DeathsTreaty's photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:36 PM
Hello Ak0 ^^

I ask why when I remeber to...

no photo
Mon 09/07/09 08:55 PM
hello Deaths Treaty

death may be sad for some but the coffins do look comfy?

SandFTW's photo
Fri 09/11/09 07:22 PM
unless u dont get one. lol.

no photo
Fri 09/11/09 07:28 PM
death is non-escapeable-u start dyin the day of conception-