Topic: Extremism in Defense of Servitude
willing2's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:46 AM

Our Senator spoke there last night. The "for people" were mostly quiet and listening to the speakers and doing their usual chant at the appropriate times. My child was shocked at how the others were behaving during the prayer. They were very noisy with their yelling.

chant at the appropriate times

Blow me away!!
What were the chants??
I'm curious!!

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:48 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Mon 08/31/09 07:57 AM

Well they arrested that couple at the Bush speech in 2004 for wearing homemade T-shirts that just said Bush in black letters with a red circle and slash (like on a no right turn sign or no smoking). Thrown in jail, and they were outside of the convention center. I'm just saying.

That's all that they did and they got arrested?!shocked frustrated

yeah they intentionally violated the "no protest" zone and were screaming at the convention delegates as they entered the building

they were arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct

these nut cases on the right are just as bad. It just makes me laugh after 8 years of Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink that now the shoe is on the other foot and to hear the indignant outrage and downright whining

Winx's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:58 AM

Our Senator spoke there last night. The "for people" were mostly quiet and listening to the speakers and doing their usual chant at the appropriate times. My child was shocked at how the others were behaving during the prayer. They were very noisy with their yelling.

chant at the appropriate times

Blow me away!!
What were the chants??
I'm curious!!

There's nothing there to blow you away. The people chanted things like "Healthcare Now", "Yes, We can", and "Healthcare options".

Winx's photo
Mon 08/31/09 07:59 AM

Well they arrested that couple at the Bush speech in 2004 for wearing homemade T-shirts that just said Bush in black letters with a red circle and slash (like on a no right turn sign or no smoking). Thrown in jail, and they were outside of the convention center. I'm just saying.

That's all that they did and they got arrested?!shocked frustrated

yeah they intentionally violated the "no protest" zone and were screaming at the convention delegates as they entered the building

they were arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct

these nut cases on the right are just as bad. It just makes me laugh after 8 years of Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink that now the shoe is on the other foot and to hear the indignant outrage and downright whining

Screaming as they entered the building? They aren't that strict now. lol

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:06 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Mon 08/31/09 08:08 AM

Well they arrested that couple at the Bush speech in 2004 for wearing homemade T-shirts that just said Bush in black letters with a red circle and slash (like on a no right turn sign or no smoking). Thrown in jail, and they were outside of the convention center. I'm just saying.

That's all that they did and they got arrested?!shocked frustrated

yeah they intentionally violated the "no protest" zone and were screaming at the convention delegates as they entered the building

they were arrested for trespassing and disorderly conduct

these nut cases on the right are just as bad. It just makes me laugh after 8 years of Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink that now the shoe is on the other foot and to hear the indignant outrage and downright whining

Screaming as they entered the building? They aren't that strict now. lol

yeah that was New Yorks rule. Bloomberg was determined not to let another Seattle break out. They had designated protest zones and people who violated that were arrested. There was continual disruptions by protesters who infiltrated the convention and tried to disrupt it with signs and yelling

Phoenix has different laws. It is legal to carry a rifle there. It doesn't say it's only legal for Republicans. It's legal for all. It wasnt an "assault weapon" it was a hunting rifle

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:11 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:17 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

willing2's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:20 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

The Panthers frequently traveled to Arab Muslim Nazi nations and met with the PLO terrorist mass murderers.

The Panthers openly supported the Arab Muslim Nazi call for the annihilation of Israel.

This horrendously evil black group was treated with the utmost respect by the leftist news media and Jewish establishment organizations, the same ones who denounced the JDL as "terrorists" for merely damaging Soviet Nazi property in order to protest the torture and oppression that was being directed against 1.5 million Russian Jews.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:21 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:25 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

The Panthers frequently traveled to Arab Muslim Nazi nations and met with the PLO terrorist mass murderers.

The Panthers openly supported the Arab Muslim Nazi call for the annihilation of Israel.

This horrendously evil black group was treated with the utmost respect by the leftist news media and Jewish establishment organizations, the same ones who denounced the JDL as "terrorists" for merely damaging Soviet Nazi property in order to protest the torture and oppression that was being directed against 1.5 million Russian Jews.

Considering the source of this information it can be regarded as garbage for sure.

willing2's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:27 AM
President Obama's Justice Department continues to stonewall inquiries about why it dropped a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party.

The episode—which Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer and publisher of the left-wing Village Voice, calls "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've ever seen"—began on Election Day 2008. Mr. Bull and others witnessed two Black Panthers in paramilitary garb at a polling place near downtown Philadelphia. (Some of this behavior is on YouTube.)

One of them, they say, brandished a nightstick at the entrance and pointed it at voters and both made racial threats. Mr. Bull says he heard one yell "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:27 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

In what way am I not using this information correctly... It was implied that current protests are 'wrong'...

I said only...
'and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...' truth!

I then stated...

'Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.'

