Topic: Petition for Michigan Debates
davinci1952's photo
Thu 05/17/07 09:31 PM
The GOP is trying like hell to keep Ron Paul out
of the next debates...IF YOU WANT to help go to
this link and send a message to include him

hungary22's photo
Thu 05/17/07 09:40 PM
how do people feel about ron paul.

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 05/18/07 06:32 AM
Davinci, I did some research on Ron Paul and while admitting that I knew
nothing of him before that, I feel that he is way out on a limb on
"those who are trying to erase our southern and northern borders to
create a north American state". Thoop thoop thoop thoop, here come the
black helicopters again. Found several articles, in fact most of them,
on a website called The Daily Conspiracy. The net's equivalent of The
National Enquirer? Enough said. I do agree with him on Eminent Domain
and taxes. I will do more research but at this point I would have to
give him the thumbs down.drinker

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 07:22 AM
Zap: I like his consistency in his years on the hill and also his
emphasis on the one time he was a libertarian...maybe
it depends what websites you visit?...they can all bend things to fit
their own agenda...go to Ron Pauls website and listen to the excerpts
from the debates...I cannot in good conscious vote for any of the other
candidates...they are all like day old food left on the counter
overnite...and that applies to dems & republicans...we would be lucky to
find a hand full that are not in the back pocket of some PAC
At one time I was a treasurer for the dems in minn...but went on to
become very involved in the Perot campaign (and I know he was considered
a whack job....but I felt strongly then like now that a 3rd party
movement is necessary)..and I was also active in the Jesse Ventura
campaign in Minn..(again..a 3rd party movement..successful)...

Have you ever listened to RBN network online..(republic Broadcasting
network.)?...Listen to Dancoff (sp) from 7am -10 (central)...covers a
lot of topics conservative in may
enjoy it...also John Statmueller from 4pm - 6 (central)...

As far as Ron Paul on the war which has caused so much's my
take on his position:
"We have meddled for years in mideast politics and as a result have
fostered a "blow back" effect in the form of hatred of the US by
extremists (this is a CIA summary)"...he also points out that Reagen put
marines in lebanon ..and then after over 200 were blown to bits he
pulled all of them out of there..while admitting "that we cannot
understand the schizo nature of politics in that region"...So Paul's
point is...reagan can pull out troops without being labeled soft on
military action etc...but he did have the courage of his convictions
admitting that maybe we should leave those people to their own
demise...and Paul says our current president should have the same kind
of courage...

to me that is a far cry from saying I am against the war & want to
immediately withdraw troops...

like I said..I like Pauls consistency..and his adherence to
constituional principles.....

It sounds funny for me to admit...but I think a great team would be Ron
Paul & Pat Buchanon
and years ago I thought Buchanon was a nut job...funny how we change..

GaMail50's photo
Fri 05/18/07 09:23 AM
I don't know much about Ron Paul but if he's a Republican candidate he
should be in the debate. Let the people decide who is and isn't a
credible candidate.

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 05/18/07 08:47 PM
Yeah davinci, we do change over time it seems. You seem to have me
pegged as a conservative. I like to think of myself as fiscally
conservative but socially moderate. I agree that Ron Paul should not be
excluded from the debates. What scares me is his relatively low
popularity, which exists for whatever reason there may be, and as we
know, the low popularity of the "independant" party garnered enough
votes to push Clinton into the oval office. I have no choice at this
point and I respect your passion. I will continue to watch all
candidates closely. Currently, I don't like any of them.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 05/18/07 10:17 PM
I'm not quite ready to call myself a conservative...somewhere between
libertarian & constitutionalist...
I do think TPTB use phrases like "wasted 3rd party vote" and others to
keep us entranched in the 2 party system...which ultimately means no
change...since both parties are the same in my eyes..
Of course if Ron Paul begins to make enuf noise & gathers significant
numbers they will take him way or another.....

worse case scenerio for me..guiliani or hillary clinton...either would
be a nightmarenoway

Zapchaser's photo
Fri 05/18/07 10:20 PM
Yup, I'm with you there. drinker

Fanta46's photo
Sat 05/19/07 11:56 AM
John Edwards an honest candidate!!!drinker drinker

davinci1952's photo
Sat 05/19/07 01:56 PM
Edwards is appealing...but he groveled at the feet of PNAC to get his
share of the loot...
arm in arm with Hillary filling their pockets with israeli
money...noway noway