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Topic: superhero lovers or those who just want to have fun!
alexiateigra's photo
Mon 05/28/07 06:46 PM
That's because you buy all that darn anime............ j/k.

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 05/28/07 06:50 PM
OMG I wish I had money to buy anime! The DVDs around here are like 20 a
disc, and I can't afford that lol. I wish there was a place where I
could rent an anime series or somthing, cause I wanna see Love Hina,
alot of the Gundam Series, Blood Plus, and Bleach! laugh blushing

alexiateigra's photo
Mon 05/28/07 06:53 PM
Same here. I now wait and hope that they come in a compete series
package because it generally is alot less money to spend.

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 05/28/07 06:53 PM
I heard Netflix has them, but I dunno if they send the whole series or
just a few discs of it =X

alexiateigra's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:00 PM
Thanks, i';; have to check it out.

In no time, all anime nerds and geeks will band together and rule this
board :smile:

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:01 PM
They better! I'm tired of feeling alone in a world full of non-nerds lol

alexiateigra's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:03 PM
puuuuuuuuuleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeee. You're a youngin'

damnitscloudy's photo
Mon 05/28/07 07:04 PM
So!? It don't mean I got friends lol. The closest friend I got is the
pigeon outside my apartment building and it poos on my porch lol laugh

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