Topic: Weapons | |
Gettin' a little deep, man, have a chili dog and a slurpee before the
next bong hit. mkay? If someone comes to you and starts pummeling you with the obvious intent of killing you, whst will you do? Reason with him? Perhaps you would ask him if he would prefer reading poetry with you? Zen man, zen. ![]() |
I have a train of thought that may be the ultimate weapon...
If all knowledge...all history of Patriarchal society was abolished...poof!!!! gone.. I wonder what a Matriarchal society would have done differently... Remove all traces, of Church, of every male dominated arena...and replace them with a female perspective, uncluttered by male dominant dominance... I wonder if there would ever have been guns in the first place, and how differently society may look. |
Have you ever been in a female dominant dominance? Can be as bad or
worse than the male one. We work best as an equal team. Once you give dominance to either male or female you have an imbalance. |
Ever been in a matriarchal dominated environment?
Yes...I live in one within my home... I wonder how society may have been different...without the Patriarchal chains, restrictions and limits, that have leached down through the centuries... Most women of today are products of patriarchal society...from an anthropological veiwpoint, I am curious. As to balance, AB, there hasn't been a balance with women and men, societially, since history was first recorded.... Male dominance in society has been the flavour for so long...I do wonder how different it may have looked. |
It worked very well for the Cherokees for thousands of years.
Get rid of the weapons and peace will prevail?
When you have no weapons peace depends on the good will of your neighbors. I don't suppose anybody here has given any thought to the poor souls in Darfur who are weaponless and being murdered by others. Belushi was wrong on all but the remote control response. Money does not solve everything, kariZman. Avarice, oh yeah, oh yeah, don't ya just love it. If you have no good will between neighbors and no respect for civility you better have weapons or at least somebody you trust better have some. Are there any countries who have no police? Oh I think we are back to Darfur again aren't we? This might be a good moment for some nice Zen or Tao, but don't destroy the protectors of peace yet. In my country there is a lot of good will. I live in America. I like it here. I'm not afraid of my neighbors. My neighbors know not to walk into my house without permission. They know that if they walk into some houses they will be shot. They don't always know which houses. As for me, I welcome about everybody. but I don't trust anarchists or religious zealots with the purse of my country. If our country had no weapons, I think it would be a short while before the country looked like Darfur. You're more likely to be well off with whirled peas than to expect world peace through universal disarmament. |
Would want to live in a world run by women like Hilary Clinton.
Thanks for the train of thought to work with...
I am finding in this arena, it is pretty much a futile experience for me...perhaps across the table over the not too distant future, we can look at this.. ![]() |
Hi, Lee,
Many thanks for a thought-provoking set of questions! Some ideas come to mind.... This subject comes up from time to time in the political discussions here in Washington, but we never seem to be able to really close on it in any insightful way. The question suggests that the qualitative results of a society 'run' by women would be different from those achieved by men. It is a valid hypothesis, IMO. When we tackle it, we get hung up on several items. 1. The women leaders that we have had in recent history seem no better than the men, e.g. Thatcher, Indira Ghandi, Golda Meir. 2. The most prominent woman politician in the US, Hillary Clinton, seems to have made the same mistakes as Senator as her male counterparts on key issues, e.g. Iraq, the 'War on Terror', etc. 3. The response to this is simple: these women are deemed to have become 'like men', in order to achieve their positions of influence. The argument seems straightforward, but then it starts to get squirrelly.... 4. If this is so, then perhaps the negatives that are popularly associated with men as leaders (arrogance, macho, bullying, overly competitive, testosterone-driven, etc.) are really the characteristics of people generally who make it to positions of leadership or aspire to -- and not intrinsic to men. 5. Maybe so, then goes the response, so maybe we should reorder society in such a way that feminine characteristics (popularly given as cooperation, empathy, consensus, etc.) can come to the fore, with their beneficial effects. 6. So it comes down to a discussion as to what characteristics are beneficial, and which aren't -- and you know how that discussion goes without having to repeat it here. (And we see some of its live effects here in JSH!) Personally, I would love to see the experiment done. Surely we need to find better models of leadership, and better structures to our society and its culture, and we will not find answers by arguing them, but by experimenting with them, and seeing what works and what doesn't.... I am at a loss to see how such an experiment can be set up though. Any ideas? Do societies experience a pendulum swing between 'male' and 'female' characteristics? Societies contain many polarities and there is no reason to think that gender alternatives isn't one of them. There have been societies in the past and some still exist today that were/are matriarchal. At one time, as I understand it, the Goddess ran things, not the male God. Can we assert factually that there was a qualitative differences in their experiences? What of present matriarchal societies? Oceans |
Fanta, can you say more about the Cherokee experience?
Thanks, Oceans |
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![]() last. No joke. I may be wrong |
Wiki Autarky.
