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Topic: What do you think ?.
Neurofriction's photo
Fri 08/14/09 08:01 PM

9/11 was an inside job as some people living in caves thousands of miles away could NOT cause such damage to the US super power .

People like you are why they can.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 08/14/09 08:04 PM
who was living in caves?

the hijackers?

how do you learn to fly a 747 living in a cave?

cincycat's photo
Fri 08/14/09 08:07 PM

The G.W. Bush Administration killed scores of INNOCENT people in both Iraq and Afghanistan . Do you think G.W. Bush, Donald Rumesfeld, Paul wolfowitz, Dick Cheney and the rest of the gang should be tried for war crimes ?. Also they caused millions of refugees who fled to Syria, Iran , Pakistan.....etc .
you must live in a cave as well..r u planning an attack on us..are your kidneys alright?..catch ya laterlaugh laugh

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 08/14/09 08:08 PM
And Obama is any better?

Please... People die in war and so do innocent people. Try rationalizing punishing Bush after the fact to those who lost family in 9-11. Had our attacks under Bush been a true act of revenge the innocent death toll would have been far greater. So who should be punished for the firebombing of Hamburg and Tokyo? LOTS AND LOTS of innocent people died in both. For the mistakes the Bush administration made the civilian death toll could have been a LOT higher.

The Taliban and Al Quieda in Pakistan is a VERY BAD IDEA. So please tell me what we are supposed to do with a belligerent adversary that wants to kill us all for Theocratic reasons? Negotiate? Can you not see or are you not educated enough to understand that appeasement does not work. We kiss their ***, they shoot at us. There is a time for puttn' on the kicking boots! This is one of those times. If innocent people die there well, sorry but letting our enemies hide behind people will be just like what happened to the Jews at Masada during the reign of the Romans...

Victory comes at a price no matter what. The winners write history. Little people get crushed under the wheels of progress. And life goes on. Unless we as a people can balance strength with honor we risk becoming like Rome and Rome did enslave people outright to build its empire. Even Russia under Communism had slavery.

Life is not fair. Still, would having a mushroom cloud erupt over Washington DC do us any favors? If you are a Trekkie you are going to hate me because of a happy little Vulcan catch phrase, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Does it not piss you off more that somehow your existence has a measurable value in dollars? You are probably not worth as much as you think you are according to the government formula. I know I am only worth about 75,000. Gee, I am so valuable. Thank you Macnamara!

If war erupted in your community what would you do? Americans do not live with the reality of war in our back yards. Better we keep it that way!

tohyup's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:13 AM
I honestly think anyone who kills an INNOCENT person should be tried in a court of law including the G.W. Bush Administration . Those who think otherwise should educate themselves on issues of politics, law and human concerns .

adj4u's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:22 AM
take your case to the court of international law

prove it and get your justice

simple huh

have fun

no photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:42 AM

prisoner's photo
Sat 08/15/09 06:58 AM
Obama's gonna kill old people,so it all evens out in the end.smokin be seeing you

tohyup's photo
Sat 08/15/09 09:29 AM
Ah.....politics !.
The truth is always hard to achieve .
:wink: .

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