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Topic: A TRUCKERS NIGHTMARE, by many pens
vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/04/12 06:34 PM
shocked What is this????? You're killing me here John!!laugh laugh Oh wow...I better shake the cobwebs out of this ol'brain, so I can keep up with you!!bigsmile

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/04/12 07:32 PM
Tara's green eyes sparkled with mischief...she had a grin a mile wide on her face. " I don't know what kind of trouble we're headed for, but HEY..I'm up for it!"
Diane couldn't help but laugh at her. It was a relief finding a friend willing to back her up, no matter what they faced.
Tara shifted gears and they sped down the road at a reckless pace. Whatever happened should prove to be interesting at the very least.
" ya know? We will need to trade trucks at the next stop, I've got a fried that has a trucking company there, and he has been after me to drive one of his rigs. We'll both hire on and head north. He won't ask any questions, and will put one of his men on this ol' log hauler in the morning. No one will be the wiser of were we're heading or what we're driving." Tara was already on her cell, calling her friend.
"Are you sure he can be trusted?" asked Diane, a frown on her face.
"Hell yeah! I was married to him for awhile..he'll do anything to keep me out of his hair!" laughed Tara." He's a good man, knows how to keep things to himself and can be trusted." She held a finger over her lips signaling Diane to be quite." Hey Darlin' she talked into the phone, " It's me!! Guess what?? I need the fastest rig you have all fueled up and ready to head north..yes Honey, today! I'll be there in three hrs. A friend and I are going to be working for you, so get it cleaned up pronto, cause we can't have any down time, ya hear?" She held the phone away from her ear and Diane could hear a man cussing." That's right Darlin', I'm on my way..see ya soon..Love you!!" Laughing, she looked at Diane.." we're all set!"

no photo
Wed 07/04/12 07:55 PM
Dorn slumped against Sarah with one gripping his head. “Whats wrong, Dorn?” Sarah asked worriedly. The words WAKE UP blasted his mind causing extreme pain, he suddenly realized who he really was. He held onto Sarah pretending to still be in pain as he planned his next move. This one just became expendable…

Sarah was comforting Dorn as she belatedly realized his hands were around her neck squeezing the life out of her… her life did not flash before her eyes as the darkness claimed her.

Dorn a.k.a. Michael a.k.a Adziel dropped Sarah like a piece of trash and headed out the door…

vivian2981's photo
Fri 07/06/12 06:48 PM
Jake was a big man. He towered over Tara..she was barely chest high next to him. He grabbed her and lifter her high to plant a kiss on her laughing mouth. When he sat her back on her feet he glared at both her and Diane.
"I don't know what trouble you've gotten yourself into this time, but the rig is ready to go. Paperwork and all is finished. It'll get you across the border but not too far into the Providence. Once you're there, leave it at the first big truck stop and I'll have someone pick it up. There's money in the compartment in the bottom bunk, papers for some new identities , if you need them. If not burn them. I just got word there are some new players in the area looking for a woman, kinda looks like your friend."
" Jake, meet Diane." I'm just going to help her get to her truck and get out of Canada as quick as we can. We're also looking for a friend of hers".
" Don't tell me anymore..I can't answer questions if I don't know anything. Here is a throwaway..call me only if you are in trouble..let it ring twice and hang up..I'll find you."

no photo
Fri 07/06/12 08:04 PM
Adziel had no idea how this happened but he was now all three personalities rolled into one, Adziel being the dominant one. He wandered aimlessly as he made some decisions. The first one being to break his bond of servitude to Bluebeard... would he be strong enough? The street was crowded with people that gave the crazy looking a wide berth as he approached head down mumbling to himself.

He decided to prepare a meeting place and summon his Master. He needed to find a place that would amplify his strength while weakening Bluebeard. He was actually beginning to think he had a chance. He cackled as he followed the full moon.

vivian2981's photo
Sat 07/07/12 08:14 PM
Gathering storm clouds were obscuring the full moon. It would show it's face and then hide again as the racing storm flew across the sky. Diane could see flashes of lightening through the trees as she looked out the window of the rig. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Glancing over, she could see Tara studying the horizon with a worried frown on her face. "Do you think it will be a bad storm?" she asked her new friend.
"I don't like the way it just popped up like that..I had checked the weather maps and there was nothing in the forecast. Look at the way it's racing towards us, and look at the trees. There is no wind blowing at all, and look at the lightening...it's green. Have you ever seen green lightening before?"
Before Diane could answer, a bolt of lightening hit the highway in front of them, lighting the whole area and shaking highway. Asphalt blew into the air..smoke bellowed up and away from the newly blown up hole the lightening had made, trees shook violently and limbs crashed to the ground. Rocks rolled onto the highway. With a startled gasp, Tara slammed on the brakes..rubber burned and the trailer started jackknifing..Tara fought the wheel and tried to steer into the turn. The whole rig lifted on one side and slowly started to fall on it's side.

no photo
Sun 07/08/12 11:44 AM
Once upon a time, Bluebeard was a human Knight, The Warrior Lord of the Forgotten Order. He defeated much evil, defending the farm folk in Upper Uppington. He grew weary of the unending battles as the demonspawn entered into the world to feed upon humans. One dark and stormy night, must be going on four thousand years ago his soul became tainted in an epic battle. At the the time it seemed like a victory for all, but as the days and weeks went by, Bluebeard knew he had been turned. It was only a matter of time before the vestiges of his humanity would leave him and would begin to prey upon his brothers and sisters of the Order.

