Topic: A Story : by Many Pens | |
Turek, the high Priest of the underworld heard the summons to Axio the Chyeene Shaolin...He looked ast the whimpering serf at his feet.
He had been torturing the insignaficant little bugger for the last two days..keeping him alive to see him suffer. "Oh well, playtime is over..." with a swift cut to the neck, the serf's head rolled across the floor. He unleashed the starved dogs who had been straining at their chains.. "Lunchtime...pets!" Crossing his arms, he nodded his head once and disapperaed. |
Edited by
Thu 07/30/09 05:30 PM
Xiao The Chyenne Shaolin was grateful she had accepted her cloned duplicate, a gift from Memphis Mephisto himself.
Xiao threw two poisoned stars, killing each dog within minutes. Silent Servants, enslaved enemies with their tongues removed, came forth to clean up the bloody clone bones. Just then Eiliki Mephisto walked into the room with her Wannabe Baboon Goon in the lead. "Another assasination attempt?" she asked, as she watched The Silent Servants go about their task. Xiao answered with a shrug and asked about her mission. "Someone blasted my implant with feedback and I lost track of Johhny Strokes, I left a Wannabe Baboon Goon at the spaceport to watch for Johnny." she replied. "And now?" she enquired. |
Turek stood outside the chambers of Xiao the Chyenne listening to their conversation..
She and Mephisto are awfully interested in Johnny..."but Johnny is in my employ" thought Turek..." I'd better see that they don't find him." He nodded once, and again vanished from sight. When he materilized once more he was looking at Johnny. Johnny was occupied at the moment..He and three whores from the Sud' and Studs were entwined in a very heated sexual excerise... |
Finding Johnny somewhat engaged and not apt to be going anywhere soon, Turek once again transported himself, this time he materilized in front of Jaq who had just relesed Peeno to go find Eiliki Mephisto.
" What are you doing here?' purred Jaq..."you know you mustn't be seen with me". Turek, stepping up close and looking down into her eyes, reached out and pushed a long thick whisp of hair from her face.."The time is near Jaq. I came for a report." |
The Wide Hipped Broad was hocking cigarettes and cigars from 100 worlds at the spaceport when Johnny a.k.a. Phil arrived.
"Gimme a pack of those Triple Tar toke sticks." Johnny said. "Sure dahlin'." she said with a wink and large toothless grin. Johnny ignored her as he paid and grabbed the Triple Tars. He couldn't wait to shed this disguise. Things were quickly falling apart, this whole job smelled like trouble. Maybe he should just set off the hidden bomb in Dude's Dive and get the hell out of Dodge. Dude wanted him to kill the Mephisto Patriarch and now mysterious purple woman wanted him to do the daughter as well. Perhaps more was going on than he could currently see. As he flicked his thrid butt to the ground he noticed Dude's SLave Spy, Droog Pyew. Maybe he should put the squeeze on him and see what the little **** has to say... |
![]() Jaq watched as Turek shifted into his true form...the leader of the mutants..She and Turek went a long way back together. He was her leader and lover. They fought many battles side by side and still he made her a little afraid. What was he going to say if she couldn't make Peeno kill the redhead? |
Edited by
Thu 08/13/09 04:59 AM
Still stinking like Pino coladas, Peeno played the role of drunken miner. Staggering close enough to Droog Pyew he flopped down beside him. Before Droog knew what was happening, Phil had a vice-like grip on Pyew's arm and a poison tipped dagger at his ribs.
"Start talking, if I like what I hear, I might not have to kill you." Phil E. Peeno said menacingly. Hesitant at first, the words began to flow out of Droog's weasel-like lips. He had been sent here to look for Johnny Strokes, who had been sent by his boss Dude Dudely to kill Eiliki Mephisto. Wether he succeeded or not, Dude apparently didn't care for what he really wanted was Johnny dead. In a rare act of compassion Phil let Droog go, also setting him free from Dude's bondage. After assuring Droog that Dude's days were numbered, Droog ran with out a glance back. ![]() Droog Pyew |
Turek reasched for Jaq. Not shrinking away, she let him pull her to him. His broad strong body was against her back. His mussle was in her hair, breathing deeply of her scent.
