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Topic: How judging and ousting other belief systems changed history
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Thu 07/23/09 04:25 PM
Edited by smiless on Thu 07/23/09 04:34 PM
Again Grrrrr, this is worth repeating.

While every civilization from the past and in the future will have disagreements, disputes, and misunderstandings, it is only obvious that Natives Americans had their fair share of problems. This doesn't excuse what the Europeans and Americans did to them just because they didn't follow their ethics and teachings that they find correct. Who are the Europeans and Americans to tell the Natives how to live and most of all where to live?

While the Natives embraced the Europeans in the beginning and helped them survive in the new lands they in return where slaughtered and later told where to live and how to be. Did you know that many of the natives where forced to become Christian, rather they like it or not! Then they where told to turn against their people if they want to be saved and go to heaven. Some thank you that was!

Natives in Central and South Americans such as the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans where alot more brutal with smaller native american tribes. This was very brutal at the time, yet the North American Indians don't have such history of brutality or at least as extreme as those examples. There I can agree with you that Natives had wrong ethics such as slavery and sacrifices.

As a matter of fact the natives didn't have to help, but they believed that the land belongs to no one. They believed that we are merely a strand of a big web and that we CAN share it together peacefully. This wisdom until today has still not intrigrated into American society as everyone boasts so proudly they are American.


Like I said (in the very first sentence) that I don't deny that Native Americans had their disputes, but you cannot compare their internal conflicts to what Europeans and Americans have done to the entire civilization of native americans. More then 90% of the Native American civilization has lost its population from the Europeans and later Americans because they had to convert to Christianity and later fight each other because they where manipulated in believing they will not go to a heaven otherwise. They also received small pox diseases unintentionally at first then later intentionally by the white settlers.

They where considered savages by the white man for many years.

Now you can compare the entire conflicts with native americans and their disputes and will see that they didn't decline in population but actually increased. This would indicate that yes there were some battles amongst other tribes but no so large that entire civilizations disappeared. I don't think they where as big as some of the Central and South American battles and disagreements, yet neverthless it is only obvious that we as humans disagree and even result to wars. We have to also remember slavery and sacrifices was a big thing for the Central and South American natives.

Now you did avoid the questions I presented to you.

Have the Native Americans threatened foreign cultures that if they don't follow their spiritual path that they will go to a hell?

Have they tried to convert others into their spiritual belief system?

Did they have to help the newcomers that entered their lands to survive the harsh winters?

To answer for you these questions, I would say "no" they didn't.

Now I find it most entertaining when Americans believe that the Natives where destructive amongst each other so it made no difference that the Europeans or later the Americans conquered the lands and took it for themselves.

Such petty replies shows that many still don't understand the message native americans where trying to relay to the newcomers the whole time.

What ashame and it makes perfectly sense why we have so many eternal conflicts around the world today leading to wars, misunderstandings, and uneccessary problems.

So in the end all this is saying is we have not learned anything from history. At least many haven't.

The internal problems north american natives had are nothing compared to the chaos Europeans and Americans brought to the new lands. This is my opinion and by looking at history I understand that even though the Natives are a dying people who are dwindling in numbers in many parts of the country will leave at least a lasting impression of wisdom and knowledge that I can give on to my children.

Have fun on the forums and good luck.

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