Topic: Crazy Phone Calls?????
buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:46 AM
i lived with abuse for 5 yrs... i chose not to live with it ...she is
keeping him around by this...

hotmom101780's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:47 AM
maybe she does not care about his penis maybe she just think it payback
for all the times he hit her I am still lmao

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:48 AM
cant get mor abusive than i had... i dont even have much fear of
violence anymore... ive been chocked so bad i passed out... my head thru
a window... a truck coming at me while putting opur daughter in car
seat.. to try to chop my legs off.. a car smashed into my house... just
for a few...

oldsage's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:49 AM
Whitewolf, if your just looking for friends, why limit it to female
contacts? I see your married & you say very happy.

Looking for friends is cool, the limits make me wonder.
also would suggest you look at the thread for newbies.
We treat people with respect in here, I think you came off a little
sarcastic there with buttons. She has a right to say what she thinks,
w/o being told to go live with the guy.

whitewolfus007's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:49 AM
yeah buttons it is making her feel better after all those years of abuse
wouldn't you feel better ? besides you don't even know the whole story
so you just need to move in with him to get the full effect.

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:50 AM
ever have your dog strangled by its chain before?

TwilightsTwin's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:50 AM

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:50 AM he's not as c*cksure as he once was..huh huh

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:51 AM
how about holding your 2 yr old in your arms cause of the yelling while
u are 8 months pregnant and getting punched in the stomach eh?

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:54 AM
facts are i moved on.... i got the strength to leave... hell yea i was
scared but if he died would it be funny? hell it just would not phase
me a bit... cause i dont care about a person like that... like twilight
said karma yes... i agree...

whitewolfus007's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:55 AM
hey oldsage hotmom is my wife and i am happily married and if anyone has
a problem it should be her but she doesn't so back off plz.the guy
almost got his abusive ass chopped off which he probly deserves .and if
i had my way that isn't all he would loose but out of respect for her
and the kids they have together i will behave myself .

oldsage's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:58 AM
Well you have aright to your OPINION
& everyone else has a right to theirs.
You sound rather aggressive yourself, to me.
But again that just an OPINION.
Don't think I need to "back off"
Just asked a question.

ladypegasus's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:59 AM
I'm not trying to add fuel to the fire or keep the fight going but
thank God her older children were not there to see him drag her out of a
vehicle when she was 6 1/2 months pregnant. And yes I was there for
that. I was the one that kept the 2 older ones while she was in the
hospital at 8 months having an emergency c-section in which we almost
lost both of them.

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:00 AM
wow didnt know hotmom was married....... ever take a look at her
profile? says divorced and looking for a man for a relationship....
furthermore ive seen her threads she makes..

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:00 AM
yea lady abuse is so wrong..... i know it is....

oldsage's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:00 AM
Plot thickens

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:02 AM

whitewolfus007's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:02 AM
well buttons is that all ....he did to you becouse i was 2 and watched
my dad put a gun to my moms head and pull the triger and said the next
time it will be loaded then turned around and pionting it at me and back
then he could get away with anything and nobody would do a dam thing
about it and if you would like for me to keep going i can tell you
stories that would make your ex-old man look like an angel

whitewolfus007's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:05 AM
well butons i'm going to ask her to marry me soon and i said i was
maried for the simple fact i don't see myself with anyone else but her hotmom WILL YOU MARRY ME ?

buttons's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:06 AM
well yea my kids gave me the strength to leave.... for i didnt want them
to endure anymore than they already did... the worst part is for the
kids....... but my son was 1 when i got the nerve to did
continue afterwards for a bit... finally it stopped... wasnt invited
stuff though it was him stalking me.. abusive people are un
beleivable!!! and of course there was way more... but those are
examples... and im sorry u went through the abuse.....