The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam! How then am I misusing or not properly using the information?

willing2's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:37 AM
African American religious movement that mingles elements of Islam and black nationalism. It was founded in 1931 by Wallace D. Fard, who established its first mosque in Detroit, Mich. Fard retired into obscurity and his assistant Elijah Muhammad, who founded a second temple in Chicago, took over in 1934. He asserted the moral and cultural superiority of Africans over whites and urged African Americans to renounce Christianity as a tool of the oppressors. His teachings also included the traditional Islamic tenets of monotheism, submission to God, and strong family life. The Nation of Islam grew quickly after World War II, and in the early 1960s it achieved national prominence through the work of Malcolm X. Leadership disputes led Malcolm to form a separate organization and finally to his assassination in 1965. In the 1970s Elijah Muhammad was succeeded by his son, Wallace D. Muhammad (b. 1933), who renamed the organization the American Muslim Mission. In 1985 he dissolved the Mission, urging its members to become orthodox Muslims. A splinter group headed by Louis Farrakhan retains the movement's original name and principles. In the early 21st century there were approximately 10,000 members of the Nation of Islam.
For more information on Nation of Islam, visit

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:39 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

In what way am I not using this information correctly... It was implied that current protests are 'wrong'...

I said only...
'and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...' truth!

I then stated...

'Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.'

The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam! How then am I misusing or not properly using the information?

You are not stating it truthfully. You are making half truths and passing them off as complete truths. Not right.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:45 AM

African American religious movement that mingles elements of Islam and black nationalism. It was founded in 1931 by Wallace D. Fard, who established its first mosque in Detroit, Mich. Fard retired into obscurity and his assistant Elijah Muhammad, who founded a second temple in Chicago, took over in 1934. He asserted the moral and cultural superiority of Africans over whites and urged African Americans to renounce Christianity as a tool of the oppressors. His teachings also included the traditional Islamic tenets of monotheism, submission to God, and strong family life. The Nation of Islam grew quickly after World War II, and in the early 1960s it achieved national prominence through the work of Malcolm X. Leadership disputes led Malcolm to form a separate organization and finally to his assassination in 1965. In the 1970s Elijah Muhammad was succeeded by his son, Wallace D. Muhammad (b. 1933), who renamed the organization the American Muslim Mission. In 1985 he dissolved the Mission, urging its members to become orthodox Muslims. A splinter group headed by Louis Farrakhan retains the movement's original name and principles. In the early 21st century there were approximately 10,000 members of the Nation of Islam.
For more information on Nation of Islam, visit


You point being what????

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:46 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

In what way am I not using this information correctly... It was implied that current protests are 'wrong'...

I said only...
'and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...' truth!

I then stated...

'Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.'

The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam! How then am I misusing or not properly using the information?

You are not stating it truthfully. You are making half truths and passing them off as complete truths. Not right.

What half truth.

They DID block polling places. The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam movement...


willing2's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:49 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

In what way am I not using this information correctly... It was implied that current protests are 'wrong'...

I said only...
'and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...' truth!

I then stated...

'Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.'

The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam! How then am I misusing or not properly using the information?

You are not stating it truthfully. You are making half truths and passing them off as complete truths. Not right.

What half truth.

They DID block polling places. The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam movement...


Actually, the Panthers are Loyal to the Nation of Islam, not just affiliated.

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:53 AM
When are we ever going to take responsibility for the reasons minorities became radical in the first place. Now we have whiny folks scared to death that they will be ruled by the very minorities they made sure stayed minorities for decades.

What goes around comes around.

Willing you seem to conveniently ignore the radical insanity in the Christian community. Minorities learned from us how to use religion for their own purposes. And religion to this day is behind much of the instanity we see today. I'm better than you and my religion backs it up, even though I made sure I interpreted it to be so.

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:53 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

In what way am I not using this information correctly... It was implied that current protests are 'wrong'...

I said only...
'and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...' truth!

I then stated...

'Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.'

The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam! How then am I misusing or not properly using the information?

You are not stating it truthfully. You are making half truths and passing them off as complete truths. Not right.

What half truth.

They DID block polling places. The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam movement...


Actually, the Panthers are Loyal to the Nation of Islam, not just affiliated.

I would not claim that...

Black Panthers seem to be (in my observation) loyal to themselves first.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:55 AM

1) What would have happened if someone had turned up at a Bush speaking engagement carrying an automatic weapon and a sign threatening its use?

in Arizona? (where it happened) nothing

2) What would have happened during the Bush era if liberal protesters had disrupted political meetings organized by Republicans?

they did continually. You never heard of Cindy Sheehan?

and ACORN entering bank offices with stated intentions of using intimidation to force them to loan moneys to unqualified buyers.

and people blocking public roads against politicians (code pink).

and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...

and and and...


Who blocked voting areas with sticks in hand at the last few elections?

Qiet beat me to it!laugh
The Black Panthers who, also happen to be loyal to the Nation of Islam.

Considering that is not true. Okay.

Considering what is not true. Some Panthers DID block polling places in panthers uniforms carrying batons... Documented fact.

Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.

Both are not true in the sense you are using the information.

Panthers being at polling places was true, not the rest.

There are panthers who practice Islam that is true, not that the whole group is Islamic, that is not true.

In what way am I not using this information correctly... It was implied that current protests are 'wrong'...

I said only...
'and people blocking voting areas with sticks in hand...' truth!

I then stated...

'Panthers ARE affiliated with the Nation of Islam... Documented fact.'

The Black Panthers are affiliated with the Nation of Islam! How then am I misusing or not properly using the information?

You are not stating it truthfully. You are making half truths and passing them off as complete truths. Not right.

Did you see the video of the two black men who were not identified as black panthers standing in front of the polling place, not stopping anyone from voting, nor being aggressive at all?

Two whole black men are regarded as the whole black panther party?