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Topic: supporting our troops
bellameetsbeau's photo
Thu 05/24/07 07:40 AM
has anyone stopped to think about where you stand on YOU standing up for
your rights. i'm not talking about whether or not you support our the
war, our president or anything like that. i'm talking about if something
like 9/11 was to happen again (and i'm positive it will, because why do
it once if u dont plan to do it again) and they actually start to fight
on our land where you would. where would u stand if people came into our
country, threatening to take our freedom's away? no i am not in the
military but that is because i feel i would be more of a hinderance to
the military but i can gurantee you if someone was threatening to take
away my freedom's that i enjoy so much you better believe i would go
down fighting.

i mean we talk about how we 'support our troops' yet we talk bad about
the cause they are fighting for. we can say we support them individually
but not the cause. well they probablly have the same feelings about
that, but i know if someone told me they supported me but not the reason
i was fighting for i would think that they were full of sh**.

but hey maybe i am the only person that feels this way. who knows. i
just think that people should decide exactly what they believe and make
a decision on how they would feel if they were in the military and were
being told what we tell our military. but whatever like i said maybe it
is just me and i'm just some crazy girl. but there is my rant for the

Oceans5555's photo
Thu 05/24/07 10:19 AM
Hi, Bella,

I'm glad you posted!

I'm not quite understanding the question:

Who is it that you think might attack our land? How are you imagining
they might attack it?

If I were attacked by anyone, certainly I would defend myself, and I can
understand why people when they are attacked fight back. In the Middle
East, my area of specialty, this is happening in Palestine, Afghanistan
and Iraq. Of course people will fight back against an invader.

My sense is that we can do something even better, which is to establish
good relations with people who live elsewhere, so that the angers and
issues that might lead to enmity don't even come up. Americans are good
at making friends, when we are allowed to do so -- and this will always
be our strongest shield.

To come back, then, to your very interesting question, please know that
I am involved in this every day.

I hope you see more of your postings, and to your answers to my two


Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 05/24/07 06:47 PM
How do I STAND ON MY RIGHTS?? SMITH & WESSON says it the best. Ya
reckon?!drinker drinker flowerforyou laugh

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/25/07 01:08 AM
yeah just the right calibre to nock out a missguided atomic missile your

bellameetsbeau's photo
Fri 05/25/07 02:03 AM
honestly i'm not sure i even really had a question. i know i'm not an
expert or anything but i just think we as a nation our spread to thin
and we are taking car of other countries before we are taking care of
our own.
honestly i was just aggervated and needed to let off steam ocean. i post
when i have something to say. any other time i'm not going to waste my
time just talking crap.

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/25/07 02:25 AM
spread to thin?????????ya got more people piled up in boxes than ya can
poke a bloody stick at

bellameetsbeau's photo
Fri 05/25/07 02:41 AM
yes spread too thin. there are more troops in other countries than there
are in our own so if something happened here then we are screwed. most
of the places we are we dont even need to be. like korea for instance.
we are never going to win. and yes it will suck if we leave and they
blow each other up but the way i see it we cant really help anyone else
until we have things settled in our country.

i'm going to bed. i'll be back tomorrow though. have a great nigh.

bellameetsbeau's photo
Fri 05/25/07 02:41 AM
yes spread too thin. there are more troops in other countries than there
are in our own so if something happened here then we are screwed. most
of the places we are we dont even need to be. like korea for instance.
we are never going to win. and yes it will suck if we leave and they
blow each other up but the way i see it we cant really help anyone else
until we have things settled in our country.

i'm going to bed. i'll be back tomorrow though. have a great nigh.

