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Topic: pseudo dates
no photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:11 PM
i've never been on a fukkin regular date and ur askin me about pseudo one's? noway grumble


no photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:11 PM

ahhh... the 'accidental' date.

my advice: pack a flask.

how does that happen, pray tell?

1) get flask
2) get bourbon
3) pour bourbon in flask
4) go on your miserable date

oh okay, i've had one of those then, but the alcohol came later.

michiganman3's photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:12 PM
Have your people call my people, we'll do lunch.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:12 PM

a couple of times i have,didn't work out though...doesn't mean yours won't....by the way are you going on a date with this guy?

LOL no. turns out one of the entourage girls was the love of his life who just became single.

and because i'm soo awesome, we sat together and he told me all about it.

i wanted to slug him and drown her in the toilet.

but i didn't.

i just sipped my fat girl (its a drink) and smiled kindly at him and wished him luck.


ooo don't you just love the guy who's hung up on a chick from his past?mad

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:26 PM

a couple of times i have,didn't work out though...doesn't mean yours won't....by the way are you going on a date with this guy?

LOL no. turns out one of the entourage girls was the love of his life who just became single.

and because i'm soo awesome, we sat together and he told me all about it.

i wanted to slug him and drown her in the toilet.

but i didn't.

i just sipped my fat girl (its a drink) and smiled kindly at him and wished him luck.


ooo don't you just love the guy who's hung up on a chick from his past?mad

and you're like "oohh hey thanks for wasting my time!!"


no photo
Wed 07/08/09 04:35 PM

a couple of times i have,didn't work out though...doesn't mean yours won't....by the way are you going on a date with this guy?

LOL no. turns out one of the entourage girls was the love of his life who just became single.

and because i'm soo awesome, we sat together and he told me all about it.

i wanted to slug him and drown her in the toilet.

but i didn't.

i just sipped my fat girl (its a drink) and smiled kindly at him and wished him luck.


ooo don't you just love the guy who's hung up on a chick from his past?mad

and you're like "oohh hey thanks for wasting my time!!"


yep yepfrustrated

monkdog8888's photo
Wed 07/08/09 05:52 PM
Yea, I went out on a psycho dtae once. I woke up, she was hitting me a whiskey bottle and then she tried to stab me and then .... Oh!! Pscudo date ...... Never mind blushing

Roco's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:14 PM
There is no such thing as a pseudo date, its a misnomer. People call it a pseudo date to feel less bad about themselves if they get rejected...or do the rejecting. Pseudo date is probably something a women made up.


lonetar25's photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:38 PM
all my dates are paswado
i always do the paswading too frustrated

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 08:54 PM

There is no such thing as a pseudo date, its a misnomer. People call it a pseudo date to feel less bad about themselves if they get rejected...or do the rejecting. Pseudo date is probably something a women made up.


yeah i know right?? since i'm a "women" i really know what b!thces we can be!!!laugh :tongue: :banana:

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