Topic: Spoiled Men
Atlantis75's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:43 PM
it has been the other way for me. I spoil women, telling her not to do anything, I'll take care of it.

ReddBeans's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:44 PM
Hey Jess, U forgot about gainin weight by both since they've both hooked somebody.:laughing:

Jess642's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:46 PM

Hey Jess, U forgot about gainin weight by both since they've both hooked somebody.:laughing:

Hahahaha...and farting in bed!...and not wearing makeup, or cologne anymore!!!!


ReddBeans's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:47 PM
U know the honeymoon is over when one gives the other a dutch oven

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Jess642's photo
Sun 08/30/09 04:48 PM

U know the honeymoon is over when one gives the other a dutch oven

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

grumble ill :angry: <'s all humdrum from here on in...


mythicalman22's photo
Mon 08/31/09 01:41 AM
okay big homey let them be mad at me then...How could a man possibly be spoiled? Maybe the women are just ungratefull...A man has given you about 98 percent of everything your eyes have ever seen...If men never invented allmost everything and built allmost everything again about 98 percent by men only then women wouldnt have houses, fire,clothing,food, life?lol...Its funny that women give us life...We do not forget what our mothers have given us but what have the rest of you given us?It would be rediculous to compare what women and men have given us...It is very apparent and I would never say I am ungratefull for even the smallest thing they give but it is ludacous to believe a women can say we dont deserve a little praise once in a while...Makes me laugh...Try being alive without us....this society wouldnt be anything it is now if it wasnt for men...So you might want to thank a man next time you see him and not call him spoiled, he could never be spoiled enough.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 08/31/09 02:17 AM
i think i'll keep my mouth shut on this one.....

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/31/09 02:24 AM
Its a point of allowing someone to take you for granted, and that is a womans place to set boundries.

Noone has to put up with being used, and she CAN walk away.

Instead of bitching about him, Id move on.. thats it.

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 11:50 AM

okay big homey let them be mad at me then...How could a man possibly be spoiled? Maybe the women are just ungratefull...A man has given you about 98 percent of everything your eyes have ever seen...If men never invented allmost everything and built allmost everything again about 98 percent by men only then women wouldnt have houses, fire,clothing,food, life?lol...Its funny that women give us life...We do not forget what our mothers have given us but what have the rest of you given us?It would be rediculous to compare what women and men have given us...It is very apparent and I would never say I am ungratefull for even the smallest thing they give but it is ludacous to believe a women can say we dont deserve a little praise once in a while...Makes me laugh...Try being alive without us....this society wouldnt be anything it is now if it wasnt for men...So you might want to thank a man next time you see him and not call him spoiled, he could never be spoiled enough.

Someone deserves a good nut splattering.

southernmike's photo
Mon 08/31/09 11:58 AM
then you get the women like my ex....... i was working 65+ hours a week before i started driving truck i would come home to no dinner cooked "she went out with her friends" and house is a mess. She was not working just spending the money I was making. and i worked and cleaned the house and cooked. it is not just the women that complain about the men. I just wish that some day i can find the right woman for me that is willing to give 120% to a relationship with me cause i will always give 120% or more

mythicalman22's photo
Mon 08/31/09 05:45 PM
Intriguingvictory it seems as if you follow my posts wherever I post bt never have anything to say meaningfull to the threads point, if you must follow me and try to down me atleast come with more then nut blasting and emphasizing what I say, use your own words and have your own opinion, it is the one thing us men have and own in this life, our own opinion, so try using yours to better cause then mud slinging and nonsensicle babble...Be your own man

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 05:50 PM
hey Jess642, Tell us about what Aussie men are like --for the most part of course. I'm trying to educate myself

no photo
Mon 08/31/09 05:56 PM
Guess what everyone? This is one woman that loves men. Why don't we all just concentrate more on our similarities instead of emphasizing our differences. We don't think the same, act the same or look the same. Weed out the good from the bad and just enjoy them and all they have to offer. Take each PERSON for what they are. If it works -- there's nothing better. If it doesn't -- simple just move on instead of trying to change someone into something they're not.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:05 PM

okay big homey let them be mad at me then...How could a man possibly be spoiled? Maybe the women are just ungratefull...A man has given you about 98 percent of everything your eyes have ever seen...If men never invented allmost everything and built allmost everything again about 98 percent by men only then women wouldnt have houses, fire,clothing,food, life?lol...Its funny that women give us life...We do not forget what our mothers have given us but what have the rest of you given us?It would be rediculous to compare what women and men have given us...It is very apparent and I would never say I am ungratefull for even the smallest thing they give but it is ludacous to believe a women can say we dont deserve a little praise once in a while...Makes me laugh...Try being alive without us....this society wouldnt be anything it is now if it wasnt for men...So you might want to thank a man next time you see him and not call him spoiled, he could never be spoiled enough.

flowerforyou You're so cute when you're sort of right on something.

