Topic: Animals
WisdomsChild's photo
Sun 08/09/09 05:56 AM
Edited by WisdomsChild on Sun 08/09/09 05:56 AM
an elephant and a camel are at the watering hole together havin' a drink and the elephant says to the camel, " wow that must suck, I've never seen anyone with t$ts on their back before", and the camel says " that's funny coming from someone with a d$ck on their face".

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/09/09 02:36 PM

an elephant and a camel are at the watering hole together havin' a drink and the elephant says to the camel, " wow that must suck, I've never seen anyone with t$ts on their back before", and the camel says " that's funny coming from someone with a d$ck on their face".
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh