Topic: A relative of mine has throat cancer | |
You know the saying when it rains it pours? well I lost my grandmother in March. My 15yr old nephew got hit by a car he's ok now and thanks everyone for their prayers. Now i'm asking if it's not too much trouble please say a prayer for my relative who has throat cancer thank you. She just found out and is scared and all prayers are welcomed.
Sorry to hear about the unfortunate happenings in your life I will pray for you my friend.
my prayers go with her and your whole family
Sending prayers for your relative..
prayers being sent...
you got it
On thair way!
No problem .Prayers being sent !
Prayers and well wishes on the way!
Prayers sent
i have had 3 friends with the same cancer in the past couple of years... i am soooo sorry to hear that.. prayers for you and your family