Topic: what is wrong with people these days?
earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:26 AM

LOL, I deleted the reply I had to this thread. It's not even worth a response. I'm going back to my "shallow life" now, everyone pity me....sad laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

laugh I know.. I went with option 1.. really.. pity ME.

mythicalman22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:27 AM
if you dont post I respect your view..Its smart..The funny part is I have been with so many women that are just like you and I have been screwed over and I have screwed you over too...What is the point of all that heartbreak? I actually like calm and peace, it helpes me be my best...I have had your life style, so maturity is not my problem, maybe you should grow up, I am sure you have heard that many times before...Maybe you should listen

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:27 AM

lol gypsy " are you the one for me" that sounds ike someone looking for love and a long lasting relationship..Or you are just a fake a$$ ***** like most who prays on good people to make yourself feel better...I dont force my ideals down anyones throat I just ask what your life is like without a reason to live? No family, no love, no relationship, what do you have? You have your chips and sandwich and a empty table where someones family could be but are not and a wreched additude due to your obvious unhappyness.

Gypsy has her son and he has her and that's more than some of us have. You don't know where she's having her sorry-*** sandwich and chips. Maybe in a tire swing hanging from a tree and her son is pushing her. Gotta be careful how you pass judgement m'dear.

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:27 AM

lol gypsy " are you the one for me" that sounds ike someone looking for love and a long lasting relationship..Or you are just a fake a$$ ***** like most who prays on good people to make yourself feel better...I dont force my ideals down anyones throat I just ask what your life is like without a reason to live? No family, no love, no relationship, what do you have? You have your chips and sandwich and a empty table where someones family could be but are not and a wreched additude due to your obvious unhappyness.
Are you the one for me says alot!!! Meaning.....I dont want just some yeeeeeeeeeee haw!!!slaphead

So that is all to life??? Marriage? family? bablblablablaaah???? Welllll Ive had it all and Ive had it taken away. And guess what??? Im still here and Ive had to adapt. Pfffffffft reason to live!!!!slaphead And fake azzz b*tch preying on good people to make myself feel better??? Ha.....ya thats EXACTLY what I do!!!slaphead

Someone.....give this guy a prize!!!slaphead

mythicalman22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:29 AM
lol, I got my prize, get yourself a life..You obviously could use one

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:30 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Wed 08/26/09 02:34 AM
Well hey OP.. so you have the desire to spread the seed..

Ok,,.. i get it.. its natural, and you should.. (if your prepared)

*parenting classes* *parenting classes*


So, do you.. find a suitable partner, and have at it.

Listen.. the good news is.. this breeding thing is apparently all the rage.. thats how all of US got here.. so there is hope.

When its time.. the magnetisim will happen. I spose its now YOUR job to be sure you have what it takes to offer someone a long lasting relationship, and nurture that person, and be the supportive good guy.

Annddd... good luck with that...


Katzenschnauzer's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:31 AM
I'm sorry. I get Gypsy & Earthy mixed up sometimes. I apologize.slaphead

no photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:31 AM
hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa ya good luck with that!!!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:33 AM

lol gypsy " are you the one for me" that sounds ike someone looking for love and a long lasting relationship..Or you are just a fake a$$ ***** like most who prays on good people to make yourself feel better...I dont force my ideals down anyones throat I just ask what your life is like without a reason to live? No family, no love, no relationship, what do you have? You have your chips and sandwich and a empty table where someones family could be but are not and a wreched additude due to your obvious unhappyness.

Gypsy has her son and he has her and that's more than some of us have. You don't know where she's having her sorry-*** sandwich and chips. Maybe in a tire swing hanging from a tree and her son is pushing her. Gotta be careful how you pass judgement m'dear.

Your just awesome, and I am SO keeping you. xo

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:34 AM

lol, I got my prize, get yourself a life..You obviously could use one

Yikes. You have a bit of an edge don't you? FLASH! Friendly Thread Turns ugly

mythicalman22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:38 AM
I have had a son and a family, my family is no longer with us anymore but that isnt a reason for me to give up or cave in...I feel bad every day for that but I never give up on finding one good women out there and making the impossible reality...I think if you actually have loved and truelly lost something you would see just how much you learn and how much you grow...How much you want what you once had.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:38 AM

lol gypsy " are you the one for me" that sounds ike someone looking for love and a long lasting relationship..Or you are just a fake a$$ ***** like most who prays on good people to make yourself feel better...I dont force my ideals down anyones throat I just ask what your life is like without a reason to live? No family, no love, no relationship, what do you have? You have your chips and sandwich and a empty table where someones family could be but are not and a wreched additude due to your obvious unhappyness.

