Topic: The Full Armor Of God
AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:30 PM
Now why did I expect you to say that.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:34 PM
Spider please give me your expertise in hebrew. The translators argue
about the proper translations all the time.

For ever expert on one side their is an expert on the other.

no photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:40 PM
AdventureBegins wrote:

Spider please give me your expertise in hebrew. The translators argue
about the proper translations all the time.

For ever expert on one side their is an expert on the other.

SpiderCMB replied:

Thank you for making my point for me. The translation is always up for

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:49 PM
There is but one word.

Making what point?

We are talking about 2 english versions of the bible. and each has
HUGHE differences. Same language different denomonitation. One leaves
out this chapter or letter another includes it.

Yet you quote your version as if it is the only one.

version = different.

Different = they are not all the same.

Not all the same opens the door to question of validity.

If the council had not placed the hand of man upon the work of god this
would not be so.

One thing I am thankful for when the church falls because of its greed,
avarice, idolitry and wickedness in placing itself above god and christ
there will be people like you to pick up the faith and pass it on. The
faith then will not die when those in high places fall.

no photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:56 PM

I post scriptures from both KJV and NASB. I have no problem with
someone using NIV, I read it myself. As I have said many times, the
reader must be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Word itself must be used
to interpret the Word. Where meaning is unclear, the reader should look
for clarification in other places in the scripture. I believe that any
translation done by someone of the faith will be accurate enough to get
God's message across.

AlpineRocks's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:59 PM
Praise God that is absolutly correct I also have a parallel bible but I
study mostly from The Thompson Chain NIV.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:09 AM
spider you will see in time what I am talking about.

Year by year bit by bit. Then you may even think back to this very
thread and realise the difference between 'the spiritual forces of evil
in the heavenly realms.' and 'spiritual wickedness in high places' as
it was 70 years before. Remember this His Holiness Christ is in the
heavenly realm and evil can not abide where He is.

When you see the truth your voice will be raised much better than can
mine for I am not familiar enough with your book to rebuke those that
change it. Yet I can see the subtle wiles as it is slowly made to
strengthen the hold of the very same wicked ones in high places bit by
bit, year by year a small word here a small word there.

AlpineRocks's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:16 AM
Things are definatly happening the 2nd building of the temple is getting
ready to happen that means evil is going to be everywhere but we should
not give recognition to satan this gives him glory I stay focused on
Jesus and know everything will be fine. We will start seeing some crazy
things happening around us soon I believe but it is just the testing of
our faith and the testing of our fath delivers perserverance and
perserverance must finish its work so that we are mature and complete
not lacking anything.

wonderman37's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:22 AM
yeah alpine praise god and stand firm

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:24 AM
does this mean that you would ignore a warning if it came?

Would you ignore the shout from the watch tower if your city was in

Sorry let me put it in more modern terms. Would ignore the warning of
an air raid siren.

Or even in more modern terms would you ignore the Emergency Broadcast
system. Or sit in your house and perish.

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:25 AM
Gideons bible .Gideon now he was a cool dude i can relate to gideon
,humble, mighty man of valour.all he had to do was to get everyone to
wave a light around and he won the fight.its a shame most religious
crackpots cant see the bloody appears to me that these religion
chats are for esoteric one eyed bible bashing christian biggotts who
have gods will all worked out just perfectly for themselves and stuff
any one else.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/20/07 12:28 AM
I have never read a Gidions.

I have of course heard much about them.

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/20/07 01:05 AM
christian bible .judg 6:15 to 8:23.Gideon was simple.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/20/07 01:20 AM
spider how can you use the altered word to translate the altered word
into anything but the altered word.

ever copied a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.

Kinda blurry there at the end.

How can you interpret the altered word using the altered word to show
your interpretation is anything other then an altered interpretation.

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/20/07 01:36 AM
just kick back bungle along just do ya own will thats gods will preach
the word how absurd it gives me the turds.consume be silent die . we
dont wave to change anything about ourselves we are sinners jesus died
for our ignorance as to the WILL of GOD.we are so lucky we can fullfill
all the prophecy in the bible if we all truly focus on those prophesys.
wont that be wonderfull.

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 01:40 AM
My two cents?

Your not the only one who has noticed AB.

I have personaly been using the KJV, it has the most original words to
date of any translation in print, but still falls way short without the
knowledge of the original language it was written in. Another example
of bible tampering is in the NIV and AS bibles, they removed many times
the sentence of, "prayer and fasting" which to not understand prayer
and fasting by the practice of it removes much understanding about
things trying to be communicated, and the NKJV is missing a reported
66,000 words. It is one thing to change a word, but to remove it all
together? 66,000 words? To what end?

Many take these things such as bible tampering as if they do not matter,
when in fact it changes the entire work, but to quote someone about a
woman doing good, or about a woman having an athority of her own, or
part in prophecy? Look out!

Some get it, some do not. I am looking for those who do. I am sick of
those who equate woman, mother, sister, daughter, or any mention of her
with Satan, or the teaching of pagan deities. What utter nonesense and

Then there is Eve who was tempted and seduced, she needed a hero, not
someone to give her the blame because He did not refuse the offer. He
was there longer, he new more and had more responsibility. He was only
tempted, she was seduced. If he was given charge, then how is she to
blame? Besides, I myself am very greatful to know that I am not naked
and greatful to know when I am. We must have been nothing more then
beast in nature to not know.

Yes much has been changed, even the times and seasons have been
rearranged, they count too many letters, most eat the food of
wickedness, they die of putrifying diseases, they know not at what they
stumble and blame things that are female and or, foreign. Remedy? Get
understanding and it will eventually balance out when acted upon.

Too many accept calmly those things unacceptable and seek to condemn
those things that should be common place and wait for another to undue
the confusion they themselves have done.

Experience through the action of taking personal responsibility to the
full possible extent of ones capabilities, to bring balance into
personal existance. If God/Yah has a will for us, I would say this
would be among top priority. Ask not what God/Yah can do for us, but
what we can do for ourselves with what was given in a state of
perfection from the very begining, while honoring that which is
honorable in all forms and casting off that which is not.

My two cents.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 05/20/07 02:25 AM
Bithiya so which are you step mother to Moses or Pharaohs Daughter?

I would have taken you for a high priestess rod and robes in hand.

I for one am proud to be able to call Eve an ancestor. She set us on
the path to glory. If she had not 'sinned' we would still be tending
that darn garden like good little sheep.

With out women we are but men. With women we are far greater.

As so without us you are but women. With us are you also greater.

Bithiyah's photo
Sun 05/20/07 03:22 AM
Hey AB,

I use the word Bithiyah according to meaning, the daughter of Yah.

I am greatful for Eve too, after all it is said her seed would redeem

And I myself am personaly glad to know when I am and am not naked
mistake, or not.

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/20/07 03:46 AM
flowerforyou Bithiyah you have made me so excited make no mistake i
keep think of you with no clothes:wink: bigsmile blushing

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/20/07 03:53 AM
goodness graceious me i made a typo oh im soembarassed i hope you can
all forgive me im so stupid i dont no watts going on do i.i just wasent
thinking i was so distracted my testosterone levels went
beZerrrrk.embarassed bigsmile