" You know I can smell your fear" he spoke. His voice deep and gravely. "I could kill you now and your powers would be nothing against me". Squirming her hips against him, she breasthed" Yes, but if you kill me now, you wouldn't be satisfied. Only I can please you. Take me now instead and then we'll decide when and how I must die. But only after we have taken over the mines." |
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Wed 08/19/09 04:56 AM
After freeing Droog Johnny saw one of Eiliki's Wannabe Baboon Goons. He pulled out his Technogismo and scanned the Wannabe Baboon's memory chip.
"We are going to Shaft Sixtynine, wait here and alert me the moment Johnny arrives..." So now he had a destination, he pondered his play as he set off for the Shaft. Once he left the spaceport he ate a pill that would revert the DNA disguise to reveal his real self. ![]() Johnny Strokes |
Edited by
Thu 08/20/09 11:35 AM
Turek turned to leave, "that was a nice deversion Jaq, but remember you're here for a reason. You barely escaped with your life on the last job I sent you on and this time I expect results. My army is at your command when you need them.Use them wisely. The mines will be mine!" With a howl that sent shivers down her spine, he was gone.
" No my fine furry lover, they will be mine along with Johnny!" She sat down to wait. Her transportation was on his way. Jared arrived just moments afer she sent for him. Stroking his rough jaw she purred, "take me to the enchanted lake,sweetings, we need to speak to the oracle there." Sweeping her up in his arms, they were off and in a blink of an eye, the lake was before them. ![]() |
When Dude Dudely's bar exploded nd went up in flames it didn't even rate a mention in the local rag. Though his former associates and enemies knew immediately, each wanting to take credit yet wondering who had done this. War would rage now in East Metro, till a new underworld leader emerged.
Authorities would turn a blind eye to this, actually quite content for the mobsters to eliminate one another. Johnny wondered if the Hack he flagged down would even be able to make this trip to the mines. They drove in the back way along a pockmarked road, with craters the size of the taxi itself. even coming in the back way he knew his presence wouldn't go totally unnoticed. The miners had to keep vigilant eye open because of the Mutants. To the Mutants the encampment was The Miner Diner. A scout came in and whispered in Xiao The Cheyenne Shaolin's ear... |
Jaq knelt before the Oracle, head bowed.
"What do you wish of me child? You have left our comforting shores for a life unknown to the People. Your path is not ours any longer." " I need what was pomised to my forefathers..I need it very badly!" Walking away from her, he frowned. Surley she was not asking for the Chalet? To drink from it was to unleash the Dark Being, The Bringer of Distruction for untold millions of beings. To hold the Planets under one Power. No, he'd never help her with that! Reading his mind, Jaq smiled and raised her head.."No, it is not the Chalet, I'm seeking, ...this time! But later, we'll see who will possess it." "I need the...." her words broke off as a scream erupted outside the walls. Dragons!!! They were attacking! ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/02/09 01:41 PM
Xiao grinned and nodded as the scout withdrew.
"Looks like your boy is coming to us." she said "What, why didn't my guard inform me?" Eiliki gasped. "Apparently this Johnny Strokes is more than he seems, but why you rely on cyborgs never ceases to amaze me. Superior beings will always prevail over bots." Xiao chuckled Johnny knew he was being watched even if couldn't see anyone as he entered Shaft Sixtynine. He kept his weapon secured, best not to appear hostile. What he was about to do would be hard enough, but he had the balls to pull it off, if they didn't cut them off before he could speak. He had heard the Leader of the Shaolin was ruthless but somewhat fair. As he entered the Hall he saw the woman from the bar and the other could only be the Leader of the Shaolin. He kept his eyes on Xiao as he walked up to her and spoke ... |
" Jared! At Once!" Jaq sent the silent message to her pet.
Jumping from the floor she raced across the room to where the Oracle was watching the fray outside the tower. She grabbed him around the neck and applied pressure. He slumped to the floor uncouncious. She took the ring from his fnger as Jared appeared bfore her. "We must leave at once. Back to the Mines!" He embraced her, and they were gone. Jaq arrrived at the mind just as Johnny exited the taxi...Silently she followed him inside Shaft Sixtynine. |
"Greetings Venerable Leader of the Shaolin" Johnny bowed.
