Topic: Luvs me some garage sales! | |
Made a list this week of several things that had recently went kaput at my house and a couple of items that we needed. Then we set out early to some garage sales.
Found: Lawn Mower- 15$ Microwave- 5$ Small Dresser- 10$ Few other assorted jeans and school items - 10$ OSU winter hat and gloves - 2$ Still need: Indoor dog crate Not bad for a few hours! Do you mind using second hand? I saved a lot of money today! ![]() |
i like garage sales, too, haven't been to one in a while.
Now way
I do yard sales Thrift stores eBay Auctions Love it!! And I got some beautiful things! |
We do thrift stores and consignment shops too. Thank goodness my kids don't mind. I think they see the value in getting more of what they want for less money.
i have (had) so much junk of my own, that i'd never go out and buy someone else's junk, haha.
i do leave my stuff at the curb a few days before garbage pick up so someone else has a chance to reuse it before it goes in a dump. i DID laugh, however, at couches that i tossed out. they were in BAD shape, pieces of wood sticking out of the upholstery and stuffing from the cushions. they were so comfy, though, i hated to part with them. someone DID take them though, so i guess their junk was worse than my junk. i tried to have a garage sale once, but it was just too much work. i'd rather just donate as much of my old stuff as i can first, then resort to tossing. (i had an indoor dog crate but gave that away too, sorry heather) |
Having a garage sale is a lot of work. I usually price stuff way low so that it sells. Otherwise it's still sitting there taking up space. I have to laugh at people wanting their kids designer shirts to each get 5 or 10 bucks. They will never sell. At the end of the day, they load it all up and take it to the goodwill where they sell it for 1.99$.
I did see a Coach purse I really liked today too, but I'm not paying 40$ for someone's used purse. |
I could never understand why someone would sell a perfectly good garage...or yard for that matter!
Edited by
Sat 08/15/09 03:25 PM
Yes Ill put that right next to the leggos, and my clown collection, inbetween my pepper shaker knick naks, and my putor wizard figuines.
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I could never understand why someone would sell a perfectly good garage...or yard for that matter! HA! Reminds me of my own sale says......... SALE IN REAR BadaBing! |
Yes Ill put that right next to the leggos, and my clown collection, inbetween my pepper shaker knick naks, and my putor wizard figuines. ![]() Hoarder Alert! |
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i love yard sales, estate sales
even go to the goodill bins my sister found a depression glass pitcher she paid 50cents for it and i looked on ebay and its worth $18 my dad gave me some stuff for my last yard sale and he gave me this old potato peller thing.. its in the origanl box its freaken old i priced it on ebay and its worth $26 |
Edited by
Sat 08/15/09 04:08 PM
Yes Ill put that right next to the leggos, and my clown collection, inbetween my pepper shaker knick naks, and my putor wizard figuines. ![]() i started collecting pepershakers a few months back i have a metal indian one and a wooden one they both have a good price value i also have a chinese one im looking for a wolf which i found on ebay but not wanting to pay there price unless i can find it cheaper i have alot of knick nacks, my mom calls me a pack rat.LOL i have a wizard i found at goodwill holding a crystalball, i couldnt pass it up... my sister knows her jewerly for she makes them for a living she bought this braclet for 50cents and she looked online and to find out it was worth $200 my mom has a friend that is worse than me when it comes to being a pack rat... she bought a neckless as where the stones were loose, she paid i think a quarter if i recall, and she had it restrung it was priced for about $100 |
Give me all your embarrassing garage sale purchases HERE!
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Yes Ill put that right next to the leggos, and my clown collection, inbetween my pepper shaker knick naks, and my putor wizard figuines. ![]() Hoarder Alert! Ever notice how garage sale and garbage sell are one letter off?? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I tried that once, but nobody wanted to buy my garage without me selling my house too...hey we are in a recession, don't judge!