Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 08/12/09 07:14 AM
The poets mind

Sometimes considered
Mindless ramblings
By few

Very few.....

The lover of the poem
How to read it

Knows how to make it their own

It takes more talent
Than the writer
To read
And feel
And understand the write

No matter
The subject
No matter the style

For there are thousands...

Just take the

To read

Them all


no photo
Wed 08/12/09 09:10 AM
I guess this was directed at me?


without hesitation or being asked, in the middle of the night he drove 1 1/2 hours to pick up my step daughter then another 4 + hrs. to another state just to get her to the hospital to see her mother before she died.....
we are friends
the comment I made was to him about him. I was giving him the business about "his" writing the other night. when he reads what I have said I can assure you he will get a kick out of it.

since you have miss-read what i wrote and i think taken offence and felt the need to post about it all I can say is thank you for making my point better then i could have...

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 08/12/09 09:30 AM

Who are u

I don't know...:heart: