Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 27
5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:12 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:17 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

Huh! I wonder if she was attacked by Peter cottontaillaugh

5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:18 PM
So, Betty, can you take a bath without fear, or do you have to take showers?
Did something happen when you were small?

carold's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:20 PM

Doing pretty good.
Boy, the sky is getting REALLY dark.....I better check the weather channel!

You getting another storm ...Tim has a BFF!:wink:

Weird....they said bad storms tomorrow night..... nothing til then...the sky sure looks different...oh well

Are you afraid of storms Mary?

Heavens no....been in lots of tornadoes too. Not too much scares me except driving. I have a honest to God phobia with driving and cannot do it. I did when I was young, then one day couldn't. Don't know why...never been in an accident, however, when I was 13, I was hit by a car and spent a month in the hospital. is a REAL handicap, believe me!

Maybe you are afraid of all the maniacs behind the wheel these days.

Could be. I can't breathe, I shake and cry...a real phobia. I feel like such a weird-o and ashamed that I cannot conquer it! I DO NOT like to be dependent on someone just to go is VERY isolating!!!

Wow Mary
something must have happened that you have blocked out of your memory.
I am like that very thing in a lake or even a pool.I can be around or on the water but I can't be in it.
I would love to take water arobics but Iam terrified of the water.
When people invite me to a pool party I always decline unless I know they are the type that won't bug me about it.

Isn't the mind an interesting thing? I asked people if something happened and they said no...just can't figure it out! I tried and tried, just can't do it. Makes me sooooooo uncomfortable when people almost get ugly telling me to get off my a## and do it....they just don't understand. I do not bug people to take me places either....I only get grocies once a month even.

It really is. people should just leave you alone about it. Their nagging doesn't do anything to help. People have been bugging me all my life about what I'm missing.I choose to miss it so leave me the H...alone . It.s my business not theirs. I think it makes them feel superior or something.
Well you get around pretty good with all you've done with school and work :)

5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:20 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

Huh! I wonder if she was attacked by Peter cottontaillaugh

It was horrible for her. A coworker thought she was cute and poured a whole bag of cotton balls in her desk drawer so when she opened it, they would tumble out....she almost had a heart wasn't that funny to me! Poor girl!

carold's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:22 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.
I knew someone with the same thing.

5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:22 PM

Doing pretty good.
Boy, the sky is getting REALLY dark.....I better check the weather channel!

You getting another storm ...Tim has a BFF!:wink:

Weird....they said bad storms tomorrow night..... nothing til then...the sky sure looks different...oh well

Are you afraid of storms Mary?

Heavens no....been in lots of tornadoes too. Not too much scares me except driving. I have a honest to God phobia with driving and cannot do it. I did when I was young, then one day couldn't. Don't know why...never been in an accident, however, when I was 13, I was hit by a car and spent a month in the hospital. is a REAL handicap, believe me!

Maybe you are afraid of all the maniacs behind the wheel these days.

Could be. I can't breathe, I shake and cry...a real phobia. I feel like such a weird-o and ashamed that I cannot conquer it! I DO NOT like to be dependent on someone just to go is VERY isolating!!!

Wow Mary
something must have happened that you have blocked out of your memory.
I am like that very thing in a lake or even a pool.I can be around or on the water but I can't be in it.
I would love to take water arobics but Iam terrified of the water.
When people invite me to a pool party I always decline unless I know they are the type that won't bug me about it.

Isn't the mind an interesting thing? I asked people if something happened and they said no...just can't figure it out! I tried and tried, just can't do it. Makes me sooooooo uncomfortable when people almost get ugly telling me to get off my a## and do it....they just don't understand. I do not bug people to take me places either....I only get grocies once a month even.

It really is. people should just leave you alone about it. Their nagging doesn't do anything to help. People have been bugging me all my life about what I'm missing.I choose to miss it so leave me the H...alone . It.s my business not theirs. I think it makes them feel superior or something.
Well you get around pretty good with all you've done with school and work :)

Lots and lots of hour long one way city bus rides...yuck! Makes the days sooooo long!

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:22 PM

So, Betty, can you take a bath without fear, or do you have to take showers?
Did something happen when you were small?

Oh yeah Baths don't bother me .Its large or deep bodies of water that I cannot go in.
Yes there were a few things at my uncles cottage involving the lake that happened when I was little. I still have nightmares sometimes all these years later.

carold's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:23 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

Huh! I wonder if she was attacked by Peter cottontaillaugh

It was horrible for her. A coworker thought she was cute and poured a whole bag of cotton balls in her desk drawer so when she opened it, they would tumble out....she almost had a heart wasn't that funny to me! Poor girl!
People can be cruel

5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:24 PM

So, Betty, can you take a bath without fear, or do you have to take showers?
Did something happen when you were small?

Oh yeah Baths don't bother me .Its large or deep bodies of water that I cannot go in.
Yes there were a few things at my uncles cottage involving the lake that happened when I was little. I still have nightmares sometimes all these years later.

:cry: I'm child should be traumatised.
Hug that little girl inside of you for me will ya?

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:25 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

Huh! I wonder if she was attacked by Peter cottontaillaugh

It was horrible for her. A coworker thought she was cute and poured a whole bag of cotton balls in her desk drawer so when she opened it, they would tumble out....she almost had a heart wasn't that funny to me! Poor girl!

No it isn't and I shouldn't have joked about it.I am really sorry .
The Peter cottontail may not have been far off though if something about that fairytale frightened here. Or maybe it had to do with a doctor ..who knows but it is sad.

Snoman1951's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:25 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

Huh! I wonder if she was attacked by Peter cottontaillaugh

It was horrible for her. A coworker thought she was cute and poured a whole bag of cotton balls in her desk drawer so when she opened it, they would tumble out....she almost had a heart wasn't that funny to me! Poor girl!
That's the trouble with fear....somebodies always tryin' to scare ya

5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:27 PM

It is all clear to me now.... I have a phobia of work laugh laugh laugh laugh

Its nice to know you have another phobia besides me!laugh

laugh I had a friend that was scared to death of cotton balls of all things...she couldn't even take the cotton out of a medicine bottle.

Huh! I wonder if she was attacked by Peter cottontaillaugh

It was horrible for her. A coworker thought she was cute and poured a whole bag of cotton balls in her desk drawer so when she opened it, they would tumble out....she almost had a heart wasn't that funny to me! Poor girl!

No it isn't and I shouldn't have joked about it.I am really sorry .
The Peter cottontail may not have been far off though if something about that fairytale frightened here. Or maybe it had to do with a doctor ..who knows but it is sad.

No offense taken. I often wondered if it was shots when she was little.

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:27 PM

So, Betty, can you take a bath without fear, or do you have to take showers?
Did something happen when you were small?

Oh yeah Baths don't bother me .Its large or deep bodies of water that I cannot go in.
Yes there were a few things at my uncles cottage involving the lake that happened when I was little. I still have nightmares sometimes all these years later.

:cry: I'm child should be traumatised.
Hug that little girl inside of you for me will ya?

Funny thing is...sometimes it doesn't take all that much to traumzatize a child.

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:29 PM
Are you still here Tim or have we scared you away?

5x10's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:30 PM

So, Betty, can you take a bath without fear, or do you have to take showers?
Did something happen when you were small?

Oh yeah Baths don't bother me .Its large or deep bodies of water that I cannot go in.
Yes there were a few things at my uncles cottage involving the lake that happened when I was little. I still have nightmares sometimes all these years later.

:cry: I'm child should be traumatised.
Hug that little girl inside of you for me will ya?

Funny thing is...sometimes it doesn't take all that much to traumzatize a child.

No it doesn't. Adults should always remember that little eyes, ears, and hearts take in EVERYTHING and to be careful at what you say and do.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:31 PM

Are you still here Tim or have we scared you away?
scared scared scared scared bigsmile I was reading the news

Snoman1951's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:34 PM

Are you still here Tim or have we scared you away?
scared scared scared scared bigsmile I was reading the news
Anything GOOD laugh laugh laugh

BettyB's photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:35 PM
You are so right there Mary.
My kids were terrified about the tooth Fairy putting money under their pillow. I had to revamp that whole thing .put their little tooth in an envelope in the mailbox outside and when they woke up their would be money in the envelope. That way the fairy never came in the house which freaked the heck out of them.

no photo
Wed 07/08/09 07:36 PM

So, Betty, can you take a bath without fear, or do you have to take showers?
Did something happen when you were small?

Oh yeah Baths don't bother me .Its large or deep bodies of water that I cannot go in.
Yes there were a few things at my uncles cottage involving the lake that happened when I was little. I still have nightmares sometimes all these years later.

:cry: I'm child should be traumatised.
Hug that little girl inside of you for me will ya?

Funny thing is...sometimes it doesn't take all that much to traumzatize a child.

No it doesn't. Adults should always remember that little eyes, ears, and hearts take in EVERYTHING and to be careful at what you say and do.
yea now you tell me...
when my oldest was little and our 2nd was on the way I was joking with her n said if we have another girl we we going to get rid of her ( I dont think I said iut quit that way) anyway after my 2nd daughter was born Melanie was so upset.. I didnt even remember saying it.. I felt so bad took her out for dinner geee im getting sad thinking about it:cry: