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Topic: Rebount Effect?
CampLight's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:11 PM
An iteresting situation occurred tonight and was wondering what folks
thought about this.

Several months ago I was taking a 4 week dance class and in the class
was a couple. They were both nice and since then I see them regularly at
the dance hall. The way these classes work is that you don’t need a
partner and everybody rotates so that as a leader, I dance with every
follower several times through out the class. When I got to know this
gal there was a nice connection, but she was with him and I obviously
let I go.

Tonight I go to the dance hall and the normal routine of two sessions of
classes before open dance is in process. I show up for the second
session a few minutes early. I wonder to the room where the first class
is being held and as I enter the room this gal spots me, runs over all
excited and drags me into the class – she needed a partner at that point
in time. The class ended and the instructor (who I know fairly well)
comes over and we all start chatting. Immediately the conversation
focuses on this gal and her bf not being together anymore. Shoot I
thought they were married, but no, just bf/gf for 11 months. Guess they
broke up several weeks ago.

She tells me he’s in the other dance room of this hall and he brought
someone else. She is obviously bitter about the situation and not liking
the fact that he is with someone. Well, unfortunate or not, that is how
communities work and in smaller communities it tends to be in your face
a bit more.
Anyway, it’s obvious she is interested in me and in fact we had the
first two dances tonight together. Also a buddy of mine there had
mentioned she is interested in me – dunno how he knows, but talk goes

Now I’m looking at this situation and saying, hey nice gal, good
connection, BuT hold it. In my way of being, I put time between
relationships. I make sure I’m clean so that one relationship stuff
doesn’t get carried into the next. I’ll admit that I probable make that
gap larger than most.
And that’s where the hang up comes in. Am I getting in my own way? Is
she in reactive mode and will I become just a rebound effect or can she
be ready to move on? If I spent time with her, most likely I would be
able to figure it out by how she acts and what she talks about. However,
if I ask her out the relationship Will be a go. If I don’t, chances are
I’ll just sit and watch a relationship go on by.

Any imput? Thanks in advance for reading through it all..


slikylisa's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:15 PM
follow your instinct and what the boobs told ya about your fortune

CampLight's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:29 PM
I do remember that!
Funny occurance now isn't it, taking into consideration what you told me
last night.

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:32 PM
Hey the boobs never lie!!!!!!!!

laugh huh noway bigsmile drinker

Phoenix0311's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:35 PM boobs point you to water when you're stranded?????

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:36 PM
i agree:smile:

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:38 PM
I don't now about water...Ask the boobs they'll tell ya!!!!!!

laugh noway huh bigsmile

Phoenix0311's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:38 PM

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:46 PM
Yeah hers NOT mine!!!!!!!

:wink: :tongue: laugh

Native_Grl39's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:47 PM
Mine don't have the special powers!!!!!!!!

laugh bigsmile :cry:

CampLight's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:50 PM
Hi nurse J - what are you agreeing to?

slikylisa's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:53 PM
well iam never to far from water and my boobs alway point towards it no
matter where i standlaugh laugh

Phoenix0311's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:53 PM
@ Native girl...laugh laugh laugh

Nite All

Phoenix0311's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:54 PM
@ Lisa...laugh laugh laugh laugh

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

nurjoyce's photo
Sun 05/20/07 10:54 PM
listen to your instinct.
how are you 2nite?

Boomhower25's photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:14 PM
Back to the issue. Yes follow Insinct. =)
Sometimes couples may have jealousy issues. As Long as her heart and
actions are real Never know. May be great. ]
If she wants to drive her Guy Nuts may end up in a tango with
this dance Guy

auburngirl's photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:25 PM
I think you are wise to notice this. I'd say be careful....what if they
get back together and you have again have them both in your class? I
think a little time between doesn't hurt! :smile:

CampLight's photo
Sun 05/20/07 11:58 PM
This instinct thing is interesting, first being a guy, I know there
could be two heads talking and both of those need to be set aside for
Guess I’m feeling cautious. Now is that just my conservative logic or is
there some unhealthy vibes being picked up?
She made it clear she wasn’t pleased and she was hurt with several
aspects of what happened and what is going on. However, at the same time
the conversation did move on to dancing and she joined me in the next

Our class is over but the dance community is quite small and we will all
see each other on a regular basis.

Boom - actually I’m hyper sensitive to that one and don’t think he has
it in him to think or do cross with me. I may be conservative in some of
my relationship thinking but he’s just plain conservative.

no photo
Mon 05/21/07 12:18 AM
Rebound* hmmmm you made me think of a "Bunt" cake and I nevvvvvvver
think of bunt cakesnoway :wink:

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/21/07 03:41 AM
laugh :tongue:

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