North Korea? The only shining!?! example left, sort of. Modern autarkies Mercantilism was a policy followed by empires, especially in the 17th and 18th century, forbidding or limiting trade outside the empire. In the 20th century autarky as a policy goal was sought by Nazi Germany in the 1930s, by maximizing trade within its economic bloc and minimizing trade outside it. Today, complete economic autarkies (or autarchies) are rare. An example of a current autarky is North Korea, based on the government ideology of Juche (self-reliance). However, even North Korea has a small amount of trade with the People's Republic of China and Japan. Bhutan, seeking to preserve an economic and cultural system centered around the dzong, has until recently maintained an effective economic embargo against the outside world, and has been described as an autarky. With the introduction of roads and electricity, however, the kingdom is being forced into trade relations as its citizens seek modern manufactured goods |
Jess and Ocean, I've been debating whether or not to post, but I knew if
the hour got late enought, I would venture here. I would like to address the "if we were a matriarcal sociaty" question, but from a different point of view. In my society, we are all women. The most common question I have ever heard about same sex women is "who's the man?". The concept of a couple or a family, without a man is so foreign to our world that it is practically inpenitrable. So I will try to give some insight, as I see it, into what a matriarcal society might be. As Oceans pointed there are those who naturally have a stronger will. These, however, are not always the ones who 'rule the roost'. There are some who naturally gravitate to manual labor, gruff talk, bib overalls, and big rigs. While their counterparts are are teachers, nurses, and all manner of white collar workers. So what makes these family units different? The biggest difference can be found in the conditions that seem to be inherently feminine. Intuition, as it is called, is one of these conditions. Maternal instinct, that can extend beyond one's own flesh and blood. A naturally occuring bond of affection for those one gets to know. But of all of these, what you will find most predominant, is a deep passion for fairness and right, a great need for open communication, and a fearless desire to keep all those close to them from harm. Both can be seen as caretakers, giving when there seems nothing left to give. This is the nature of women. What I see daily, is this nature doubled, in same female run families. This is why I even have a community of people like myself to be a part of. If women were the glory of society, all freedoms would be assured to every culture, the first agenda would have been, to secure relationships between our fellow women. To, fairly, share the wealth. Because for us, it is all about community, family, security, and the ability to communicate at all levels and all pitches, and in the end, hug and have a meal. Not to say there are not exceptions, lol. But if you think about it. Women have been holding together society in way or another since the dawn of time. If we had been given the power to rise to our ability - who knows how much farther we might be in this race - race for peace and a shared common wealth. Now you got me daydreaming too. |
AUTARKY self much do you need .
Those are nice thoughts and you have clearly carved out a nice environment for yourself and family but I have to disagree with some aspects of your post. You describe your family units as different when I would simply call them effective and loving family units. To me, it doesn't matter if a family is composed of two women, two men or one each. Maternal vs Paternal instincts vary among individuals. We all know good and bad examples with each sex. Being a woman doesn't make you more loving or compassionate. What you see daily in your environment may be one thing but what I see from both men and women is entirely different. Like men, women can be the most vindictive, violent, unloving, jealous creatures that ever walked the earth. The opposite is also true but making women the glory of society will never assure freedom for every culture just as making men the leader will not. I believe women have the same capacity as men to be great leaders which is what this world needs. But their strength will come from their ability to master a multitude of leadership skills rather than their sex. anyway, my .02. |
beautiful address to Matriarchy Red,
i guess i was quite fortunate to have enjoyed the cultural advantages of my Motherland Lebanon. I was raised in a Matriarchal family, in my family tree are many branches , but the ones that grew from a female lineage were not recorded because they were female. But the women kept their records as well and these were beautifully meticulous and important. my grandmothers were Cheikhas, and held title to their property, and governed extended family communities in a number of ways, they were also educated women and were some of the first professionals in their fields , of medicine, science, philosophy, and business. Alliances were made thru marriages carefully negotiated and woven into Lebanese political fabric. Women, muslim and christian could live in a climate of harmony and had quite a powerful influence over ALL DOMESTIC ISSUES and in many ways actually, created their communities within the insular boundaries of the cultural and political climate around them... Traditions ...and our social conditioning, were designed by people just like us, and just as they have invented rules and conditions for what is correct to the protocol of the day, can we. within what seemed to be oppression was a powerful force, and tho quiet in it's female nature ,was nonetheless one of the FOUNDATIONS of Lebanese culture , which is known for it's generous hospitality, and neutral harmony within the Arab and Israeli communities......until. but that's another angle. this is only a fragment of a huge picture, the point is that many societies and communities all over the world do actually thrive, florish and develope because of their women, i have seen this over and over in the camps is the mothers that have survived and the daughters.....because the sons and fathers are killed or kidnapped and then forced to do the same in the next village , drugged and beaten, they either kill or get killed....most don't make it. so it's the women. and now with what's ahead..if we are inevitably arriving in WW3, or the fulfillment of so many prophesies, wouldn't this be a window of opportunity to use the REAL FEMININE ENERGY to collectively design a new era for humanity.... let's face it...we are the one's raising the future...if we don't walk the walk , then we have sold out our gender like Oceans mentioned about Thatcher etc. how we raise our children, what we actively boycott , OUR ETHICAL CHOICES, our morality...we as mothers are the first to show this to our children, in how we treat them. how we treat ourselves and the world we are so fortunate to inhabit. SO. i figured in "Pay it Forward" i have raised 3 and they have already made clear contributions to this goal with their lives...and so it goes it's up to's not just a daydream, it's just a life! |
it would help i think if men and women were a bit more in touch with
their androgyny. |
that would work if only we were actually free of our biology...
our geneology really does choreograph "the dance" ![]() |
Good morning, everyone!
What a delight to log on and find these wonderful, thoughful and thought-provoking posts waiting for me. I feel like a kid coming downstairs on Christmas Day! Let me open the presents, play with them, and I'll be back.... Thank you. Oceans |