He probably should have killed himself, but he was becoming intoxicated with the power of the taint. He left a note of resignation with his squire and took to the hills, alone, during the night.

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/11/12 09:02 PM
Steel screamed, gouging asphalt, smashing into roadside brush as the rig jack-knifed. Dirt and rocks were thrown up in huge clouds of debris. The air was thick with the smell of diesel fuel. Tara was screaming curses as she fought the wheel. Diane had automatically thrown her arms up to protect her face from the shattering glass of the windshield. Both were smashed forward into their seat belts.
When the rig came to a stop the women were too scared to move for a minute. " Are you alright?" Tara asked. "Yes, what the hell happened?" a bewildered Diane answered.
" That lightening blew up the road. We better get out of here, do you smell that?" Tara popped open her seat belt and started crawling up out of her seat towards Diane, as the rig had turned over on the driver's side. She helped Diane untangle herself and kicked out the window..'lets get out of here'.
When the women had crawled through the window and jumped to the ground, they looked at the rig and then each other. " Well the rain as stopped, but there is no one around to help us, guess we better hoof it to the next town and call Jake. Oh hell, wait a minute...I better get back in there and get the money and papers he left for us before this tin can goes up in flames!"
Tara was already climbing back up on the cab when Diane said.."Hey, we've got company." She was looking down the road where she could make out a figure walking towards them.

no photo
Thu 07/12/12 03:45 PM
Diane's jaw dropped "WTF" as the figure began to get closer. It was the freaking Devil in a Blue Dress. And he was singing " I'm singing in the rain" which oddly enough was accompanied by thunder claps.

vivian2981's photo
Sat 07/14/12 06:29 PM
Hey Tara..you better get down here...there's some crazy guy walking up the road singing like he was ol' Frankie himself.

'What the hell? Did we die in that wreck'? Tara jumped to the ground, a briefcase in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. 'Thought we might need this.'

no photo
Sun 07/15/12 08:37 AM
"Just what in the seven hells is going on here?" Tara asked as she squinted at...

A girl walking towards them wearing pretty red shoes and singing, " Pretty little bluebirds sing..." And it seemed like her picnic basket was barking.

The girl stopped before them with a curtsey and a lavish giggle and said "

vivian2981's photo
Sun 07/15/12 03:15 PM
" Are we still in Kansas? Would you like to join me on the Yellow Brick Road? Todo...don't bark at dinner, er. the nice people!"

no photo
Sun 07/15/12 04:20 PM
Adziel rode through the desert on an azz with no name. He headed directly towards an unseen underground cavern, he knew 3 ley lines crossed through the cavern. It would be as strong a place as any to face Bluebeard.

Bluebeard paced as he raged against all, he no longer knew what brought it on, he just reveled in its power as it consumed him. Even in the midst of a blind rage he could taste the ripples of energy, someone or something was upsetting the balance of things, probably making a play for power. The thought warmed him, for he did love power and he loved to feed on those who thought they had power. But for now he needed a snack, grabbing the closest servant, he drained their life essence. He began to prepare for battle.

vivian2981's photo
Mon 07/16/12 08:33 PM
Todo stopped barking when Narina spoke, but he still growled as he gnawed on something, slapping it back and forth in the basket. Diane and Tara watched as that basket would jerk in Narina's grip. They didn't see Narina put her other hand in her dress pocket and bring out a small canister, which she pointed at the two women.
" Time to go ladies" . She sprayed the contents at the two women.

no photo
Wed 07/18/12 03:01 PM
Edited by Unknow on Wed 07/18/12 03:38 PM
She once tended bar in a far off village, that was once a haven for her people. The People lived in harmony with nature, until the Demon Hordes came from below, even The Knights couldn't prevent the nearly total extinction of the Wee Folk.

She spent many a night with Bluebeard in her arms. She knew he carried a heavy burden and suspected he had been infected with the essence of evil. So it wasn't a surprise that he left in the middle of the night all those years ago.

She grieved his leaving and the loss of her people. She left even before the Knights of the Order moved on. Wandering for years she had almost given up hope that she would ever see Bluebeard again, she felt though he may be gone and broken but he wasn't fully dead yet.

Her race was long lived and she had seen many Kings, Countries and Empires come and go. The world always moves on. No one seemed to believe in fighting evil anymore, the taint was in everyone and everything, a taint so subtle it was accepted.

One day as she was going about her business in this modern world of Artificial Magics and Evil, she had a vision of Bluebeard in a desert. She knew this might be her only chance...

vivian2981's photo
Wed 07/18/12 06:05 PM
And she had to take it..Sometimes the road is long and full of twists and turns, but when you love someone, no matter how evil he is, you just have to follow your heart. Maybe the bottle she carries next to her breast is the medicine that will bring him back to himself..maybe it will finish killing him,before the evil does..but anyway, whatever the cost, they'll be together again.

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