"Come forth and speak Johnny Strokes." Xiao whispered with authority. I shouldn't be surprised she knows my name, Johnny thought, I better just lay it all out on the line. "I was hired by Dude Dudely to kill The Patriarch of the Mephisto Clan and on my way here I was knocked senseless by the purple wench from the bar and threatened to kill young Eiliki Mephisto also." Johnny spoke as he pulled out a Triple Tar, lit, took a long drag and continued. " I began to suspect something bigger was going on here than I knew. I also sensed I was being set up by Dude Dudely, so I detonated explosives I had hidden in his bar." "I have no idea where the purple one is now, I have no intention of carrying out her demand and am no longer obligated to my contract. I am at your service." Johnny bowed. Johnny was cool even with the possibiliy of his imminent death. Xiao's gaze revealed nothing as she listened to Johnny's story. She had already made up her mind but would let Johnny wonder what his fate would be awhile longer yet. |
Jaq stood ouside the Mineshaft Sixtynine, the tacks were behind her, an old string of cars waiting to be loaded. Somewhere in the distance she could hear the howling of the Mutants as they began their nightly hunt for food. It didn't distract from her listening to the conversation inside the building.
So Johnny Stokes was going to betray her...She wasn't suprised..pissant that he was. Her orders will still be carried out and from a very unexpected source.. |
Xiao The Cheyenne Shaolin called for tea. A servant appeared with a tray of three steaming cups of Jasmine green tea. Xiao questioned the servant with a look, who nodded as he served his master her tea. The servant served Eiliki and Johnny and left the hall.
Johnny thought, poisoned or not I must drink this tea. He glanced at Xiao and Eiliki, while sipping his tea. He didn't taste bitter he thought, but that didn't mean anything. Eiliki grabbed her stomach as her mouth foamed and her throat constricted. Her last puzzled gaze upon Xiao as she died. Johnny was surprised but kept composed. It wasn't a scenario he had considered. Xiao looked past Johnny's barely hidden shock to someone in the shadows. "My dear Jaq, come forth." Xiao spoke fondly. |
Jaq strode into Xios chambers as if she belonged there. Never once looking at Johnny Stokes, she gave a small bow and went to Xios side.
Leaning over, she kissed the cheek of the Leader of Shaolin. "Greetings Mother,thank you for inviting me to your little tea party." She looked over to Stokes as she spoke, seeing his eyes widening in surprise.."Johnny, how good of you to join us."she purred with a satisfied smile. Glancing at the prone figure on the floor she laughed.."looks like Jared will eat well this evening." |
Edited by
Mon 09/07/09 05:50 PM
With a look of mischief in her eyes, Xiao looked upon Johnny and said "I believe you've met my daughter, Jaq. You will work with her to eliminate The Mephisto Patriarch."
Johnny nodded to Xiao, and regaining his cool, gave Jaq his best smile. To Xiao he asked, "Was Dude in you employ? She replied, "No he was not, so there are still some unknown players in this game." "Go with Jaq to Lo Ming Central, see if you two can find out who else wants The Patriarch dead and why." Xiao continued. "And Johnny Strokes keep my daughter safe." Xiao entered into a meditative state as Jaq and Johnny left for Lo Ming Central. |
Edited by
Tue 09/08/09 11:30 AM
"Let's go this's shorter" Jaq purred..turning into a dark tunnel. She walked ahead of Johnny Stokes not bothering to see if he was followng or not.
"The Lo Ming Headquarters are the other way" he spoke to her back,"and I don't have your night vision". She laughed, a deep and provative laugh. "oh, as long as you can see don't need to see anything else!" From the darkness, Jonny Stokes could hear the scurring and skittering of something just out of his sight. Sounds carried far in the darkness of the tunnel, and he wasn't sure of what it was or where the sounds were coming from. He stopped to glance around, and when he looked to where he thought Jaq was, she was gone. "Jaq? Where are you" nothing but more skittering, closer now. "JAQ?" He was getting nervous. "Damn it Jaq, answer me!" He reached for his lighter, and something slammed into his back, throwing him off balance and into the side of the damp tunnel wall. He felt a hand closing over his wrist, holding it in a grip of steel. A putrid smell filled his nostrills.... ![]() " Jared!" Jaq's voice was stern.. a growl in her throat," release him at once! Go back to your meal..I'll call when you are needed." With a glowing light, Jared was gone. Turning once more, she growled, not at all friendly this time."Stay with have no idea what or who might be here this night!" |