Topic: The Democrats Lie To The Peoples
forrest07's photo
Thu 05/24/07 09:13 PM
"Why Lie"
Why lie to all that believe in you, why lie, was it
just to get a vote? When is it our time to win, when
is it our time not to give in. Congress had a point to
make, but instead they backed down, they gave in, they
folded, they sold us out. How much will it cost, and
how much did they get. they fill their pockets and
empty ours. What type of soul do they posses, what
type of spirit lives within. One day this government
will be gone, one day it will be all over. On the day
of judgment I pray all of our elected officials
remember just how they sold us out, just how they
robbed us, just how many lives they destroyed. All
because they failed God's test, while writing laws for
us to follow they forgot to follow God's laws, for
Thou shalt not lie is there, along with thou shalt not
steal and then there is thou shalt not covet anything
of thy neighbors. God's laws, man's laws, which one do
we follow. God's law have remained the same for
thousands of years, but man laws change daily. God
have ten, man have too many to count. Once again this
government is almost gone, and because they did not
follow God's laws, His children won't have to worry
about being sold out ever again.

Take care and God Bless

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 09:19 PM
>> Congress had a point to make, but instead they backed down

What is this in reference to?

Of course the Republocrats and Demicans lie.

seahawks's photo
Thu 05/24/07 09:21 PM

no photo
Thu 05/24/07 09:59 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh