Topic: how do you really get over on ex?
PATSFAN's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:30 PM
Surround yourself with good friends & time!

lonetar25's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:32 PM
i think friends and corrianda is fine too

unsure's photo
Fri 07/03/09 04:42 PM
You just have to give yourself time...obviously there was a reason that it just couldn't work out? Some times NO matter how much we are IN love with someone, it is just not meant to be.
You can not sit and dwell on it, obviously your ex has moved you need to move on. By moving on I mean stop being obsessive over that love. That love is gone but not forgotten, but its time to start healing. Go out with your friends and have fun BUT that doesn't mean to play childish games with the ex! Live your life and let them live theirs!
Good Luck flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:00 PM

I'm not sure how parading my new boyfriend would get her attention. Aside from the fact that she turned me gay. That might be overkill.

i just perved your profile to see if you're joking, and i'm still not sure. so i'll just back away from this subject very slowly.

simple_me's photo
Fri 07/03/09 05:50 PM
even me dont know wat to do...

cherry5's photo
Fri 07/03/09 08:51 PM
you have to break all ties. In time you'll see him and feel nothing. It took me three yrs to get over one guy that i came the closest to loving completely cause we never completely stopped all contact. Then about 6 months ago I quit talking to him cause i realized how much it was hurting my relationships. He now lives three houses down frome me with his girlfriend and since hes also friends with mine he comes over here and plays pool all the time. I thought it would hurt seeing him so much but now im fine

bikerbabe63's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:09 PM

How do you get over someone that you've loved so much you know things will never work out so it had to end.How do you deal with seeing them with someone else and not have it hurt like hell while you are still alone?

Probably not much help... but...

Accept it.

If you choose an end for your reasons, your reasons were valid...

Sometimes love lets go because it must.

Letting go does not mean looseing the love.

That remains...

[/quote ...and after this what?

Gossipmpm's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:11 PM
Just live life to the fullest!!

michiganman3's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:17 PM
Forgive them, why carry all that bitterness in your heart.

Forgive yourself, for your own mistakes in the relationship.

Learn from it, grow from it.

Wait til the raw wound becomes a scar, then just a friendly reminder.

patsfan64's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:19 PM
How does one get over an ex? Quite simple really, throw them off of a bridge. Sometimes it's the simple solutions that evade us.

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:23 PM

How does one get over an ex? Quite simple really, throw them off of a bridge. Sometimes it's the simple solutions that evade us.

laugh laugh laugh laugh so bad...

XNAVY19892007's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:34 PM
well in my case it was simple, she turned into the spawn of satan, no **** her SSN ends in 666, her own mom n dad and sister backe dme in the divorce

patsfan64's photo
Fri 07/03/09 09:37 PM

well in my case it was simple, she turned into the spawn of satan, no **** her SSN ends in 666, her own mom n dad and sister backe dme in the divorce

I'd be very careful of anyone backing you in a divorce! That's how you get @&*!ed

Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Fri 07/03/09 11:04 PM
you learn to be independent without them. you learn to love being with just yourself. doing things with yourself.

you learn to accept the consequences of your actions and move on with your life.

because if you don't... you'll just ruin yourself. no one else.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:02 AM

How do you get over someone that you've loved so much you know things will never work out so it had to end.How do you deal with seeing them with someone else and not have it hurt like hell while you are still alone?

Probably not much help... but...

Accept it.

If you choose an end for your reasons, your reasons were valid...

Sometimes love lets go because it must.

Letting go does not mean looseing the love.

That remains...

[/quote ...and after this what?

Life is...

You either live it or not...

as you choose.

no photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:04 AM

How do you get over someone that you've loved so much you know things will never work out so it had to end.How do you deal with seeing them with someone else and not have it hurt like hell while you are still alone?

You get over your ex by running over them at over 25 MPH. Otherwise, you'll just kinda push them down the street. laugh

no photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:05 AM

How do you get over someone that you've loved so much you know things will never work out so it had to end.How do you deal with seeing them with someone else and not have it hurt like hell while you are still alone?

You get over your ex by running over them at over 25 MPH. Otherwise, you'll just kinda push them down the street. laugh

i like that ideadrinker

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:06 AM

How do you get over someone that you've loved so much you know things will never work out so it had to end.How do you deal with seeing them with someone else and not have it hurt like hell while you are still alone?

I was told once by an ex I was with for 13 years... I will never forget how it helped me to get over him... I asked him how he was getting over me so easily after all the time we'd spent together, and he said...
"I just put one foot in front of the other... and keep walking...

Roco's photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:15 AM
out of sight/ out of mind usually works -- move somewhere else..different city, state, continent


no photo
Sat 07/04/09 01:20 AM

out of sight/ out of mind usually works -- move somewhere else..different city, state, continent


this is true