Topic: are there any "freeman" believers here | |
Just curious....... as I stand with my back against the wall.dodging
their bullets. |
dont believe in freemen( whatever) but I believe in you!!!
I used to free before G. Bush!!!! LMAO
thanks Trizar !!!
I was just curious if this "freeman movement" had affected folks in other parts of the country.. |
They have been around for a long, loing time in one form or another.
Even before "hey Jedediah!Hide the still, the revenooers is a comin". It's a great way to live your life. Wouldn't it be fun to have teeth missing when you smile, a shiny new out-house with a Sears catalog for toilet paper (careful for the glossy pages ), an old flint lock rifle for "shootin' at some food", and a pre-transistor radio playing Foggy Mountain Breakdown? Yeeeee Haaaaaw! Disclaimer: I apologize for any inference to the practice of hillbillyism (!?!) and the possibility that I may have personally offended kariZman in the process as I understand that hillbillyism (!?!) is widespread and extends well beyond the borders of the good old USA. My apologies. To get back to your question/statement, odd as it may seem, there is validity in everyone's views. Listen to all of it, accept, if you wish, what makes sense to you, and deposit the vast remainder down the fly hole in the outhouse for future reference. Love ya babe, let's do lunch! Oh oh, here comes them revenooers! Gotta go! |
>> odd as it may seem, there is validity in everyone's views. Listen to all of it,
Thanks for posting that Zap - there seems to be a lot of slander against the freemen on the net, some of it certainly deserved. Every fringe group is going to attract the 'fringe people' some of whom are wing-nuts - but there may still be value in the movement. I'm glad that there are still people in our society that at least have that 'spirit', even if they don't use it in the most constructive way. |
Wing nuts? That would be ME.
What are "freemen"?
Oceans, I can't give a fair answer to your question - but there is a
good bit of (biased) commentary on the web. Zap, there are degrees of wing-nut-ed-ness. (wing-nuttitry?) |
Oceans, Freemen are often tied together with different militia groups
in the U.S. and I believe outside the U.S. as well. For example, the Montana Freeman. Some also associate the freemen with other groups such as those in Ohio, Texas and many other survivalists type organizations. It's a rather complex movement but the basic premise is the distrust of the government and their ability to govern properly. They've been around for a long time. Some, like the Montana freemen have went as far as developing their own currency and checking system. This got them arrested. They feel as thought they can create regions within the U.S. and create their own rules and laws. |
>> the basic premise is the distrust of the government and their ability to govern properly
Hey, sign me up!!! |
Wasn't it the Freeman movement some years ago that prompted the
legislature that made it illegal to stock pile weapons, food, water and fuel? Seems to me they had underground fall out shelters built for such purposes. I even remembe some news accounts of buildings that the goverment, sent military personal in to uncover. |
Eric Rudolph was a Freeman, I believe.
He bombed the abortion clinics, and hid here in the Mts. for 5 yrs. |
Okay, it must be time for me to go to bed. At first, I thought the
question was about Free Masons? |
Was the Ruby Ridge group "Freemen"?
Red, I would be VERY surprised if it were illegal to stockpile food, water, and fuel, etc, and to build bunkers. Weapons stocking of course will vary state to state. Oceans |
None of the above is illegal, including how many legal weapons you can
own. |
I've never seen a direct connection between Ruby Ridge and the Freemen
movement but haven't given it any real time. However, from what I have read, they both share a lot of the same anti govenment, White Supremecist, Religeous and Conspiracy Theory rhetoric. |