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:08 PM

Intriguingvictory it seems as if you follow my posts wherever I post bt never have anything to say meaningfull to the threads point, if you must follow me and try to down me atleast come with more then nut blasting and emphasizing what I say, use your own words and have your own opinion, it is the one thing us men have and own in this life, our own opinion, so try using yours to better cause then mud slinging and nonsensicle babble...Be your own man


mythicalman22's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:10 PM
I wish that it was as easy as finding and seeing likenesses and going from there but most people show two faces one that they show there mother and one they show there signnificant other...At first you get the mother face and they seem so great but after a while you see there other face and it disgusts you and so on and so forth..Equality is a great vision but lets be reallistic one person can not be compared to another and one sex cannot either, there is allways a horrible, a good and a best...Most people who are not the best just dont know how to treat the best right and the people who are good are satisfied with just being good and the horrible well they just love to try to ruin everyone elses happyness

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:13 PM

Intriguingvictory it seems as if you follow my posts wherever I post bt never have anything to say meaningfull to the threads point, if you must follow me and try to down me atleast come with more then nut blasting and emphasizing what I say, use your own words and have your own opinion, it is the one thing us men have and own in this life, our own opinion, so try using yours to better cause then mud slinging and nonsensicle babble...Be your own man


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cute!

Jess642's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:25 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Mon 08/31/09 06:28 PM

hey Jess642, Tell us about what Aussie men are like --for the most part of course. I'm trying to educate myself

Aussie a generalised sense...

Upfront....confident, clear spoken and transparent.

They like their women to be be feisty, with a bit of spunk about them, they respect that. They like their women to be confident and courageous...and willing to 'give it a go' whether it be a game of touch footy on the beach to landing a 60 lb Mackeral on the back of a fishing boat.

They like their women real.

They, like any other human being, like to be shown they are cared it a meal prepared, a load of washing done, or a beer handed to them when they get home.

They are real...the thankyou is not some arse kissing fawning thing from an aussie's a smack on the arse, a wink, a kiss on the cheek, and a 'You're a top chick, I'm a lucky man" comment.

Men here do things like mow the lawns, fix the car, catch the big hairy spider, wash the dishes, throw a load of washing on, come grocery shopping, and push the cart, load the car and fill the trolley full of necessary man stuff....

and they are content with a cold drink, a grateful smile, or a high five.

We're not so great on the role thing here.... we are all people who happen to find someone attractive.

Aussie men are simple...feed em, love em, and show them that they are valuable to you, and they will slay every dragon, give over the remote and put the toilet seat down.

Oh may I add that aussie men think Dr Phil is a proctologist they never wanna have to visit, Men are From Mars and Women Are From Venus, is a Mills and Boon bodice ripper novel, Oprah is the name of some woman that works in a brothel, and a snag is a sausage that's thrown on the bbq....

:wink: laugh

Anton_k's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:32 PM

LMAO you don't have to do anything to spoil a man! They are just spoiled by nature or it's that "macho" coming out where they're lazy and want their woman to do everything!

i have no problem fending for myself, i know how to cook and clean wash clothes .. all kinds of demestic things not to mention very handy around the house to boot. i don't expect somebody to come pick up after me . because i don't leave a trail of clothing from the door to the bedroom.. spoiling and being a maid service are two diferent things..bigsmile if i wanted a maid i would have a service .i pay them money they clean and i don't have to listen to any complaintsthey are happy to have the work..bigsmile

Jess642's photo
Mon 08/31/09 06:35 PM
Hahaha...I just asked my partner to read what I wrote...he said I forgot the bit where they hold your hair out of the way when you puke, rub your back....and tell you that you look like sh*te afterwards, but will cuddle you anyway!!!!