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/25/07 03:32 AM
hi bellameetsbeau,im a baby boomer 53 im on the down hill run my life is
not all that far from bein through i have a daughter she i 29 and thats
not that much older than you.i have my fears watts going to be left for
her and you.this planet could be a beautiful place if we all studied war
no costs to much to run a war .yes every nation needs soldiers
warriors warriors to help preserve all life on will cost a lot
less to do that than to kill every bloody thing on this planet .sad

ghostkast's photo
Fri 05/25/07 04:58 AM
KARIZMAN is 6ft tall in his high heels.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Fri 05/25/07 05:40 AM
karizman the question clearly stated what would I DO if I was under
attack? simply put....i have the right to bear my firearms and defend my
family, and myself. You damm skippy I said smith & wesson. I AM a gun
owner. I DO believe more women should own a handgun or firearm and I
problem picking up my firearm and if need be fire it. Its that simple. I
live in the deep southern part of the united states and for the most
part the people here are pretty darn decent. That doesnt make me a KKK
member or ignorant. I can hunt, fish, work the land and in the event the
nuclear power plant 70 miles from my back door should be hit by a missle
I strongly doubt i would live long but i would go down fighting for my
freedom, my child, myself and my country. God bless

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 05:58 AM
I have to post this, and then Im off to school.

Currently the US has less than 1% of Total pop. serving in the Armed
Forces. Appr. 1.4 million, we have the capability to put appr. 60
million in service if need be. with appr. 2 million more becoming of age
every year. You should not feel threatened, turn off the alarm bells.
Even without the draft there is plenty of men. when you hear about
troops being spread then you have to realize they are talking about
rotation, and length of tour. They could keep the current level troop
strength in Iraq and still (Army) have more than 400,000 on hand. (again

I found shocking is our military budget (now) is 4% of the National GDP,
and is larger than the next 14 militaries in the world. Wow, smart bombs
arent cheap I guess.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 05:59 AM
that was the next 14 combined....

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 06:04 AM
Oh yea, I dont know the true numbers but of the 660,000 USArmy troops,
at least half are right here on US soil. (CONUS)
Army doc should know the exact number, or Oceans...

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/25/07 06:20 AM
last time I read about it I believe we have troops in over 100 places in
the world..what does that tell you?...Rome imploded when it overextended
itself thruout the world...that is our future...

the Military has become business...our biggest export to the world is
weapon technology...

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 05/25/07 06:23 AM
Fanta, did you hear that Wal-Mart is now a larger employer than the US
military? That's pretty freaky. :smile:

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 05/25/07 06:25 AM
Morning davinci! I'm off to work. Talk to you guys later!drinker

kariZman's photo
Fri 05/25/07 08:10 AM
wow fanta you guys sure are lucky to have so many fine strapping young
men willing to become cannon speak of figures i do not know
how much money our country spends on defence. 4% of gdp watt is that in
figures and watt does your country spend on welfare for your nation and
foreign aid??

bellameetsbeau's photo
Fri 05/25/07 09:17 AM
yes we may be able to get 2 million but lets say China decides to come
after us. no again i'm no history buff i dont know statistics (and
obviously cant spell) or anything like that but a pay attention a little
bit. and i know that China doesnt like us they havent liked us since
they betrayed us when there were two dynasties over there and we just
need to get out of some places (like Korea) because if China ever
decides to bomb us or attack us in any way or form they can i firmly
believe that they will be able to take us because there people are
FORCED to be in the military so they can come up a lot more than 2
million. and if they come to us fighting on our land i dont believe that
there will be that many people like barbie that say i'm going to defend
my land, country, and family from any crazy person that decides to get
stupid. countries arent scared of us anymore.
i agree with davinci Rome was an awesome empire but it got ****y,
thought it could do anything and was invincible and we are getting that
way. dont get me wrong i LOVE my country and i will go down fighting for
it, but we are going to end up pissing some people off and we are going
to go down if we dont change the way we do things.
i mean i absolutely LOVE helping people it gives me the greatest joy in
the world but the way i see it, is that you should take care of the ones
in your own family (USA) and make sure they have food and jobs (atleast
more than what we are doing) before you try and fix another family

but like i said. i dont know history or anything. i just have opinions
like every other person here. so dont get mad...we are just having a

Fanta46's photo
Fri 05/25/07 12:07 PM
I said 60 million,

2 million come of age every year!

If the US started a draft tomorrow, there are 67 million men of military
age they could draft.
If you draft women (feminist rights you know)
there are another 65 million of military age..

I dont think we draft women though, so 67 million......LMAO
Unless yall insist bella. I know barbie packs, she might???

493 billion dollars Karzi!!!

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