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Topic: Another Week Goes By
no photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:01 PM

Another week has just past. It was full of challenges, disappointments,
hugs from family, Music (always music), poems (sweet poems)incredible
new beginnings, prayers for friends, hope, missing, overwhelming
emotions, and so much peace.

When I look back it makes me happy that through all, it's ending up with
a peaceful calm that only living brings. On JSH we lived this week

What did your week bring you?

Marie55's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:08 PM
Honestly, mostly frustration and exhaustion. More work than I can get
done in a week, and still working on my health issues.

The bright spot of my week was getting a box of clothes, sandals, toys
and books sent off to my grandbabies. Alex will be 3 next month and he
freaks when my daughter brings a box out of the post office and starts
yelling "Gamma box, Gamma box" and wants to rip it open in the car and
carries on all the way home. I wish I could deliver it in person,
haven't seen them in months, but that is my highlight, sending them
presents I know they will like.

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:10 PM
My week has brought me Knowledge, the Knowledge of
knowing thier is not always an answer to my question,
yet I can move forward without doubt if I truely listen
to what my Soul is saying, I have learned this week
that I am stronger than I truely ever thought I was
and with adversity comes light, and with this light
I have once again found completness in my Mind,
Body and Soul

I have learned what an Incredible Friend you are
{{{{Michael}}}} and am blessed to have you in my
life. flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:32 PM
Isn't it beautiful how we can look back only a week, and see how
meaningful our lives really are? Just imagine how those children felt.

Wonderful posts. The kind of post that make me look forward to next
week, but for now enjoying the meaning of the last few days is enough. I
breath deeply with that thought.

I do love you, my friends.


I hold you high above the clouds with the deepest of thoughts. It is
your soul that has made me desire to be your brother for life, and
through life.

Much love,


LAMom's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:36 PM
{{{{ Michael }}}
I am humbled to be in your world and you my friend have given me insight
into my soul that i never knew was thier for this
I am forever thankful
Love you D

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:36 PM


I've learned that by my own self punishment I hurt the ones I Love. That
I'm repeating things in my life that I hated growing up. a cycle I
thought i had changed. I think by the pain that im worse.
Even when I tried to make things right I still didnt show the praise
that was asked for.

LAMom's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:38 PM
{{{{{{{{{{{ Lisa }}}}}}}}}}}}}
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:38 PM
To use last Friday as a landmark for use it as a reference
point...the time from there to here...

Growth, vision, acceptance, stripped to the bone, being in the world, and also
having the sight of what may come, and the impacts.

Living once again, in the here and now, envisioning the future, and
learning from the past...

Marie55's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:41 PM
Catch you are an incredible woman and great friend.
I understand that cycle all too well. I wish I knew the answer for you.
Don't beat yourself up, you are a beautiful person. :heart:

catchme_ifucan's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:45 PM
ohwell Too bad I don't show that to my daughter..

ladypegasus's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:49 PM
Family and friends, young and old, new or forever,near or far, are
life's beauty and should be cherished for the treasure they are...

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:52 PM
I learned a lot of wonderful things from my Dada,
Things that thought me and will motivate me to be a better person, being
less-experienced in life, I will always put them in thoughts.

I have learned that people on JSH care for each other and that will make
me stay here forever. {{{{{JSHers}}}}}

Thanks for this wonderful week!


no photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:56 PM
this last week?

my 13 yr old rocks!!!!!!!!

got a nice delivery of second hand clothes...she organized it all alone,
a surprise for the kids and moms in the asylum seekers refuge.

really cool stuff...someone must have had an outlet. she even sorted it
by sizes....

i am all choked up. the Group Hug in Jerusalem that was organized to
support the peace process between Palestinians and Jews....

the performance of a patient now fully recovered singing soprano with
the Concertgebouw evening of Bartok ...was a tribute to
the work and to her determination and perseverance....i was very proud.

we did alot this last week! thanks for making me remember!flowerforyou

Marie55's photo
Thu 05/24/07 11:58 PM
Catch, don't know your daughter's age, but believe me she is paying
attention. My daughter fought me tooth and nail growing up, I could
tell you stories, my God, would make the hairs on the back of your neck
stand up. Anyway, she is now 32, and a mother, and I catch her talking
to her friends on the phone now and then about what she did and telling
them about how I was always there for her. Doctors and counselors told
me to throw her out, I never did, she made my life hell in more ways
than one but she knew on some level that I would never throw her out and
she could always count on me to be there for her.

Don't know what is going on, but she will hopefully come through
whatever it is and be stronger for it. All kids rebel and make our
lives hell. Hope it is one of those "phases" they go through and she
will come out of it and calm down until the next one.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:12 AM
Thank you! L She is 12yr. It's me not telling her enough how good
she's doing, I b*tch about the bad.So today I went & rode with her & we
worked differnt horses for this weekend & we got along good, I still
just wasnt saying you did great! & she kept sayin I did pretty good
with him huh! & each time I say yea BUT! I cant just be nice..

no photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:16 AM
Love you catch. You know I'm thinking about you. I'm glad your my sis.


That's beautiful. "thank you"

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:19 AM
:heart: Love you too!! sorry I went off topic there..

Marie55's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:21 AM
So don't beat yourself up, you are aware of it, start from there and go
on. You know where you need to start from and what to change. Now you
can change it and work on it. Sounds like you have started, just riding
with her and working with her is a great start. Don't beat yourself
up!!! I had a rotten childhood and had nothing to base raising my
daughter on, had to do it from scratch, so made my mistakes. We went
through hell, she has a personality disorder, probably from the abuse
she witnessed me take from her alcoholic dad for her first 5 years of
life and his not being a father to her. But she has come through it,
has grown up, still has issues, but is a great mom to my grandbabies and
we are good friends now.

Start fresh tomorrow - don't look back, make tomorrow the first day and
go on from there. You will be great and you are doing a great job.
Like I said, you are aware of it, that is the most important, if you are
not aware of the issue, you can't change it, so you can change it. Make
up your mind to have a great day with your daughter tomorrow, just
remind yourself to compliment her more and it will become more natural.

You are a great mom, and a great person. :heart: flowerforyou

Take care, I am heading for bed. Have a great day tomorrow.

no photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:39 AM

You didn't go off topic. That's the magic of the love of friends. You
gave me a gift, "you shared". Now I get to give back in my own private
way. The words shared on JSH are only the beginning of the turning of a
powerful wheel. A wheel much stronger than just one fighting a battle by
themselves, in their own mind.

You never have to work through things alone. Wisdom is the repetition of
knowledge. Knowledge comes from the things we do, learn, and share.
Knowledge is tied to experience. This is how we find break-through in
our lives. All the emotions we go through are part of the process, that
one day leads us to the answers.

I love you catch,


catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:52 AM
Oh! just send me strength all weekend then she has a big 4 day show &
I'm letting her ride a horse that is way faster than her regular one &
she gets upset if I'm not there the whole time but doesn't want me to
tell her how to ride at all.

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