Topic: To the Fallen Soldiers' | |
'To the Fallen Soldiers' (Forrest) "To the Fallen Soldiers" How do we say thank you to our son's and daughters, husbands and wives, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, sisters and brothers. How do we say thank you for putting your lives on the line for us, in a was that's not ours to fight. After 9/11 you were told "this is our fight, we must take revenge, because they have weapons of mass destruction and a plan to use them on us." But of course the head of State was wrong about all of that, of course he only wanted to prove a point. What's the point you say, well his point is nothing like this was supposed to happen on his shift, but since it did he must come out victorious. It does not really matter how many he looses along the way, he just must be the victor. How many babies won't have the chance to know their parents, and how many of those parents won't have the chance to see their little ones take their first steps, or be there for their kindergarten promotion. Many father's won't have the opportunity to walk their little girls down that wonderful isle of bliss. Think of how many mother's won't get the help their sons get ready for their proms or even meet their girl friends. All of this and why, so that the head of state can be victorious. How many of his is over there, not the two daughters that have made the news several times because of their drunken behavior. So what is he risking, only the lives of our children, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, aunts, and uncles. Now they served and died because of the love they have for God first, for us second and then for this country, a country that sometimes just don't care. The time is now to show that we do care, to thank not only God, but also their families for them and their sacrifice. You will truly be missed. ![]() |
double view, de'ja vue.
whats your point Said by two. Should I wonder. Whats inside. 2 time the posting 2 times the pride. |