Gypsy has her son and he has her and that's more than some of us have. You don't know where she's having her sorry-*** sandwich and chips. Maybe in a tire swing hanging from a tree and her son is pushing her. Gotta be careful how you pass judgement m'dear.

Your just awesome, and I am SO keeping you. xo

Awwww.blushing Thank you. On that good note I think I'll fall into bed with my lil' Schnauzer. He's family.

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:40 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Wed 08/26/09 02:41 AM

if you dont post I respect your view..Its smart..The funny part is I have been with so many women that are just like you and I have been screwed over and I have screwed you over too...What is the point of all that heartbreak? I actually like calm and peace, it helpes me be my best...I have had your life style, so maturity is not my problem, maybe you should grow up, I am sure you have heard that many times before...Maybe you should listen

Yo, yo yo my friend.. hold up.

Do ya know her situation for a fact?

She bowed out gracefully.

Everyone has their path.. every-one has their job in life..

We all have different stations to man in this world..

Some peoples callings are completely different than yours.

WE may not be u0p for the gig, but hey.. knock yourself out..

do what inspires YOU.

We just happen to be some other people that may have different callings..

No marriage is guaranteed by the way, and that divorce rate is awful high. Your marriage may fail (if you DO marry) and it may completely be the other persons fault *cough*

ANYway.. Were not all here to be married, and some of us arent ready right now.

Wasnt there a time when YOU werent ready? or have ya been marriage material since birth?

Give some people a break.

I wish you all the best.. but THATS YOU.

AND patience with another person in a marriage is very key.

Right now.. your not expressing that patience.

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:42 AM

I have had a son and a family, my family is no longer with us anymore but that isnt a reason for me to give up or cave in...I feel bad every day for that but I never give up on finding one good women out there and making the impossible reality...I think if you actually have loved and truelly lost something you would see just how much you learn and how much you grow...How much you want what you once had.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I get concerned when you tell people they are a fake__$$ and that they aren't worth much and that the lives they are living aren't worth a plug nickel.

mythicalman22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:44 AM
I know not all people choose to be good people and people choose to screw others over and people do not want a steady relationship or cant handle being attached I get that...makes me laugh but I get it...I believe also though that all those people at one time or another looked at marriage and a family as a good thing..It can be and would be if people would ever put the effort in...I am no god, just a man, I live my life to be the best I can, maybe more people should do just that and we might live in a little better place

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:48 AM

I know not all people choose to be good people and people choose to screw others over and people do not want a steady relationship or cant handle being attached I get that...makes me laugh but I get it...I believe also though that all those people at one time or another looked at marriage and a family as a good thing..It can be and would be if people would ever put the effort in...I am no god, just a man, I live my life to be the best I can, maybe more people should do just that and we might live in a little better place

Were not all choosing single, or committed relationships, or to be alone because we are jaded.

Some people dont want marriage, as a matter of fact, less and less people are marrying, and more are just living together committed.

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:49 AM
Hell, I dont mind just having a cup of coffee with someone.

I can be good with that.

mythicalman22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:51 AM
There is so much more to life then that though...I am sorry you are not open to it...It is wonderful and it is the absolute best feeling you will ever have...I only hope one day you can feel it too

earthytaurus76's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:54 AM

There is so much more to life then that though...I am sorry you are not open to it...It is wonderful and it is the absolute best feeling you will ever have...I only hope one day you can feel it too

Oh, Im open to all of it if its right.. MINUS the ceremony, and the piece of paper.

If I meet someone decent, and nice, and right, I always commit. But that doesnt mean its going to last, and that doesnt mean that its going to be good.

I just dont find marriage nessasary.

mythicalman22's photo
Wed 08/26/09 02:59 AM
lol, your lack of confidence in all of it will assure that it will never work...Have faith in things and work them out, there is allways ups and downs and hardships but they are all worth it in the grand scheme of things....Trust me on this...I agree marriage is just a paper but the thought is what counts