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Topic: When was the last time
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Sat 08/01/09 06:17 PM

was just reading about it yesterday

for the first time in thirty years the AIDS rate in Africa has actually gone down

they give George Bush's programs credit for saving millions of lives in Africa

unlike America he is considered a hero there

But why doesn't our government seem to be focusing on the problem here at home? Doesn't charity start at home?

I'm not really sure what kind of focus you're seeking. Are you inquiring about programs or organizations that assist folks with HIV/AIDS or just continued education and awareness of it? Ultimately it boils down to better screening of blood products, which has been instituted, and a change in personal behavior (safe sex and IV drug use) I don't have kids, but I would imagine this subject has been incorporated in the sex/health education classes in school.

You make a very good point. My friend was helping an injured person at a car accident and got some blood on himself. The person that he was helping didn't even know that they had it.

How can you stop/prevent something that isn't known about after all we are a voyeuristic society.

Well, I should have added to that getting tested regularly if you're at risk either by behavior or activities/employment for contracting. I think therein lies a huge crack in the system.

All my best to your friend. flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:02 PM
A very close friend of ours was diagnosed HIV positive 9 years ago....

He's straight, a non-drug user, whose been in a longterm MONOGAMOUS relationship for over 12 years.

His diagnosis was caused through a needlestick injury at his work place...(ER nurse).

For 9 years the virus has not changed...yes his t cell count has dipped a few times...however the AZT (?) treatment, as well as supportive alternative treatments has not only kept this man alive, and the HIV virus to not move into full blown aids...

he runs a kite surfing school, and competes in kite surfing competitions at a professional level.

He is very mindful of himself, is very clear in informing others, his medical training goes along way...

His partner also takes the AZT (?) treatment, as although they are careful to use protection, there has been a few 'mishaps' over the years with broken condoms....however,she has not been infected by the virus and takes it as a precautionary treatment, as she is in the high risk exposure category.

Why am I waffling on so much?

Because it is no longer the instant death sentence we were told it was back in the 80's and 90's, in western cultures.

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Sat 08/01/09 08:02 PM

I found out the other day that a close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. He is a straight male.

When was the last time that anyone has read, seen or herd anything about the spread of HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals?

I'm just curious because it seems that the media seems to have put this on the back burner.

Please be respectful, he is like a brother to me.

First of all, I would like to say, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Yes, it is still out there.... couple with the rampant spreading of cancers and swine flu. Sometimes, I think this world is not a good place to live anymore. So many people are dying and are suffering from diseases that we never had much in the 60's. Very sad and unfortunate that now it is around the Globe.sad2

that is just a matter of perception

in the 60's we still had polio

and before that smallpox

and before that the Black Plague

But not as bad as today that is what I am meaning to say..

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 08/01/09 10:49 PM

I say until The USA can take care of the USA, we shouldn't be trying to get invovled in everybody else's business.

qft! :)

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Sat 08/01/09 11:00 PM

I found out the other day that a close friend of mine was recently diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. He is a straight male.

When was the last time that anyone has read, seen or herd anything about the spread of HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals?

I'm just curious because it seems that the media seems to have put this on the back burner.

Please be respectful, he is like a brother to me.

Men can get HIV/AIDS from having sex with women. Also hospital workers can contract this disease from needle sticks. There have been reported cases of men contracting AIDS from only having oral sex with women that were infected. There was a documentary film on this a number of years ago.

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