Topic: Dear Friend of Liberty | |
September 2, 2009
Dear Friend of Liberty, Exactly one year ago today, over 10,000 passionate grassroots activists gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota to proudly proclaim their support for limited constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a free people. The Rally for the Republic was a clear call to all political parties to return to the founding principles that made our nation great. Featuring premier speakers and musicians from our movement, the Rally officially kicked off Campaign for Liberty and energized and motivated us for the battle ahead. It served notice to the political establishment that our Revolution, which so many assumed would fade away after the Ron Paul presidential campaign, was just getting started. Every day, you continue to spread the message in innovative ways. It is through your actions and your involvement in C4L that we will take back our country and pass on a legacy of freedom to future generations. Here are just a few of the exciting activities being done by your fellow C4L members all across the country: Florida: In our last update on member activities, we reported that Florida Campaign for Liberty was preparing for their Liberty Summit and working hard to recruit additional Local Coordinators to promote liberty in their own backyards. As one of the attendees, I can proudly say that I was overwhelmed by Florida C4L's tremendous turnout for the Summit! It is estimated that over 1,500 people came to the Summit's Liberty Celebration, which featured speakers including Congressman Ron Paul and Tom Woods. Read Interim Florida State Coordinator Mark Cross' report here. And congratulations to Florida C4L for their continued success in recruiting Local Coordinators. Our last report noted that they had 159, and they have since added 44 for a nation-leading total of 203! Keep up the great work! Missouri: After the Missouri Information Analysis Center released their report attacking the freedom movement last March (which was eventually retracted after C4L members and others in the freedom community put enormous pressure on them), Missouri C4L members promised to hold those responsible for the report accountable and to do all in their power to prevent another such blatant abuse of power in their state. On August 31, C4L Director of Membership Services Deb Wells, Interim Missouri State Coordinator Paul Hamby, and C4L member Larry Flinchpaugh testified before the Missouri House Interim Committee on State Intelligence Analysis Oversight. This committee is charged with taking recommendations about the MIAC back to the state legislature. Read Paul's report on what happened here, and thanks to all those in Missouri and every other state who are taking such courageous stands for the freedom movement. California: On August 8, Sacramento Campaign for Liberty held an event called the "Federal Reserve Sunshine Day." As member Tom Davenport says, it was “an outdoor event to be held in an accessible, high traffic, high visibility location for the specific purpose of promoting Federal Reserve transparency in a non-partisan manner.” They decided to hold the event on “Second Saturday,” which Tom reports is a “long standing Sacramento tradition in which local art galleries, restaurants, bars, and businesses participate by keeping extended hours and holding special events. Second Saturday is a draw not only for residents of Downtown and Midtown, but for residents of the greater Sacramento area as well, which made a perfect opportunity for exposure.” Read his full account (including video) of what happened here. Congratulations to Sacramento C4L for their success with this event, which resulted in over 500 petitions signed for Audit the Fed. Tom's blog post also includes many helpful tips for those who are interested in holding a similar event. Maryland: In Hartford County, local Campaign for Liberty members gathered outside of Congressman Frank Kratovil’s office on August 11 to protest the latest government attempt to completely take over health care. Around 400 people gathered to make their views known, and they were able to garner some local press coverage from Fox 45. The Hartford County Campaign for Liberty has been rapidly expanding, and we congratulate them on their success. Their county blog reports they will be taking seven full buses to D.C. for the 9-12 March! Across the country, your efforts are also continuing to gain media exposure. In Tennessee, a local newspaper covered Campaign for Liberty members collecting and dropping off petitions for HR 1207 to Congressman Bart Gordon’s office. In Arkansas, Regional Coordinator Rob Richard was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren on Fox News after asking a question during a town hall meeting on health care. In Pennsylvania, York County Coordinator Michael Koffenberger was interviewed for 30 minutes on a cable access show called Uprisings specifically to discuss Campaign for Liberty, local events, the upcoming Northeast Regional Conference, and much more. C4L members are using Congressman Paul's new book, End the Fed, to educate their countrymen on the Federal Reserve and the dangers of fiat money. Brevard County C4L in Florida has a goal of placing a copy in every single Brevard County library, as well as in four college campus libraries. You are not the usual brand of activist the establishment was expecting to easily dismiss. You are educated on the issues, passionate about our message, and confident in the real change that we can bring about by restoring our Constitution. Wherever they turn, there you are. At townhalls. In front of their offices. On their phones. In their inboxes. At county fairs. Writing to editors of local papers. Knocking on doors and recruiting even more supporters. And later this month, we will gather to hold our biggest Regional Conference yet! Joining us in Valley Forge, PA on Sept. 17-19 will be an incredible roster of speakers including Congressman Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano, Daniel Hannan, Tom Woods, Peter Schiff, and Phil Giraldi. Don't miss this chance to hear from these leaders in our movement and to network and train with other C4L members. (Register using promotional code “Henry” to receive a free gift from C4L.) Be sure to visit our Recent Member Blog Posts section at to catch the latest news and reports from your fellow C4L members! Do you have a state success story you want to see included in future installments? Send them along! Email any reports you would like to see highlighted to Thank you for all of the hard work you do in defense of our freedoms. May we proudly look back one day and know that when tyranny threatened on all sides, we answered the call, overcame the challenges, and took back our country. |
I'm not a fan of C4L, but they do at least bring people's attention to the fascism that's coming at us fast and furious.
I'm not a fan of C4L, but they do at least bring people's attention to the fascism that's coming at us fast and furious. ![]() |